An International Timeline Of False Rape Allegations 1674-2015
Compiled And Annotated By Alexander Baron


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April 29, 1674: This case of a Frenchman falsely accused appears in the Old Bailey proceedings, so dated.

August 28, 1678: This case from the Old Bailey proceedings sees a married man bringing home a piece of nookie and being caught in flagrante delicto by the lady of the house, who then proceeds to beat the girl, who then cries rape. The reader is invited to compare this case with that of false accuser Heather Atkinsplus ça change !!

August 28, 1678: Another case from the Old Bailey proceedings; a man is cleared of raping a child. Details are scant, but this false allegation could have been made for a number of reasons, including a GENUINE MISTAKE.

March 2, 1686: An alleged rape on this date is heard in the Old Bailey proceedings, and is found to be an attempt at extortion. File under GIVE ME MONEY.

September 10, 1696: With a little help from his brother John, Richard Birchman is alleged to have raped Eleanor Bouchier. In May 1697, he is acquitted at the Old Bailey; all three appear to have been the worse for drink.

February 26, 1699: Charles Reileigh, Thomas Rumsey and Moses Sunbury are accused of rape by Anne Hamlet, a widow of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Their court martial is held aboard the Resolution on March 6, 1699, during which she fesses up. Details can be found at Kew in file ADM 106/483, document 213. And here is the actual document.

October 8, 1715: William Willis is alleged to have raped 14 year old Phebe Shaw. The case is tried at the Old Bailey on December 7, 1715; Willis is acquitted when the defence adduces considerable evidence that this was a malicious prosecution engineered by the girl’s mother.

February 3, 1716: Richard Newall is alleged to have raped Elizabeth Morris. He is tried at the Old Bailey and acquitted on April 11, 1716. This appears to have been yet another malicious prosecution, though it remains to be seen if Elizabeth Morris was solely responsible.

May 31, 1718: Jacob Wykes and John Johnson are alleged to have raped a married woman, Johnson is said to have assisted rather than carried out the actual rape. In July 1718, they are acquitted at the Old Bailey. Married or not, Ann Cooper appears to have been a SERIAL FALSE ACCUSER if not a serial false rape accuser, her motives being entirely pecuniary.

November 14, 1720: Daniel Collins is said to have raped Mary Powell. On January 13, 1721, he is cleared at the Old Bailey; the court was of the opinion that this was an extortion attempt.

1736: Historia Placitorum Coronæ by Sir Matthew Hale is published posthumously. Click here for more.

January 16, 1754: Jane Darcy appears at the Old Bailey where in the words of Counsel for the Prosecution she pleads guilty to taking part in “one of the most wicked conspiracies that ever appeared before this court”, to wit, extracting money from the wealthy John Delafont under threat of accusing him of rape – a capital offence. The other parties were her husband and a man named William Walker. Her co-conspirators did not appear with her. File this one under both GIVE ME MONEY and NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY.

October 5, 1754: Benjamin Jones is accused of raping Sarah Robertson. He is found not guilty on January 16, 1755 at the Old Bailey. On October 22, 1755 at the same court, Robertson and her accomplice John Hunt are convicted of perverting justice by framing him. File this one under NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY.

July 6, 1755: John Baynham is accused of raping the 14 year old Elizabeth Broadben assisted by the widow Sarah Clifton, who is indicted with him. They stand trial at the Old Bailey and are found not guilty. Subsequently, Charles Frederick Wirsanthall is indicted for suborning perjury against the two. On May 28, 1756, he is convicted at the same court. Elizabeth Broadben (spelt here Broadbent) and Rachel Hannet testify against him. A remarkable tale – call it CONSPIRACY.

June 23, 1756: This is a very strange case from the Old Bailey sessions. On April 20, 1757, John Morris stood trial for the rape of Mary Shortney; he was acquitted. On December 7, 1757, there was a second trial: “Terence Shortney, Mary Shortney, Fared Leigh, and Edmund Thomas Warren, were indicted for a conspiracy, for that they did unlawfully and wickedly contrive and conspire together to prosecute John Morris for a rape, pretended to have been committed by him, on the body of the said Mary Shortney, with intent to extort money from him”. All four were acquitted. File this one under CONSPIRACY.

December 27, 1760: This false allegation from Scotland against a Glasgow man named John Finlay which appears to have been made up out of the whole cloth, found its way into a newspaper. This report is extracted from The Decisions of the Court of Session: From Its Institution Until the Separation of the Court Into Two Divisions in the Year 1808, Volumes 7-8. File under POISON PEN LETTER.

May 2, 1763: Mary Heather claims to have been raped by John Medows (also known as John Meads) on said date. He stands trial at the Old Bailey, and is acquitted on September 14, 1763. She stands trial for perjury at the same court; on January 13, 1764 she is convicted and sentenced to be transported. Here is the original entry.

August 3, 1768: David Taylor tries to collect a debt from Anne Wingate (and her husband); she accuses him of rape. He is found not guilty on September 7, 1758 at the Old Bailey.

September 12, 1787: John Ince is accused of raping a young girl named Cornelia Winter. He stands trial at the Old Bailey and is acquitted on October 24, 1787. It remains to be seen why this man was accused, probably she was in his company at some point, but from the little information given here, it appears to have been a GENUINE MISTAKE. There are a number of medical conditions that can be confused with child sexual abuse, especially in young girls. That appears to have been the case here, and indeed medical evidence was presented to that effect.

November 8, 1807: John Faden of the Royal Marines is accused of raping Elizabeth Stapleford at his barracks in Portsmouth. The girl tells one of her sisters and her mother about the outrage the following morning, but, inter alia, evidence is given to the effect that had she in fact been raped, the bloke in the next apartment would have heard her cry out. Not guilty, M’lud.

[The above is based on a report in the London Times, March 15, 1808, page 4].

October 18, 1814: James Harris is alleged to have raped Susannah Woodward; the non-victim did not accuse him until she was visibly pregnant. Harris was arrested, tried and acquitted. In March 1817, Susannah Woodward, her sister Sarah and their father the Reverend Robert Woodward stood trial at Bedford Assizes. All three conspirators were convicted, and bearing in mind that rape was capital at this time, they received extremely lenient sentences, he of two years; his daughters of one year apiece. The one unresolved question is who was the baby’s father? It was not James Harris.

[The above is based on a report in the London Times, March 24, 1817, page 3].

October 31, 1843: At the Central Criminal Court, Andrew M’Donough is acquitted of the rape of Margaret Somerville. Click here for more.

June 12, 1844: A police officer appears in court at Marylebone, London, accused of raping Rosetta Catherine Bassan. He says the sex was consensual and that she made this allegation because he refused to marry her. The magistrate agrees, but says also that Thomas Smyth is no longer fit to keep the Queen’s peace. He is not the last police officer in this database to have thrown away his career for a leg over.

[The above is based on a report in the London Times, June 13, 1844, page 8].

December 28, 1849: Illiterate farm servant Mary Anne Bennett accuses Isaac Hopkins and Shadrach Lewis of rape. Click here for more.

February 19, 1851: Catherine Dunn is indicted for perjury after testifying that she had been raped by her master Mr E.S. Davies. This report is from The Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday, February 20, 1851, page 3. The following month it is reported she was convicted and sentenced to 3 years at hard labour in Sydney Gaol, which was alluded to as a lenient sentence. How times have changed!

September 16, 1854: The Anna Koch case is reported by the New York Times; click here for more.

May 12, 1858: This article from The Hampshire Advertiser, May 15, 1858, page 3, reports on the acquittal at the Central Criminal Court of James Harrison for the rape of mother of six Mary Southeran.

October 27, 1858: A letter published under the heading HALLUCINATION WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF CHLOROFORM; click here for more.

August 23, 1859: This is the date of this imaginary offence in Newport, Wales. Catherine Murray claimed the surgeon David Owen had raped her. When he and his servant Sarah Phillips appeared in court, the latter charged as an accessory, it was Murray who ended up behind bars. She was said to have previously falsely accused a soldier of raping her. This report appeared in The Cardiff And Merthyr Guardian, April 7, 1860, page 6. This woman was very likely a SERIAL FALSE ACCUSER.

March 17, 1861: This Australian case sees servant girl Matilda Bulleen caught in flagrante delicto with Emanuel Reed. Probably as a result of that, she accuses him of rape, but the truth comes out at his trial the following month: the two engaged in sex regularly, and on this occasion he stopped by for a quickie. Shame on her. And SHAME her case is filed under.

June 2, 1863: This article which appeared in the Dundee Advertiser, page 6, on said date, reports on an apparent conspiracy to extract money from a Worcestershire clergyman. Or it may have been Mrs Harriet Tyler was simply a HEAD CASE. Whatever, no one appears to have believed her, for obvious reasons.

January 19, 1864: At Maitland, Australia, four men are alleged to have raped a young woman. The tables are turned on her, and she is ordered to stand trial for perjury.

January 13, 1866: An Australian press report so dated makes an observation that remains true today, sometimes little credence can be placed on the testimony heard in rape cases – for both accuser and accused. In this case, a married woman named Greaves accused James Dunne of raping her, saying that she had never been intimate with him. She told her solicitor something different, namely that Dunne was in the habit of staying the night. And they were obviously not playing chess! In his role as an officer of the court, her solicitor drew this to the attention of the bench. Dunne was acquitted.

August 1866: At Chard in the West Country, a young woman deposes on oath that a man named Porter had “acted indecently towards her”. No further details of this false allegation are given, but allowing for the restrained language used in such reports at the time and from the sentence of hard labour – a whole year of it – one can assume that she accused him of probably attempted rape if not actual rape. This report appeared on the front page of The Canterbury Journal AND FARMERS’ GAZETTE. The full stop is part of the title!

January 5, 1867: In this Australian case, John Lynch is acquitted of the rape of Eliza M’Kay Gunnell, a teenager of loose morals, who clearly had not suffered “the worst possible outrage that a woman can suffer.” An aside here, New Year’s Day appears to be an extraordinarily popular date for false rape allegations.

December 1868: Harriet Tuffin is allegedly raped by Samuel Goodchild. He stands trial at Boxford, Suffolk, where the case against him collapses under cross-examination. This report appeared on page 5 of the March 11, 1869 issue of THE Suffolk & Essex Free Press. AND ADVERTISER FOR THE EASTERN COUNTIES.

April 10, 1870: At Philadelphia, married woman Sarah Gore is fined $500 and sentenced to seven years for perjury in the wake of the acquittal of her victim, a man named Weiner. Gore had attempted to blackmail him; in sentencing her, Judge Parson said this was not her first such blackmail attempt, and that some of the others had been successful. File this one under GIVE ME MONEY.

February 19, 1875: William Bell and Philip Routledge face a rape trial at Carlisle where the jurors decide they want to deliberate in spite of the judge, Baron Pollock, suggesting he dismiss the case. They return with a not guilty verdict. The unnamed complainant had been examined by a doctor who had concluded she was not only lying about other matters but subject to hysteria and delusions.

[The above is based the report in the London Times, February 22, 1875, page 11].

November 27, 1877: This is a particularly distasteful case from South Australia involving an extortion attempt; the perpetrator is neither a first offender nor a woman. On said date, George Evans made a false allegation against David Bennett – the details of the case being unfit for publication! On April 3, 1878, he was convicted after a jury trial before Mr Justice Stow, and in view of his quite appalling rap sheet, was sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labour.

April 7, 1881: In this Australian case, Edward Drake is accused by his servant, the 15 year old Margaret Taylor of raping her two nights in a row in her own bed, March 29-30 and March 30-31. This came as a surprise to his wife, and to the other occupant of the house, Miss Tremain. On June 25, 1881, Margaret Taylor was tried for and convicted of perjury. She was given a 12 month sentence.

August 14, 1881: A very brief report from New Zealand. According to The Manawatu Times, August 17, 1881, page 3, Thomas Nees appears in court accused of rape; the medical evidence shows otherwise; he is acquitted.

August 18, 1883: Tom Hamilton is accused of sexually violating the teenage Jennie Hood. He is arrested and bailed, then the girl recants. This report is from a newspaper called The Times which was published at Streator, Illinois. The Ottawa at the bottom of the page is Ottawa, Illinois rather than Ottawa, Canada. It is unclear from said report if this girl really had been violated by another man; I think the most likely explanation is that she had begun menstruating and was terrified something horrible was happening to her body. It wasn’t really until the 1960s that most women felt comfortable about discussing this subject with their daughters.

February 29, 1884: In New South Wales, servant girl Sarah Godson has it off with George Wright then shortly accuses him of rape. The case is dismissed by a magistrate the following week.

July 4-13, 1885: The Maiden Tribute Of Modern Babylon

The above is a famous series of articles by W.T. Stead. This was part of a campaign, rightly alluded to by its detractors as a moral panic. Its result was that in England the age of consent was raised from 13 to 16. Notwithstanding Stead’s dishonest methods, the end result was beneficial. There has for some time been a movement to lower the age of consent, including by the homosexual lobby. No surprises there. Hopefully, nothing will come of it. (The website linked above has been archived by the Wayback Machine should it ever disappear).

August 8, 1885: This case from Adelaide, Australia, sees Bridget Fitzgerald accusing a teenager named John Reardon of a violent rape in the street. There was some suggestion this was a case of mistaken identity, but that seems unlikely. At any rate, it took the jury only a few minutes to find the accused not guilty.

September 2, 1886: At Berry Pomeroy in the West of England, teenage fish hawker George Neel is accused of raping Mrs Mary Evans. This is a very strange case which resulted in the acquittal of the accused, the woman having been drunk, but the behaviour of her husband, well...

While Neel and a man called Thomas Harrington (who supported his version of events) do appear the more credible, the remarks of the judge are worth commenting on: “during the 11 years he had been on the Bench he had known more absolutely false charges for rape than for any other offence. As had been remarked more than 200 years ago, it was a charge easily made, but very difficult to disprove.”

[The above case was reported by The Western Times, November 5, 1886].

September 1887: John Hanmer is convicted of the rape of Sarah Edwards, and is given a ten year sentence, in spite of a witness who claimed the encounter was consensual. The following year, Sarah is stricken by her conscience, and fesses up. Hanmer is pardoned by Kentucky Governor Simon Bolivar Buckner. This article was published in the Kentucky Advocate (Danville, Kentucky), December 14, 1888, page 5. If you read it carefully you will see Hanmer was ASKING FOR IT, well, sort of.

1888: At Elyria, Ohio, the wife of the Reverend J.S. Underwood drops her knickers for a black dude named William Offett then accuses him of rape. He is convicted and given a heavy sentence. It could have been worse! Eventually, good Christian slut that she is, she fesses up. This article appeared on the front page of THE CLEVELAND GAZETTE, January 16, 1892.

August 1889: A young girl named Mary Ellen Bond accuses a man called Naylor of rape. He breaks bail and flees to America. The following February, the girl appears before Bradford magistrates where she admits she had been put up to it by her mother to extort money from him. This report is from The Cardiff Times, February 22, 1890, page 2.

October 1889: Albert Henck is sentenced at the Superior Court of San Diego to seven years. The Sacramento Daily Record-Union, March 1, 1894, page 4, reports he has been pardoned by Governor Markham. Not only had the alleged victim lied about her personal circumstances but she had previously claimed to have been sexually assaulted by another man.

February 5, 1890: In this Australian case, Joseph Kiddle is alleged to have raped a married woman named Hannah Malcolm on said date. She had worked for Kiddle for some time. He is arrested February 7 and tried the same month – they didn’t hang about in those days. Immediately on his acquittal he lays an information for perjury, and this too is disposed of quickly. He had wanted only to extract an admission from her that she had lied, which he appears to have obtained.

August 19, 1890: This Australian newspaper report of a court case the previous day sees Kate O’Reilley née Slavin testing the patience of the court when she claims to have been raped by Joseph Martin. She was given short shrift, primarily because she appears to have turned up the worse for drink.

January 1892: Another shocking Australian case. William Henry Taylor is tried for the rape of a young girl named Jane Elizabeth Thomson – a capital offence. The rape is said to have been carried out at Bear Hill on May 23, 1891 and reported June 21, 1891. Taylor is convicted only of attempted rape, and receives the seemingly lenient sentence of hard labour for 18 months. Seven years and more later, the girl, now known as Jane Morrison, RECANTS. See this article.

June 11, 1892: In the American Deep South, a woman is raped by a Negro named Holly. And another woman isn’t raped by anyone. This report appeared in The Wichita Daily Eagle, June 14, 1892, page 2. This can be filed under CHINESE WHISPERS.

December 18, 1893: This is another Australian case. An Aborigine known as Wadgee is acquitted of the rape of Mrs Cadwalder. The non-victim appears to have been ill or recovering from an illness and to have suffered a bizarre hallucination.

January 22, 1894: This Australian case sees a girl named Isabella Maude Cooke claiming to have been raped by John Guerin. It is heard behind closed doors on January 24, 1894, so apart from Guerin’s acquittal, nothing of substance is recorded until 1903, when now known as Mrs Schmarr, she accuses Frederick Mitchell of attempted rape. He is acquitted.

April 5, 1894: This article so dated is from page 3 of The Western Mail (THIRD EDITION); unfortunately, the quality of the scan leaves much to be desired, but the bottom line is that a young girl named Maggie Hughes in the Welsh village of Cymmer had fantasised about being violated by both her own father and his teenage son (her brother). It remains to be seen if this fantasy was entirely her own, but there was no medical evidence.

June 4, 1895: A report so dated from Australia, three young men indicted for the rape of a girl apparently named Jellman are acquitted when she admits the sex was consensual, but see this report where her name is given as Tillman; her first name appears to have been Isabella. Also one of the names of the accused is given variously as Anderson and Henderson.

This girl may have been a slut, but in those days even sluts could exhibit common decency, probably because they hadn’t been brainwashed by 21st Century feminist victim narratives.

May 7, 1895: Barbara Aub is allegedly raped by Walter Langerman in his New York apartment. Click here for more.

July 27, 1895: A warrant is issued for the arrest of the wealthy Clifton Mayne; on November 11 he is convicted of the rape of 13 year old Elsie Shipton, and on November 23, he is sentenced to 25 years in San Quentin. He is cleared in October 1897 when the alleged victim, her sister Della and their mother admit to perjury.

August 11, 1895: William Harris of Charleston, West Virginia is convicted of a sexual offence against an underage girl. Click here for more.

April 21, 1896: The Aetiology Of Hysteria by Sigmund Freud. Click here for the paper and comment.

Circa 1898: This (bottom of the page) is a horrible case from the medical literature, anonymised as usual. It appears to have happened in France. The scan is from Legal Medicine by Wyatt Johnston (1863-1902), a professor of pathology who clearly died far too young.

April 9, 1899: The wife of Thomas G. Barker is allegedly raped by the Reverend John Keller, or so she tells her husband on February 3, 1901. Barker shoots Keller, but fortunately not fatally. In June 1901, Barker stands trial at Jersey City and is convicted. The Reverend Keller was no rapist, but a man of the cloth has no excuses for breaking the Seventh Commandment.

May 24, 1900: This brief mention appeared on the front page of the Michigan newspaper the Belding Banner as dated. A girl named Maggie Bishop of Sebewa township who had accused her father of raping her (for which he had stood trial and was acquitted) admitted she had lied and claimed she had been put up to the lie by her mother. An early case of PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME.

November 18, 1900: This is an interesting press report from Australia which points out that false rape allegations – made from purely pecuniary motives – were surprisingly common at this time. It alludes to a number of such cases but one in particular, that of a young miner named Joshua M’Carthy, who appeared in court on November 6, 1900 when he was accused of the rape of a girl named Alice Kelly. The case went nowhere.

November 18, 1900: This is a false allegation of attempted rape, but it is included here because it generated some considerable commentary at the time. At Yass in Australia, a teenager named Ada Webber claimed to have been the victim of an assault by a Mr F.C. McIntosh. The girl appears to have suffered some sort of bizarre hallucination, and one wonders how it ever got to court. The defendant was acquitted in January 1901.

September 6, 1903: At Hillgrove, Armidale, New South Wales, Ellen Hocking has sex with Burgess Boland. Click here for more.

July 28, 1904: At Sydney, Australia, Dolly Leahy falsely accuses a cabman named Charles Smith of rape. He is acquitted. In October, she is back in court, this time as a defendant, charged with theft. This scan is from Truth, Sunday, June 25, 1905, page 1.

The same article reports the case of a young girl named Farrell who is said to have made a false allegation of a serious assault against a companion. It is not clear if this was an alleged rape.

August 31, 1904: In New South Wales, Julia Heston has sex with Alfred Hannam then cries rape. At his trial in late September 1904, the jury is not impressed with her evidence, while another witness for the Crown bolsters the defence case. He is found not guilty.

1905: The Fifth Edition of Taylor’s Principles And Practice Of Medical Jurisprudence is published. Click here for more.

August 13, 1908: At Springfield, Illinois, married woman Mabel Hallam cries rape. Click here for more.

September 4, 1908: Walter Smith of Robertson, Iowa, is arrested for the alleged rape of a 9 year old girl, and brought before a court at Eldora. The case is disposed of rather rapidly, apparently due to the medical evidence or lack thereof. This article was lifted from the Evening Times-Republican, September 8, 1908, page 3.

November 6, 1910: At Perth, Australia, Maud Lipshut is in the company of two men and a woman when she claims to have been raped and robbed. Click here for more.

March 13, 1913: Married woman Edna Brown appears in court at Evansville, Indiana where she accuses William Horstketter of raping and threatening to kill her the previous September – a crime committed on her. Sounds like she was pregnant and worried the baby was his. At any rate, she does the decent thing shortly. This report was published in the EVANSVILLE PRESS, March 24, 1913, page 8.

November 19, 1913: In South Africa, Richard Makalima is cleared of rape by a jury. This report was published in the CAPE TIMES, November 20, 1913, page 9.

November 13, 1914: At Anuradhapura in Ceylon (as it then was), a woman stands trial for making a false rape allegation against an unnamed man. After the first witness testifies, she changes her plea to guilty and is given a heavy fine. This article was published in the Ceylon Observer, November 30, 1914, page 25.

May 1915: CHARGES OF RAPE is published in an Indian medical journal. Click here for more.

September 14, 1915: This article was published in the Calcutta publication Amrita Bazar Patrika, page 7, so dated. It reports the quashing of the conviction of Prabht and Shew Ram; they had been convicted of raping an eleven year old girl.

January 27, 1916: In Ceylon, five Sinhalese men are acquitted of rape without the jury retiring. Which goes to show the prosecution of ludicrously weak cases is nothing new. This ultra-brief report appeared in the Ceylon Observer, (WEEKLY EDITION.), page 174, so dated.

July 1, 1918: At Palmyra, Western Australia, soldier Ralph Hall is accused of raping Gladys Dolan. At trial, William Wilkinson testifies the girl had made a similar (unfounded) charge on another occasion, but the judge rules this inadmissible. All the same, the jury takes only fifteen minutes to clear him.

Circa January 27, 1919: In Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), a girl named Menike pleads guilty to making a false allegation of rape. This report was published in the CEYLON OBSERVER (WEEKLY EDITION.), Jan. 28th. 1919, page 118.

February 1919: FALSE ACCUSATIONS OF ABORTION is published in an American medical journal. Click here for more.

March 1919: PREGNANT WOMEN WITH INTACT HYMENS is published. Click here for comment.

March 22, 1920: William Edward Moore is accused of raping Eileen Violet Durbin. Who is found to be still A VIRGIN! This Australian case was tried at Darlinghurst Sessions before Judge Armstrong in July, 1920. Unfortunately, the scan of this report is an extremely poor copy.

June 14, 1920: In Duluth, James Sullivan and Irene Tusken visit the John Robinson Circus. Click here for more.

July 9, 1920: In Ward County, North Dakota, Al Reynolds is cleared of raping a teenager. Little information is available, but it is clear that she was not the kind of girl he would have taken home to meet mother. This article appeared in The Ward County Independent, July 15, 1920, page 12 (unnumbered).

September 7, 1921: The actor Fatty Arbuckle is accused of rape by Bambina Maude Delmont. She had been at a party with Arbuckle when Virginia Rappe was taken seriously ill. Rappe died September 9 from a ruptured bladder and peritonitis without making any coherent statement about what had happened. It is clear though that she had not been sexually assaulted by Arbuckle, and appears to have been in poor shape due to her lifestyle, which included extreme promiscuity. Although Arbuckle was not charged with sexual assault he was charged with murder, later reduced to manslaughter. After a trial and two retrials he was cleared of all blame, although his career was ruined.

1923: English rose Ida Margerrison alias Doreen Taylor falsely accuses a man of rape. Click here for more.

November 15, 1923: Mamie Snow of Waukegan, Illinois is allegedly raped. She was said to be mentally disabled – ie not right in the head. James Montgomery is convicted the following year, and given a life sentence. In 1949, his conviction is overturned when suppressed medical evidence shows the victim to have been A VIRGIN!

December 3, 1923: Frye v United States is decided. Click here for more.

December 27, 1923: On said date, Lee Dawes is alleged to have violated Montie Etheridge, an underage girl. He is tried and convicted, but alibi evidence emerges, as does evidence that this girl is a SERIAL FALSE ACCUSER. Here is the judgment of the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals reversing his conviction.

September 14, 1928: At Seremban in then Malaya, a Tamil woman named Muthammah wins an appeal against making a false allegation of rape. She got off on a technicality, as is clear from this report without reading between the lines. It was published in the Malaya Tribune, September 15, 1928, page 9. If you’re wondering what the NLB pattern is, it’s the watermark from the National Library of Singapore; to date (April 2019) this is one of only two newspaper articles I have actually been able to download from there. Hopefully they will make many more available in due course.

January 20, 1929: At Sydney, Australia, Eugene Spalding and her partner-in-crime Roy Anderson (one of his names) are arrested on a charge of conspiring to falsely accuse Phillip Ryan of rape.

August 9, 1929: In San Francisco, the feisty Eunice Pringle demands an interview with theatre owner Alexander Pantages. Click here for more.

February 14, 1930: In Kuala Lumpur, Lai Sang and Liew Sip are said to have raped a married woman named Liew Sion. The case goes no further than the local magistrate on account of their accuser being deranged. This article was published in The Straits Times, February 25, 1930, page 8.

February 18, 1930: At Christchurch, New Zealand, Darcy Kerr is acquitted of the rape of a teenager. This very brief report was published the next day.

May 7, 1930: At the High Court in Glasgow, Samuel Moorov is convicted of a series of indecent assaults. Click here for the Moorov Doctrine.

1931-4: Metropolitan Police file MEPO 2/7145; click here for more.

January 6, 1931: The married white woman Dorothy Skaggs claims to have been attacked, robbed and raped by a Negro in Upton Lane, Norfolk, Virginia. Click here for more.

March 24, 1931: A group of young Negroes are arrested at Paint Rock, Alabama. Click here for more about the notorious Scottsboro case.

September 12/3, 1931: On the island of Hawaii, Thalia Massie claims to have been attacked and gang-raped on her way home. Click here for more.

May 27, 1932: WRECKED LIVES: The POISON of the BUTTERFLY... is published in the Australian magazine Arrow.

This is a very interesting article that is totally at odds with the perceived wisdom of rape today, ie that it is vastly under-reported and that false allegations are extremely rare. It alludes to a number of outrageous cases.

October 18, 1932: Teenage domestic servant Dorothy Fitchett claims to have been abducted and raped by two men the previous day. Not only that, they robbed her. Even though they didn’t exist. When the truth comes out, Superintendent Campbell of Derbyshire Police is not amused.

This article was published in The Yorkshire Evening Post, October 27, 1932, page 12.

April 20, 1934: At Aberdeen, the 8 year old Helen Priestly is murdered by housewife Jeannie Donald, who then violates the child’s body to make the crime look like a sex murder. This excellent article published on the eighty-sixth anniversary of one of the most shocking cases in this database tells you all you need to know and then some. The reader might like to compare it with the even more outrageous case of Penny Boudreau who murdered her own daughter.

July 23, 1934: A widow named Lily Browning walks into a South London police station where she tells plod a man had thrown pepper in her face. Click here for more.

August 21, 1934: The Reverend Edwin Mortimer of Wappenham is convicted of indecently assaulting a teenage girl. Six weeks later, he is cleared on appeal. This report was published on the front page of the Nottingham Evening Post, October 17, 1934.

May 9, 1939: At Chorlton-on-Medlock, in the small hours, Elsie Ainsworth tells her landlord she was attacked by four men round midnight, ie May 8/9, who robbed her, and one of whom committed an assault upon her, clearly meaning he raped her. Such euphemisms were common at that time. Also, she was examined by a woman police surgeon. (See this entry for context). This report was published in the Manchester Evening News, July 20, 1939, page 7. As you will see, all that really happened was this stupid girl lost her purse which contained her rent money.

1940: Wigmore On Evidence is published. Click here for more.

June 13, 1941: In Singapore, Pritam Kaur attends Bukit Timah police station where she accuses her husband of organising her gang-rape over the previous two days. The five alleged rapists are all arrested. This file includes two reports that show how this false allegation played out, and the probable reason it was made. The first image is the masthead of the newspaper; the second image is the article that appears on page 2. The third image is from The Sunday Times, July 6, 1941 (FINAL), page 8.

October 27, 1941: At Leesburg, the young Negro Samuel Legions is accused of the rape of a white woman, Mrs Viola Miller. Click here for more.

May 2, 1943: Kingston housekeeper Constance Brown tells PC Willis she was tied up and raped by an army sergeant. She looked unruffled, but as this was three decades before a couple of airheads came up with RAPE TRAUMA SYNDROME, our plod thought she was lying. And he was right. When she appeared in court two months later, she was bound over. This article was published in The Whitstable Times And Tankerton Press, July 3, 1943, page 6.

May 16, 1943: At Wellingborough, Rosa Drage tells PC Forth she was raped by two men. Click here for more.

June 15, 1943: A young white mother is allegedly raped by a black dude at Beaumont, Texas. Listen to what happened next.

August 12, 1943: Henry Reynolds meets Gloria Stevens at a dance in Penrith, Australia. She misses her last train home, and ends up sleeping in the back of a car. That wasn’t the only thing she did. She accuses him of rape and he stands trial, but the jury clears him in record time.

September 27, 1943: In Atlanta, Georgia, a white woman gets into a fight with another woman, and apparently gets a good hiding. So what does she do? She claims to have been assaulted and raped by an imaginary Negro. This report was published in the Wichita newspaper The Negro Star, October 1, 1943, page 1.

December 18, 1943: Half of Rape Cases Reported Are Bunk, Police Probes Show – Click here to read.

January 23, 1944: Staffordshire lassie Lily Boulton arrives home in the small hours and tells her parents she was attacked and raped by three men. What would you do if your daughter told you this? Right. The truth is revealed shortly, and to you in this article from the front page of the Stoke-on-Trent newspaper the Evening Sentinel, February 24, 1944.

Early February 1944: At San Bernardino, Ida Granata claims to have been raped by a Negro soldier, and for good measure, inflicts a facial injury on herself. This slightly later report appeared on the front page of the Seattle newspaper The Northwest Enterprise, March 1, 1944.

May 5, 1944: The black American soldier Leroy Henry has sex with a woman at Bath, England, and ends up being sentenced to death. Click here for more.

June 16, 1944: Author Arthur Derounian visits waitress June Kelly at her home. Three days later, a conspiracy is hatched to frame him for rape. This is a weird one, and for once a man really is to blame. The man who put her up to this allegation was the seventy-three year old Edwin Banta, whose motivation was purely political. Kelly agreed to make a false allegation of attempted rape but had a change of heart. The charge was soon dropped, and on August 3, 1944, Banta was indicted by a grand jury at New York. He was convicted in October. This one can only be filed under CONSPIRACY.

Early September 1944: At Little Rock, Arkansas, Mrs A. L. Tennyson claims to have been raped by two Negro soldiers. Instead of rounding up a few Klansmen to organise a lynching, the police carry out a thorough investigation and make an arrest: her. This article was published in the New York newspaper THE PEOPLE’S VOICE, October 7, 1944, page 13.

September 11, 1944: Soldier’s wife Yvonne Clark attends Kelvedon Police Station in Essex where she claims to have been outraged by two American soldiers. On September 3! This article was published in the ESSEX CHRONICLE, October 6, 1944; the word rape isn’t used, as was far from uncommon at that time, but what else is being described here? As can be seen, the incident happened the day before she claimed, and being entirely consensual, the only person outraged was her husband.

October 4, 1944: Nellie Scott of Margate makes a false allegation of rape against an airman. She had actually been in the barn with her boyfriend the prevous night, and they weren’t playing chess, either. She ends up facing trial for committing a public mischief. This article, which appeared in the Thanet Advertiser and Echo, November 14, 1944, page 2, is the best quality reproduction I can get. This more detailed report was published in The East Kent Times And Mail. (WEDNESDAY EDITION).

November 14, 1944: This report so dated was published in the Daily Mirror, page 4. Married woman Marian Griffin of Warwick admits to fabricating a rape allegation after having sex with an American soldier. The title says rape, the text says attempted. Whatever, she lied. In this connection, check out the entry for Leroy Henry, May 25, 1944, (above). Her first name is also given variously elsewhere as Maria and Marion, but from the official register, Marian P. Moore married Eric W. Griffin at Warwick in the last quarter of December 1942. This report of her six month sentence appeared on page 3 of the Royal Leamington Spa Courier AND Warwickshire Standard. for December 8, 1944. My apologies for the poor quality scan which was not down to me.

November 22, 1944: In Birmingham, Dorothy Edwards hooks up with an American sergeant when they are interrupted by a local plod. There is no suggestion of money changing hands, but read between the lines. When her rape allegation does not hold up, she is charged with causing a public mischief.

This article appeared on the front page of The Birmingham Mail, November 27, 1944.

January 9, 1945: Dora Harris appears before a special court where she is committed for trial at Derbyshire Assizes. Click here for more.

March 28, 1945: At Weldon, Northamptonshire, married woman Anne Coles claims to have been “attacked and molested” (raped) by two American servicemen. At this time, rape was capital under military discipline; it may have been this that caused her recantation, or just plain decency. This article was published in the Market Harborough Advertiser AND Midland Mail., April 6, 1945, page 2. As ever, my apologies for the terrible quality of the scan.

May 19, 1945: Army Probing Fake Claims of Rape in Reich by Earl Mazo is published in the Stars And Stripes, page 8.

As will be seen, this story was filed from the Ninth Army the previous day. Three German girls cried rape after fraternising with American soldiers. Three of many, apparently. It is suggested this could be because of their poor command of English as much as for some kind of semi-organised sabotage effort. As if.

May 25, 1945: Yank Army Defeats Nazi Fake Rape Plot is published by the Deseret News; click here for more.

June 10, 1945: Fraternizing Blues is published in the Stars And Stripes, European, Mediterranean and North Africa Editions, page 4, so dated. The Hello, Sucker poster may sound amusing, but it shows how seriously the US Army took false rape allegations in occupied Germany.

September 19, 1945: Don’t Wave Those Maggie Drawers, Japs Warn Girls

The amusing article above was published in the American military newspaper The Stars & Stripes. page 8; only part is reproduced here. It says two of the three rape cases during the occupation of Japan so far have been groundless.

October 29, 1945: This report from Australia sees Aircraftwoman Audrey Dorwood crying rape because she THINKS SHE IS PREGNANT. When she appears in court shortly she is clearly in no fit state for the military. It’s difficult not to feel sorry for this poor girl; either she had been sleeping around or she had terrible judgment when it came to men, quite likely both.

November 24, 1945: This report from the Australian press, so dated, shows that even in the 1940s, wine, women and sex could be a dangerous combination. Two English naval officers are cleared of raping Dorothy Day; one of them had sex with her, which she appears to have regretted almost at once.

March 9, 1946: Kathleen Vera Johnson Barrett of The Lizard in Cornwall tells a police officer she was the victim of a sexual assault. Click here for more.

April 27, 1946: This report from New Delhi was published in The Civil & Military Gazette Incorporating THE CHRONICLE (LOCAL EDITION), April 30, 1946, page 4. It debunks a claim that a local girl was raped by three British soldiers in broad daylight. Rumours of the nature reported therein often circulate in war-time, and for some time after in this case.

May 11, 1946: Enid Shinnie of Northfield tells police she was raped after leaving a public house the night before. A man is arrested and held until 3.15am on May 12. He is released when she admits the sex was consensual. A total of 63 hours of police time and four and a half hours of staff time at the Home Office Science Laboratory was wasted. Enid is given a 28 day sentence by a Birmingham stipendiary. This article was published in the Evening Dispatch (6·30 CITY), July 2, 1946, page 3.

November 2, 1946: Early on a Saturday morning, a woman is raped in a field by two men, or is she? This speedy retraction shows how times have changed. Was an American woman of 24 really so under her mother’s thumb in 1946? This report appeared on the front page of The Journal (Milwaukee), November 4, 1946, page.

November 3, 1946: June Shukoit of Balfour, Michigan is the victim of a vicious aggravated rape on her way home in the small hours. Her assailants are two Negroes, the most dangerous kind: imaginary ones. Shortly, a thorough investigation turns up the truth, she had been to a blind pig (an illegal drinking den) with a man she knew. This report was lifted from the front page of the Detroit Tribune, November 9, 1946.

December 18, 1946: Boy soldier Hector Baldi has sex with a 19 year old girl, who then accuses him of rape. He stands trial at the Supreme Court in Grafton, New South Wales, and on May 6, 1947, a jury takes just five minutes to clear him. Here is a more detailed report from the local press.

October 17, 1947: Teenager Pamela Dayman of the Isle of Sheppey is found in a distressed state in the early hours. She accuses a serving soldier of rape and attempted murder. He is arrested, but she is the one who ends up convicted at Worcester Assizes. This article was published in the Birmingham Gazette (CITY EDITION), November 15, 1947, page 3.

November 1947: A PSYCHIATRIST LOOKS AT SEX OFFENSES by Philip Piker is published.

The above article from the Journal Of Social Hygiene contains some interesting comment on page 397, including: “One thing that is not generally realized, however, is that an appreciable number of the offenses we hear about—or even read about in the newspapers—never occurred”.

November 7, 1947: Claim Rape Used To Hide Un-Faithfulness

The above is published on the front page of The Plain Dealer; this is an interesting article that suggests false rape allegations have been used in the Deep South – against white men as well as black ones – to cover for the infidelities of married women. Sadly, no actual examples are cited, but the reader is referred to the entry for December 18, 1943 (above).

November 12, 1947: This is another quaint Australian case: a white man named Leonard Philpott has sex with an Aboriginal woman, and is accused of rape. As the case is about to come to trial, she writes to the court saying she doesn’t want to proceed. Philpott had made the big mistake of denying intercourse had taken place and then admitting it had but claiming she consented. Her version was that she didn’t consent but was too afraid to say no – a feminist classic; his version was that she wanted money for her services and he didn’t want to pay her. Leaving this aside, what rape victim has ever called her violator “so lovely” ??

November 29, 1947: Around 8pm, an 11 year old white girl in Kansas, Missouri is raped by a Negro. This article from the black newspaper the Jackson Advocate, March 21, 1953 mistakenly says the rape happened in 1948. Edward Oscar was convicted and sentenced initially to 99 years. There is no doubt this rape happened, but in 1953, the victim told a nun her twin brother had told her to identify Oscar. He was shortly exonerated. File this tragic case under FALSE AND TRUE.

February 3, 1948: False Accusers of Yanks Tried is published in the Stars And Stripes, European, Mediterranean and North Africa Editions, page 10, so dated. Herein are several examples of false reports made by Germans against American servicemen. It appears false allegations of rape were rather frequent, though clearly not as frequent as on the American campus half a century and more later.

July 26, 1948: At Feilding, North Island, a married woman receives a letter that makes a false allegation against her husband. Margaret Stuart Harvey appears in court charged with extortion. This report was published in the Wanganui Chronicle, August 5, 1948, page 6. According to a slightly later report, she was given a sentence of 12 months reformative detention. This wasn’t her first offence. File Margaret under GIVE ME MONEY and NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED.

October 21, 1948: This scan, so dated, is from page A4 of The Evening Star (Washington). It gives the crime figures for the fiscal year 1948 in one American jurisdiction. Note there were 64 reported murders, all but four of which were cleared, and 89 rapes, 81 of which were cleared. In this context I am assuming the word cleared means someone was arrested and charged, not necessarily convicted. It could also mean that the particular reported crime didn’t actually happen, eg a reported murder could have been an accident or a suicide, likewise a rape could have been no-crimed for whatever reason. The point I am making is that in 1949, rape meant actual rape, not REGRET SEX. Similar figures can be found from most if not all jurisdictions before the early 1970s. This indicates that when they are not subjected to political pressure, the police do their job and solve most rapes.

November 19, 1948: R.A.A.F. mechanic Jack Barton has sex with Joan Andrews in a park after a dance. Then he spends the next few months behind bars at Long Bay, New South Wales. When he stands trial in March 1949 at the Central Criminal Court in Sydney, the jurors don’t even draw breath before acquitting him.

November 25, 1948: At Parammatta Quarter Sessions, Australia, teenage carnival assistant Lillian Esther Halyday pleads guilty to a charge of creating a public mischief by falsely accusing three men of raping her. She is fined, ordered to pay costs, and bound over.

Circa December 23, 1948: A teenage girl claims to have been forced into the woods at Dumpton, Kent, and raped. Because of her age there is a paucity of detail in this report which appeared in the Thanet Advertiser and Echo, January 11, 1949, page 6. In January 1949, she appears at Ramsgate juvenile court. When asked why she cried rape, she said: “I don’t know”. Her and a few hundred others in this database.

January 11, 1949: In the small hours at Edmonton, North London, teenager Beryl Mitchell claims to have been raped by two men. Or was she attacked by three men? There is no mention of alcohol in this report from the back page of a regional evening newspaper, but it’s unlikely she was smoking dope in 1949. Whatever, she ended up being sent for trial at the Central Criminal Court. Seriously. And she made the national press. This article appeared on page 3 of the Daily Mirror, March 11, 1949. Papers from her trial are held at Kew. I may dig them out at some point.

April 7, 1949: An Indianapolis teenager arrives home at 5.30am and tells her parent(s) she was kidnapped and raped by two named dudes after meeting them in the cinema the previous night. Guess who ends up in court? This article was published in THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR, April 22, 1949, page 11. The judge in this case would go on to become Mayor of Indianapolis, and hopefully Little Miss Anonymous was taken to the woodshed by Daddy.

September 29, 1949: The tale of a married woman who claimed falsely to have been robbed and raped at Waverley, New South Wales by a taxi driver is reported in The Cessnock Eagle And South Maitland Recorder, October 4, 1949, page 3.

September 30, 1949: In Japan, two men are sentenced to five years each, at hard labour, for spreading rumours about American troops raping Japanese women. This heavy sentence had an obvious political motive.

January 19, 1950: At Richmond, Indiana, a teenager runs into the home of a local man and claims to have been raped. The dude is arrested but fortunately the girl soon fesses up. The sex was real but it was consensual, and not with him. This article appeared on the front page of THE PALLADIUM-ITEM AND SUN-TELEGRAM, January 24, 1950. The same day, January 24, she was sentenced to the Indiana Girls School (the Indianapolis Juvenile Correctional Facility); the paper did not say for how long.

March 25, 1950: A teenage Leslie Frecklington goes to a dance where she meets boy soldier Alan Young. They have sex, and she accuses him of rape. In September the same year, Young appears at Dubbo Criminal Court, New South Wales, where he is acquitted. This article from the local press reports some wise words from Defence Counsel:

“Women are not helpless. They have a voice to scream with — teeth to bite with — fingers to scratch with and feet to kick with”.

May 8, 1950: At Sydney, Australia, Michael Ledwidge meets an unnamed waitress just before midnight. She stays with him until around 4am the next day, then accuses him of rape. He is arrested and held in custody, but shortly she thinks better of it and decides she does not want to proceed. The magistrate is not amused.

May 21, 1950: An Oklahoma City police officer arrives home at 2am and finds his wife missing. This is only a fake kidnapping but is included because it is hilarious. And because the name of the non-victim is Mrs Raper. This report was published in THE PALLADIUM-ITEM AND SUN-TELEGRAM (City Edition), May 22, 1950, page 2.

May 28, 1950: In occupied Germany, sisters Ernie and Emmi Kneitz are allegedly kidnapped and raped by two American soldiers, a capital offence, or it would have been had it been true. This report of their forthcoming trial for false reporting was published in the Stars And Stripes, European, Mediterranean and North Africa Editions, July 17, 1950, page 5.

July 8, 1950: This article, so dated, is from The Indianapolis Recorder, page 2. It is the only report I can find of the claim by Esther Walker that she was raped by two much younger men and a teenager in a junkyard. As a result of that false allegation, she was given a five day sentence.

August 7, 1950: In occupied Germany, Marie Koppel of Kitzingen is arraigned for falsely accusing two soldiers of rape. This report was published in the Stars And Stripes, European, Mediterranean and North Africa Editions, August 8, 1950, page 2.

September 17, 1950: In occupied Germany, Anna Schumacher has it off with a soldier then two days later reports him for rape. When she appears in court for false reporting the following December, she takes down two of her countrymen with her. This report was published in the Stars And Stripes, European, Mediterranean and North Africa Editions, December 9, 1950, page 6.

December 7, 1950: Ronny (also spelt Ronnie) Quillan stabs the singer Billy Daniels in her Hollywood apartment then cries rape. Here is one report. When she died in October 1962, her age was given as 45, so do the math. Whatever she did on the stage, she was also a prostitute.

December 8, 1950: This report so dated was published in The Plain Dealer, page 2. The previous week, a white woman claimed to have been gagged and raped by a Negro. Although she identified a suspect, an investigation concluded there was no rape and that the whole affair was a monstrous hoax. In view of the racial situation in the Deep South at that time, one can assume this was indeed a hoax.

January 4, 1951: In Australia, Violet Fortnum-Neale is arrested for drunkenness. Click here for more.

January 31, 1951: Another Australian case, a 16 year old girl claims to have been raped by four armed, masked men. Her lies are uncovered almost at once.

March 2-3, 1951: A slightly unusual false rape story from Australia; a teenage girl and her boyfriend playing stupid games with the police. Earlier press coverage gives more details; although the police were clearly suspicious, they took this report extremely seriously. The bottom line is the girl had missed her curfew.

March 10, 1951: A story from the Australian newspaper Barrier Daily Truth reports on False Rape Stories Told By Three Girls – filed from Sydney, March 9, one is from Guildford where on March 7, an 18 year old told police she had been raped by a man who threatened her with a gun as she walked home from work late. The other false allegations were two weeks previously, and “a few days ago” by a 20 year old. My apologies for this very poor quality copy.

April 11, 1951: Teenager Theresa McDaid tells Eastbourne police she was criminally assaulted – a euphemism for raped – the previous evening by two men, one of whom she names. Two suspects are arrested. Then she comes clean. Her story makes the front page of the EASTBOURNE HERALD for June 2, 1951. My apologies for the inconsistent sizings of the combined scans.

December 15, 1951: ALLEGED RAPE by Sir Sydney Smith is published.

The above article appeared in the British Medical Journal so dated; it is a refresher course for GPs. The author does not concern himself greatly with false allegations although the article does include some useful pointers for both refuting and corroborating rape claims. My apologies for the quality and layout of the scan; this was beyond my control.

December 20, 1951: In Malaysia, teenager Beh Ling Yin appears in court charged with falsely reporting rape. This article was published in The Straits Times, December 22, 1951, page 9.

February 10, 1952: This article so dated from the Australian press is or is based on an interview with/quotes from a senior police officer, Superintendent Delaney. It is about hoaxes generally, including of a false rape report that is already in this database (see entry for March 2-3, 1951 above). More interesting though is a report of a 9 year old boy who claimed to have been assaulted (presumably sexually assaulted) by a man who lured him into a cave. The boy is said to have faked this because he had spent some money that did not belong to him. Believe women and believe the children!

November 8, 1952: In a report so dated, it is revealed that at Ipswich Assizes, Ronald Rowley is cleared of the rape of Elaine Mary Whalley. The medical evidence revealed no sign of a struggle but a sexual encounter.

September 23, 1953: Mrs Delbert England of Elkhart, Michigan is kidnapped by a Negro who tries to rape her, and would have had he not been a figment of her imagination. This report was published in the Pharos Tribune (HOME EDITION) of Logansport, October 2, 1953, page 13.

December 12, 1953: A Spartanburg teenager accuses 2 youths of raping her. Both are arrested, but when the girl is questioned the following day, she says she became angry with them for some reason then made the false allegation. This report is from the The Spartanburg Herald, December 15, 1953, page 9 (unnumbered).

March 19, 1954: This report so dated of American false “rape” accuser Virgil Sumininski is offered in the spirit of sexual equality.

March 21, 1954: Hoosier woman Helen Sherells claims to have been raped by an army deserter. It takes no time at all for those nice men from law enforcement to see through this one, and retribution is equally swift. This report was published in THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR, March 23, 1954, page 11.

September 22, 1954: Jimmy Mitchell is arrested by Tulsa police accused of raping teenager Iris Hammer. The following day, he and his co-accused are released after the teen admits there was no rape. This report from the local rag appeared on page 49.

December 26, 1954: At Tallahassee in the Deep South, a teenage girl is grabbed and raped. Or is she? This file contains two reports, the second being the resolution.

May 14, 1955: At Melville, Australia, a 15 year old girl has sex with teenager Leslie Holland and the slightly older Vincent Lewis. (At that time, the age of consent was 14). The following day, she cries rape. And rape. And rape. And rape. It is clear from this report why Holland and Lewis were found not guilty, even if they were less than chivalrous.

July 25, 1955: A married woman is gang-raped in the Philippines. Click here for the María Clara doctrine.

February 18, 1956: In Canada, a teen squaw is allegedly raped by Chief Philip Mistaken. How this one ever got anywhere near a courtroom is beyond me. The judge throws the case out. Read the last paragraph of the linked article to understand why. Said piece appeared on the front page of The Lethbrdige Herald, June 7, 1956.

June 6, 1956: At Eclectic, Alabama, a young white woman who had been playing away turns up at a farm early morning claiming to have been kidnapped by two Negroes late the previous night and raped. This report of the exposed hoax was published in the Jackson Advocate, June 16, 1956. This case was less than a year after the murder of Emmett Till, so there could have been serious repercussions for innocent men.

November 26, 1956: The Supreme Court of Virginia reverses the convictions of Ralph Barker and Herbert Garrett. Click here for more.

July 3, 1957: At Tampa, Florida, a teenage girl (presumably a white one) is violated by an imaginary black dude. This case was reported by the Jackson Advocate. You might like to compare it with the notorious Tawana Brawley case three decades later.

July 15, 1957: A teenager said to be on parole from the Indiana Girls School is allegedly raped. It takes no time at all for her to fess up, although of course someone else was to blame, a dude as usual. This brief report was published in THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1957, page 11.

Mid-September 1957: At Toledo, Ohio, a nurse named Delores Lotte claims to have been chloroformed by an unidentified Negro (and raped?) while at work. Turns out the Negro concerned was not simply unidentified but imaginary. This report was published in the Plain Dealer (Kansas City), September 27, 1957, pages 1 & 2. The first report I could find of this hoax was dated September 18, ditto Linda Berger below.

Mid-September 1957: Clergyman’s daughter Linda Berger claims to have been attacked (and gang-raped?) by a group of the deadliest type of black sexual predators – imaginary ones. As with Delores Lotte above, this attack didn’t happen at Toledo, Ohio. There must have been something in the air that month.

September 17, 1957: In Canada, Kenneth Poulson of Lethbridge is acquitted of rape. The comments of the trial judge were amusing to say the least. This article appeared in The Lethbridge Herald, September 17, 1957, page 10. Presumably this weekly newspaper went to press later the same day.

November 15, 1957: Military wife Sandra Miller claims to have been raped by a military man from Travis Air Force Base in California. He is arrested but an intense investigation soon leads to a confession from the alleged victim because this is her third false rape allegation! This report was published in the DAILY Independent Journal of San Rafael, California, November 21, 1957, page 1.

July 24, 1958: This is an extraordinary case. After pleading guilty to “simple rape”, William Lott receives a 5 year sentence. (At that time, aggravated rape was capital in Louisiana). Then something amazing happens. A girl tells police she has been beaten by a group of Negroes who tried to rape her; shortly she admits this claim is false. An assistant DA recognises her name as the victim in the Lott case, a special investigation is ordered, and Lott is cleared; he is pardoned by State Governor Earl Long. This report views best at 75%. File this one under FALSE CONFESSION.

May 26, 1959: This one didn’t take long to clear up. A married woman from McCordsville, Indiana is allegedly raped around 2am near a reservoir. What was she doing in such a place at that time of day without her husband? What do you think? This report appeared on the front page of THE GREENFIELD DAILY REPORTER (TUESDAY EVENING) the same day. Two days later, this report appeared on the front page of the same newspaper.

1960 to late September 1960: False rape statistics for Saint Louis, Missouri. Click here for more.

January 20, 1960: In Hong Kong, housewife and mother of four Leung Siu-fai is given 14 days behind bars for making a false rape allegation. This report appeared on the back page of CHINA MAIL (LATE FINAL), the same day.

January 30, 1960: In Singapore, married woman Saliha binte Haji Adam has it off with an unnamed soldier. The following day, remembering her wedding vows, she reports her phantom rape to the police. Unfortunately, the officer she tells is a woman, who knows how women’s minds work. She ends up in the criminal court by way of the divorce court. This article appeared on page 2.

September 17, 1960: At Saint Louis, a young married white woman is allegedly kidnapped and raped repeatedly over the weekend by five Negroes. The reality is Mrs Landis spent the weekend with one man, who was probably white but definitely not her husband. This report appeared on the front page of the Detroit Tribune, January 14, 1961. Wanda Landis died December 21, 1966 aged just 26.

September 30, 1960: A magistrate dismisses rape and other charges against LaFayette man Fred Stallings. The non-victim withdrew her complaint, and of course it was a man’s fault, her husband’s in this case, and for once, this might be the truth. This report was published in the WALKER COUNTY MESSENGER (LaFayette, Georgia), October 5, 1960, apparently page 7.

July 14, 1961: At Birmingham Assizes, Jamaican Charles Brown is cleared of both assaulting and raping Bridget Jones, which begs the question did she write “You’re a good man, Charlie Brown” in her diary? This article appeared in The Birmingham Post, July 15, 1961 (CITY), page 7.

August 14, 1961: Clara Roderick tells Houston police she was kidnapped from San Mateo, California, held for seventeen days, and raped. She had her four year old son with her, but the following day admitted she had made it all up. This article was published in the St. Petersburg Times (Florida), August 16, 1961, page 11-A.

August 27, 1961: At Indio, California, Beverley Wiley tells police she was gang-raped the previous night. There were five attackers, or perhaps only three. When the police investigate, they conclude there were none. This false allegation was probably made because Mrs Wiley had been to an all-night party with a group of young men. Retribution was swift as can be seen from this article which appeared on the front page of the Desert Sun, August 30, 1961.

December 22, 1961: At Leeds Assizes, dentist Harold Rosen is acquitted of indecently assaulting Avril Richardson. Here are the reports. For a general discussion of such unfortunate cases, please visit the drugs and hallucinations page.

November 25, 1962: At San Bernardino, California, a 12 year old girl makes her second false rape allegation. Her first one resulted in a man spending two months in gaol. This time, she accuses two men. And this time it is she who ends up behind bars, or wherever they sent girls of her age in 1962. This article was published in the San Bernardino Sun, November 27, page 18.

April 9, 1963: In Malaysia, Dr Ling Ngan Liong is accused or raping a 13 year old girl. He stands trial at the High Court in Ipon and is convicted. Here is a report of his successful appeal.

July 14, 1963: In Canberra, a teenager has group sex with two men and another teen: Robert Hebditch, Cecil Twaddell and the 19 year old Kevin Phillips end up in the dock when she cries rape. All three were cleared by a jury two months later. The non-victim didn’t impress her 16 year old roommate either.

October 1, 1963: Teenager Hiria Poi appears in court at Gisborne, New Zealand where she is given a non-custodial sentence for a false rape allegation, or perhaps two according to this report.

Circa July 27, 1964: At Lawton, Oklahoma, an unnamed woman is held by police for reporting a false allegation of attempted rape, but as she was a prostitute, we will include her here. This article appeared in The Lawton Constitution, July 28, 1964, page 14.

After Christmas 1964-July 1965: The 50 year old Walter C. Nab is accused of having sex with a 13 year old girl. A medical examination indicates she is probably not a virgin. Nab is convicted, but on December 14, 1966 the Supreme Court of Oregon quashes his conviction, and on January 17, 1967, a retrial is refused. The girl who accused Nab also accused her own father, her grandfather, and Nab’s son. How likely is this? Believe the “victim”.

July 10/11, 1965: After attending a dance at Mirror Lake Junior High School, Florida, Patricia Hardy returns to the Huntington Hotel and tells a roommate she has been raped. The police are called, and the accused youth is arrested. Shortly the truth comes out, she and another girl had gone to the woods with two boys, and...(join up the dots). Patricia Lee Hardy appears in court later that month, is given a heavy fine and a short suspended sentence. This article is from the Evening Independent (St Petersburg, Florida), August 17, 1965, page 8-A.

October 21, 1965: In Tennessee, Alfred Hickman is cleared of raping a 15 year old girl. This sounds more like statutory than common or garden rape. Whatever, it never happened because his accuser would eventually admit there had been no sex at all, consensual or otherwise. This article appeared on the front page of the Rogersville Review, Octobert 28, 1965. As ever, my apologies for the poor quality scan, which is not down to me.

January 4, 1966: This report so dated in the Ocala Star-Banner, page 2, concerns a false alarm in that Florida city by a woman who was an obvious HEAD CASE. No details are given.

Circa February 1966: In Scotland, when teenager Alison Rhind is late home, her father goes looking for her. Well after midnight, he finds her nearby, crying. I’ve been raped, Daddy, she says. Or words to that effect. Her false allegation was said to have resulted in a hundred hours of police time being wasted, and unsurprisingly she ends up in court. This article appeared on page 7 of the Aberdeen paper.

August 20, 1966: At Tapah in Malaysia, Khadijah binte Abu Bakar, who is said to be both 16 years old and a housewife accuses her foster-father of raping her. On March 31! If you’re wondering where she got her first name or her surname, ask your local imam. In spite of this impressive monicker, the local plod were unimpressed, and she ended up with a heavy financial penalty the following May. This report was published in The Straits Times, May 14, 1967, page 12.

October 19, 1966: A teenager runs into a South Milwaukee apartment block screaming, with her blouse torn. The police are called, but it turns out she staged this rape hoax because she was late home from school. Not only that, she dragged an innocent man into her stupid act. This article was published in the Mikwaukee Sentinel, October 21, 1966, page 5.

January 13, 1967: Shortly after this date, a Lakota schoolgirl accuses Bill Janklow of raping her. No charges are filed against him, but the story comes back to haunt him in the 1980s when he is Governor of Dakota. Janklow would have been a controversial character without this specious claim; he died aged 72 in January 2012.

This article from Sarasota Herald-Tribune, October 7, 1983, page 8-A, contains his version, including the claim that he was not the first person this girl had falsely accused.

March 25, 1967: Kidnap and rape story turns out to be false published in The Afro-American, page 13. This is a fairly straightforward story. Rather than a rape victim what we have here is jailbait.

June 1967: Corroborating Charges Of Rape is published in the Columbia Law Review; click here for more.

June 21, 1967: This report appears in The Press (Christchurch), page 3. Student Elizabeth Webster is given a small fine and refused name suppression by an Auckland magistrate after admitting to a false rape allegation. For such a small nation, New Zealand appears always to have punched above its weight in the crazy female stakes.

August 1967: This date is uncertain because the teenager concerned made a number of false allegations over a period of time. This is actually the very sad case of a vulnerable girl who didn’t understand the need for boundaries. When she appears at Tamworth Juvenile court, she is sent to an appoved school. This report was published in the COLESHILL CHRONICLE, September 15, 1967, page 6.

August 21, 1967: In Los Angeles, the actress Hedy Lamarr cries rape. Click here for more.

September 15, 1967: This article was published in the ATHERSTONE HERALD, page 6. As can be seen, it concerns a promiscuous yet clearly troubled West Midlands teenager who had been either prostituting or whoring herself with local males then crying rape. Sad, really.

November 13, 1967: Kristen Gilbert is born Kristen Heather Strickland. She is known to have made at least one false rape allegation, but the details have alluded me to date. Crying rape is the least of her sins though, because on March 27, 2001, this Angel of Death was sentenced to four consecutive terms of life without the possibility of parole plus twenty years. One person who won’t be too pleased with this is Lizzie Borden, who is now no longer the most infamous native of Fall River, Massachusetts.

December 22, 1967: The Graduate is released. In this comedy, a young man is seduced by a wilful housewife, who then accuses him of rape. It remains to be seen how many false rape allegations this film has inspired.


January or February 1968: An unnamed American serviceman is falsely accused of rape while serving in Germany. Obviously this was a nasty experience, but as will be seen from this official document, it would eventually turn into a severe case of plumbi oscillans.

August 17, 1968: At Auckland, New Zealand, May Taura accuses a taxi driver of attempting to rape her the previous day. When pressed, she withdraws that allegation and accuses her boyfriend of assault. Yeah, sure. This report was published in The Press (Christchurch), September 19, 1968, page 6.

September 17, 1968: David Tobin meets Marion Hellings at Ealing Broadway station and takes her home to bed. She cries rape. He stands trial at the Central Criminal Court, and is acquitted. This article was published in the Acton Gazette AND West London Post, February 20, 1969, page 6.

September 20, 1968: In Northern Ireland, police officer Frederick Thornton is alleged to have raped a teenager while he was on duty. The case goes to the jury and he is cleared. This article was published in the Belfast Telegraph, February 7, 1969, page 5.

December 2, 1968: This report so dated from the Prince George, British Columbia newspaper The Citizen, page 2 sees an unnamed 18 year old girl receiving a short custodial sentence for attempting to frame no fewer than four of her peers for rape. Perish the thought.

January 1, 1969-December 31, 1974: Rape and false rape cases from the Clydebank area. Click here for more.

January 29, 1969: This report from the Newcastle local press, so dated, reports the conviction of a teenager for wasting police time. After having it off with her boyfriend, she claimed to have been raped by a passing motorist. Fortunately, no one appears to have been arrested. She received a slap on the wrist.

July 12, 1969: At Canberra, Australia, a teenage girl goes to a party. Later she claims that that night or in the small hours of July 13 she was raped by another teenager. At the petty sessions on August 12, 1969, she admits she had lied. This case was reported by the Canberra Times, August 13, 1969, page 10.

November 12, 1969: Late at night, married woman Susan Wynn and her sister-in-law accept a ride home from two men. After breaking her marriage vows, Susan accuses one of the dudes of rape but eventually fesses up. When she appears in a lower court at Llangollen, she escapes with a slap on the wrist. In spite of her honest retraction, she can’t resist gilding the lily. This report was published in the LIVERPOOL DAILY POST (FOR WALES), February 17, 1970, page 7.

1970: THE CORROBORATION RULE AND CRIMES ACCOMPANYING A RAPE is published in The University Of Pennsylvania Law Review. Click here for more.

February 11, 1970: Alfred Cheyne and his wife Freda of Longhaven tell police she had been raped by two men from Aberdeen on February 8. They went out for the evening, parted or were parted, and she claimed to have been taken to the beach by the two men. This is a curious tale, and this article from The Press And Journal (Aberdeen), April 11, 1970, page 4, doesn’t shed much light on it, but from an earlier report, she appears to have been playing away using the name Diane. He appears to have cottoned on and foolishly played along with her lies.

June 15, 1970: Mary Boulton appears before Stafford magistrates where she pleads guilty to making a false rape allegation. This article was published in the Stafford Newsletter, June 19, 1970, page 26. This was the only report I could find, but it is clear she was lucky to escape with a slap on the wrist. File this stupid girl under I MIGHT BE PREGNANT.

June 23, 1970: Schoolteacher Geoffrey Victor Mussard is alleged to have incited an 11 year old girl to commit an act of gross indecency in a stock room at a school at St Paul’s Cray. Click here for more.

June 30, 1970: A divorce court judge has some strong words for a London woman who claimed to have been raped not once but twice by her son-in-law, calling it BLACKMAIL. This amusing report was published in the LIVERPOOL DAILY POST (FOR WALES), July 1, 1970, page 3.

July 19/20, 1970: A Spartanburg teenager is kidnapped and gang-raped. Or is she? According to this report from The Spartanburg Herald, July 24, 1970, page 11, she was found on the Monday afternoon, crying and babbling incoherently. She said she had been kidnapped on the Sunday night, but she made it all up. Her lies led to the arrest of a 16 year old for rape.

August 21, 1970: At Blackpool, a woman is fined £75 for making a false rape allegation. Patricia Moy was a married woman living apart from her husband. Although she had a boyfriend, she decided to have it off with a married taxi driver, who could and should have said no. She cried rape, but thankfully her claim didn’t fly. This article appeared in the Daily Mirror, August 22, 1970, page 2. This final report was published in the (Bristol) EVENING POST (MID-DAY), September 17, 1970, page 10.

January 7, 1971: This article so dated, was published in the Liverpool Echo (LAST CITY), page 5. It reports the sentencing at Liverpool Crown Court of two teenage girls who had falsely accused two Nigerian men of rape.

February 19, 1971: This story so dated appeared in the Dutch language newspaper Het Vrije Volk, page 21. A teenager has sex with a man then withdraws her consent retroactively. The Rotterdam magistrate is not impressed.

April 28, 1971: At Oxford Assizes, Eli Smart is cleared of raping Heather Parnell. This one is hilarious; the report was published in the EVENING POST (Reading), April 29, 1971, page 7. At least we are left in no doubt as to who was the victim!

October 8, 1971: In Lake County, Indiana, Harold Berry propositions a married woman. He has a drink problem, but he soon has a much bigger one when Sandra Martin accuses him of beating and attempting to rape her? Where were the bruises? More to the point, where was the justice? This is how the case played out. File this one under RECANTATION.

July 6, 1972: In Litchfield, Patricia Bates telephones the police and tells them she has been raped by an unknown man. They bring in tracker dogs, but...This report of her conviction for wasting police time was published in the Litchfield Mercury, November 3, 1972, page 5.

September 22, 1972: ‘Beware sex-traps’ doctors warned is published in the Aberdeen Evening Express (LATE FINAL), page 3.

The above article is a salutary warning to all medical doctors, especially GPs. No citations are given for the disturbing incidents. The relevance of the case cited in the last two paragraphs eludes me.

November 13, 1972: Orkney Islander James Moar has it off with an older woman, and is accused of rape. He is defended by Nicholas Fairbairn (later Sir Nicholas) who has his own entries in this database. Moar was acquitted, see in particular the last paragraph of this article from The Press and Journal, January 31, 1973, page 11.

November 14, 1972: At Bodmin Crown Court, Dr Dasrath Rai is cleared of raping his patient Mrs Eleanor Thierry. This article was published in the Daily Mail, November 15, 1972, page 14.

1973: In China, Fu Yuehua accuses a Communist Party official of rape, apparently after some delay – sound familiar? The allegation is found to be false but she continues to repeat it. This story had obvious political overtones and was widely reported, but this particular article was published in The Birmingham Post, October 18, 1979, page 2. Her persistence earned her a two year sentence.

January 22, 1973: Roe v Wade is decided by the US Supreme Court. Click here for more.

January 28, 1973: Margaret Haddow appears at Stirling Sheriff Court. This is a false allegation only of attempted rape, but it was made against police officers. Always unwise! This report appeared in The Press and Journal, January 19, 1973, page 9. The following month, she was given probation.

February 27, 1973: At Santa Cruz, Bombay (as it then was), an unnamed woman – a teacher – is allegedly raped by Anthony Lobo and Godfrey Jacob, them and two others. The two named men were convicted of a lesser offence, but five years later, the High Court quashes their convictions. This report appeared in The Times Of India, May 5, 1978, page 6.

June 16, 1973: A young mother is allegedly gang-raped by Hell’s Angels on the beach at Ramsgate. Click here for more about Christine Webb.

October 24, 1973: This article was published in the WISHAW PRESS Incorporating WISHAW HERALD, and ADVERTISER, page 12, so dated. It reports on the case of teenage false rape accuser Jane Austrauskas of Wishaw, North Lanarkshire. This appears to be a case of exceptional circumstances. Ignore the make love to the men comment. Love indeed.

November 7, 1973: This amusing article appears on page 3 (unnumbered) of the Daily Kent Stater. The previous week, a girl, presumably a student, tells campus police she was raped. Shortly, the non-victim says she consented (to the sex). Oh boy.

December 4, 1973: rape laws to be attacked by Nicki Pokowitz. See entry for Susan Brownmiller.

December 20, 1973: This article from The Press And Journal (Aberdeen), page 17 reports on the case of married teenager Carole Stephens who had sex with a man on some waste ground after a night out with him, then cried rape. They don’t like this kind of thing in Scotland (or anywhere else). File this not-so-bonny lassie under SHAME.

1974: This is an odd one. At Craigavon in Northern Ireland, the boxer Ray Heaney is accused of raping a 15 year old girl. This article was published in the Belfast Telegraph, October 16, 1974, page 8. The girl appears to have been distressed, but my guess is the answer can be found in the last paragraph: FALSE AND TRUE? Ray Heaney died in August 2018 aged 67.

January 31, 1974: The Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act is signed into American law; championed by Walter Mondale, this well-intentioned leglisation has caused more problems than it solved. For a very brief critique, see entry for February 24-March 24, 2010.

February 20, 1974: The TV film A Case Of Rape is screened. Although entirely fictitious, this film and later ones have painted a one-sided and largely dishonest picture of the way alleged victims of sexual assault are treated by the police, the courts, and society. You can read what I think of it here.

February 24, 1974: At the University of Illinois, a rape is reported. Thankfully, it was an imaginary rape. This report was published in the student newspaper The Daily Illini, March 2, 1974, page 7.

March 17, 1974: Inez Garcia of Soledad, California murders Miguel Jiminez, gunning him down in the street. Click here for more.

May 22, 1974: In Massachusetts, Willard Bohannon, Robert Stonestreet and an unnamed juvenile have sex with a woman who is said to have an IQ of 63. Click here for more.

June 6, 1974: A girl claims to have been raped in a storeroom at the Boca Ciega High School. A boy is arrested, and the girl is sent to a medical centre. Later in the afternoon, the girl admits she lied. This report is from a local newspaper, The Evening Independent, June 7, 1974, page 14-A.

Circa June 17, 1974: In Colorado, two white men have sex with a black prostitute, either individually or more likely together. She accuses them of rape; they are arrested, and she takes a powder. Whether or not this was a financial dispute, it was no rape. This article was published in the Douglas County News, June 20, 1974, page 8.

September 1974: Rape Trauma Syndrome by Ann Wolbert Burgess and Lynda Lytle Holmstrom is published. Click here for more.

September 19, 1974: Two men are arrested by Sarasota police after a 20 year old woman found wandering incoherently tells them she was raped in the apartment of Mark Johnson; Johnson and his friend Frank Pelto are thrown into gaol where they remain until special investigator Al Danielo gets a call from Johnson’s roommate. The non-victim was angry because the two men had not kept their side of a financial transaction. Charges against the two were dropped on November 6. This report appeared in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, November 7, 1974, page 2-B.

September 22, 1974: A young woman attends Torquay police station claiming to have been raped. Shortly she admits she did this only to make her husband jealous, and of course it is all the fault of the police. This article from Evening Express (Aberdeen) appeared on page 9. This further report appeared in the London Times, January 15, 1975, page 3.

September 22-3, 1974: At Lonoke, Arkansas, Sheriff Donald Brumett and his deputy are alleged to have raped one prisoner and sexually abused two others. Their co-defendant Essie Mae Willock was awaiting trial for complicity in the murder of a police officer; in April 1975, she received a 45 year sentence, so she was not the type of girl one would expect to find sitting on the sheriff’s lap! The two men were acquitted. One wonders if they might have inspired their fellow Arkansayer Bill Clinton! This article appeared in the Northwest Arkansas Times, July 29, 1976, page 9.

October 2, 1974: Teenager Deborah Kantaeng of Long Beach, California, claims to have been kidnapped and raped by Danny Allen and another man on this date. Click here for more.

October 31, 1974: The phrase “rape culture” appears in Rape: The First Sourcebook For Women by Noreen Connell and Cassandra Wilson. This is generally recognised as the first time it appeared in print, although it was in use since around 1970/71. To see what rape culture really looks like, click here.

November 8, 1974: In Utah, the unwitting Carol DaRonch is kidnapped by serial killer Ted Bundy. Click here for more.

November 13, 1974: Kim Silvester goes to a public house in Romford with one man and leaves with two others. David Cooper drives her and Michael Dooley home, then en route she ends up shagging them both. The two men stand trial at the Central Criminal Court and are cleared of rape. This report was published in the HAVERING EXPRESS and ROMFORD TIMES, June 18, 1975, page 6. File this one under instant REGRET SEX.

November 17, 1974: In the Berario suburb of Johannesburg, an underage teen is allegedly raped. As this was a predominantly white area, one would assume the girl was white. Fortunately, her attacker was imaginary. This brief report was published in the Rand Daily Mail (First Edition), November 19, 1974, page 3.

February 24, 1975: Help for rape victims urged is published in The Birmingham Post (MIDLAND), page 9.

The above reports an idiot doctor, Judy Gilley, calling for rape crisis centres to be set up in the UK because so many rapes go unreported. Yeah, sure.

April 1, 1975: The 1974 Michigan rape shield statute comes into force, the first such law in the United States.

May 17, 1975: Wayman Cammile is arrested for the rape of 64 year old Alice Mock. Faced with an horrendous sentence, he pleads guilty to lesser charges, and is sentenced to 15 years by a Delaware judge. On November 28, 1986, Alice Mock makes a deathbed confession to Evelyn Burns: the rape never happened. On June 17, 1987, Wayman Cammile is released from prison. He dies from a heart attack three years later aged only 53, a case strange and tragic in equal measure.

May 21, 1975: The HAVERING EXPRESS and ROMFORD TIMES reports the conviction of faux prostitute Maxine Beckett for cheating a student out of £40. This is not a false rape allegation but shows the methods some of these vile creatures use to extract money from punters. She deserved a far heavier penalty than the one she received. Beckett was a clip girl rather than a prostitute. Usually lowlife like her work in clip joints, which are notorious for ripping off sad men for considerable sums of money. This is a worldwide phenomenon, although in the early 2000s, to their credit the police and Westminster Council went on a purge to close them down.

June 18, 1975: James Knight of New Haven, Connecticut is cleared of the rape of a 14 year old girl who accused him in March this year. According to his lawyer, this was “a child with problems, a sick girl...” and he was doubtless right on the money. This report was published in The Day (Connecticut), June 20, 1975, page 11.

July 16, 1975: Report goes with Lang by Don Sellar appears in The Medicine Hat News, page 12. Another report on the erosion of the rule of law in Canada. Things have got a lot worse there since then.

Circa July 18, 1975: At Muthill village, Scotland, teenager Grace Crane gratuitously accuses William Burns of rape. She refuses a medical examination and shortly retracts. This report of her court appearance was published in the STRATHEARN HERALD Incorporating The North Perthshire Guide, November 29, 1975, page 9. A dance was advertised for July 18 (9pm to 1am), so she probably cried rape on the night or in the small hours.

July 22, 1975: This article so dated from the front page of The Birmingham Post (MIDLAND NEWS) reports the acquittal at the Central Criminal Court of Michael Flynn, who had been accused of raping single mother Pauline Quigley in her East London home. This sounds like a SHAKEDOWN ATTEMPT. Friends and neighbours indeed!

July 31, 1975: The Supreme Court of California upholds the rape conviction of Leonardo Rincon-Pineda. Click here for more.

July 31, 1975: An underage teen is allegedly raped in a wooded area of Keeseville, New York State. Two days later, the good news is revealed to the world. This report was published in the New York State newspaper Press-Republican, August 2, 1975, page 3.

September 1975: At Lakeland, Florida, a black schoolgirl gives birth to a mulatto baby. Click here for more.

October 15, 1975: The first edition of Susan Brownmiller’s hysterical Against Our Will... is published. Click here for more.

November 7, 1975: Singer-songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie sends an incredibly cruel letter to her brother in Colorado. Click here for more.

November 28, 1975: Interrogation by Alan Firth is published in Police Review. Click here for more.

December 25, 1975: At Champaign, Illinois, a woman is allegedly raped by Terry Selvers. He is arrested around New Year but is soon released, and the focus is on his accuser. This fragment was lifted from the front page of the Playground Daily News, January 8, 1976. My apologies for the terrible quality of the scan; this was beyond my control.

Circa late December 1975: A teenager is allegedly raped near the White Plains Mall in New York State. After she is arrested for false reporting, she is named as Janis...? This partial report was extracted from The Daily News (Tarrytown), January 2, 1976, page C4.

January 19, 1976: A woman reports being attacked in her home at Scissett near Huddersfield. Click here for more.

February 8, 1976: This one is offered in the spirit of sexual equality. At 2.11am, a drunken Terry Soden dials 999 and reports a rape or attempted rape at Caernarfon, Wales. It is unclear if the call was traced, but he was. This report was published in the LIVERPOOL DAILY POST (FOR WALES), February 10, 1976, page 7.

Probably March 1976: At Ashton-in-Makerfield in the North of England, Mrs Elizabeth Lamb phones the police and tells them she had been raped. The good news is she hadn’t been raped. The bad news is she had to explain this and other things to a magistrate. This article was published in The Liverpool Echo, March 30, 1976, page 5. The reader may have noticed the date of this incident is given as March 30 (1976). Obviously, this cannot be correct so is almost certainly an editorial error.

March 10, 1976: In Connecticut, Linda Jadwinski tells police she had been raped the night before or 1am the same morning. An investigation determines the rape never happened, and she is arrested. This report is from The Day, March 12, 1976, page 13.

March 15, 1976: Britain’s first rape crisis centre is opened in North London. Click here for the first inside report from the national press, and here for the centre’s second annual report.

April 2, 1976: The film Lipstick is released in the United States. Click here for more.

May 28, 1976: The women running Britain’s pioneering Rape Crisis Centre have shunned publicity to protect clients. Click here for more.

May 30, 1976: At Granite City, Illinois, a teenager who is clearly not right in the head, cries rape. That appears to have been the least of her problems. This article was published in the Granite City Press-Record, June 1, 1976, page 20.

June 14, 1976: A 21 year old Little Miss Anonymous accuses professional football player Johnny Sample of rape. On June 30, 1976 she refuses to testify before a Philadelphia court after admitting she had lied. The linked report is from the Washington Afro-American, July 6, 1976, page 10.

July 17, 1976: This report so dated from page 3 of the Dutch language newspaper Leeuwarder Courant alludes to Rape turned lovemaking – which will really annoy the rad-fems, but a better translation is probably Girl bows to seducer. Whatever, a teenager had sex with another teenager in public at Maarssen, accused him of rape, then thought better of it. The reader is invited to compare this with the June 10, 2007 entry for Kerry Thomas – one of many such herein.

July 23, 1976: A woman is raped at Rochester, New York. Paranoid schizophrenic Freddie Peacock is framed by John Wernsdorfer, one of the investigating officers. Peacock is eventually exonerated by DNA. The background to the case can be found here. The victim had and has no doubt that it was Peacock who raped her, but this is far from the first time a rape victim has been so wrong. File this one under FALSE AND TRUE.

July 26, 1976: John Gates of Kirby is alleged to have raped a female. He is cleared at Liverpool Crown Court the following November without the case going to the jury. This brief report was published in The Liverpool Echo, November 9, 1076, page 5.

August 5, 1976: On the island of Crete, a British national named as Tania Lewis is released by the police after allegedly demanding 80,000 drachmas from a married man, or else. She is due to appear in court until August 20. This article appeared on page 3 of the August 6, 1976 issue of The Birmingham Post.

August 24, 1976: In New York State, Karen Lund has a court hearing re a false allegation of rape. This article appeared on the front page of the HERALD-MAIL (Fairport, New York), September 1, 1976, page 1.

October 5, 1976: While Winston O’Brien is on trial at Winchester Crown Court for rape, under cross-examination it is revealed the alleged teenage victim had made three previous false rape allegations. This article was published on page 9 of the Daily Mirror the following day. I have been unable to find any follow-up. Hopefully this guy was both innocent and cleared.

November 22, 1976: In the UK, the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act, 1976 is passed. The accuser in a rape case is granted lifelong anonymity. A terrible law that offends against the principle of open justice.

December 10, 1976: Christine Williamson of Inverness makes a false rape allegation to the police. The following March she is given a three month sentence. She had 29 previous convictions! This report appeared in The Press And Journal (Aberdeen), March 25, 1977, page 24.

December 28, 1976: This article so dated appears on page 3 of the Olean Times Herald. It reports that a 16 year old girl from Olean, New York, who claimed to have been kidnapped and raped, was not telling the truth.

1976-7: This article by Constance A. Hill was published in the Dusquesne Law Review, Volume 15, 305, pages 305-14. Although it makes interesting reading, it is incredibly venal. Among other things it perpetuates the feminist rape narrative about rape being a vastly under-reported crime. It covers too in depth the erosion of the need for corroboration in rape and sexual offence cases. It also mentions an imaginary disease called sexism.

May 22, 1977: A neighbour of Thelma Sayward contacts Plattsburgh police telling them the lady has been raped. Two days later, Thelma is arrested. This report was published in the New York State local newspaper Press-Republican, Wednesday Morning, May 25, 1977, page 3. The claim that she fabricated the rape may be a little uncharitable. Can we not say this was a GENUINE MISTAKE, that she confabulated under the influence of alcohol?

July 9, 1977: Teenager Cathleen Crowell of Homewood, Illinois, claims to have been raped. Click here for more.

July 12, 1977: Jeff Elliott is arrested for the January 1977 rape of a young woman. And confesses. The rape was real but HIS CONFESSION WAS FALSE. He was cleared at Leeds Crown Court when the real rapist confessed. Hopefully this guy was the real rapist! This article appeared in the Daily Mirror, February 18, 1978, page 3. I could include a lot of cases like this on the Timeline but have kept them to a minimum. Having said that, compare with the 1984 case of Sylvester Smith, which was far more shocking.

October 29, 1977: In Florida, Sally Hullender and an unnamed teenager claim to have been raped. Click here for more.

November 26, 1977: A teenage volunteer nurse is allegedly raped by a male nurse at De la Pole Hospital, Hull. There is an internal investigation which clears him, but in April 1979, she goes to the police. She didn’t go to the police at the time, she said, because she was afraid of going to court. The unnamed nurse stands trial and is cleared in only 15 minutes. His accuser had herself been accused of making a nuisance of herself with male staff. This file contains reports from the Yorkshire Post, February 20, page 20 (back page) and February 26, 1980, page 18, (back page).

January-June 1978: Rape and false rape statistics for Singapore. As will be seen from this article, things are a little complicated. (The continuation on page 13 is not relevant). Although there are no Romeo and Juliet laws in Singapore, most cases of statutory rape reported here would not attract the attention of the legal authorities in the UK. Very interesting is the observation that genuine cases are backed by medical evidence, ie the victims are bruised or worse and report promptly.

January 20, 1978: Florida police officer Christopher Scholz is arrested for rape and robbery. Click here for more.

February 21, 1978: At Shrewsbury Crown Court, four Indians are cleared of the abduction and rape of a teenage prostitute. This article was published in The Birmingham Post, February 22, 1978, page 3.

March 1978: An unnamed doctor is accused of raping an unnamed patient while administering a relaxant drug. Here is how the Daily Mirror reported his acquittal the following October. File this case under GENUINE MISTAKE.

March 5, 1978: In Hong Kong, a woman tells the authorities she was gang-raped by three men the night before. Five days later, this article is published in the South China Morning Post, March 10, 1978, page 9.

March 18, 1978: Thomas Moffitt and his two teenage sons Thomas and John are arrested after a teenage girl accuses all three of them of rape. On October 18, the charges having been dismissed, the girl is ordered to be held in the custody of the Department of Social Services for treatment and evaluation. This report is from The Times-News (Hendersonville, North Carolina), November 1, 1978, page 12.

This one can only be filed under HEAD CASE.

April 5, 1978: At Newburgh, New York, teenager Lucille Stevens reports a rape. Click here for more.

April 30, 1978: The second annual report of the first rape crisis centre in Britain is published. Click here for more.

May 13, 1978: A young girl from Ticonderoga, New York claims to have been kidnapped and raped. This is a weird incident that leads to four people being arrested, including the girl herself and another girl. My apologies for the terrible quality of this scan; I have included the entire page to avoid further loss of quality.

June 1978: A serial rapist is at large on the island of Jersey. It can’t have been Ted Paisnel because he’d been behind bars since 1971. It wasn’t Stephen Fenney either, even though he was arrested on suspicion, in fact, it wasn’t anyone. Eventually, Susan White and a young married woman named Angela Picot are exposed as the people behind the hoax. This file contains two articles from the London Daily Mail; the first is from page 3 of the July 6, 1978 issue.

July 3, 1978: In the US capital, firefighter Melvin Turner is accused of raping a teenager in the back of an ambulance. In spite of the weakness of the case against him, he stands trial the following year. This is how his story including his acquittal was reported by the Washington Post.

July 7, 1978: This amusing article from the Daily Mail gives no details of the false rape allegation concerned but does reveal how it led to the downfall of a corrupt police officer. Sad, really.

July 14, 1978: Police seal off the village of North Aston, Oxfordshire due to a siege by David Brain. Click here for more.

September 22, 1978: Five people appear in a lower court at Guisborough, Cleveland where they plead guilty to wasting police time. Ronald Leist didn’t like Barry Whitney sniffing round his underage daughter, so decided to frame him for rape. Unreal. This report was published in the DAILY MIRROR, September 23, 1978, page 5. Herein, the age of the victim is given as 25; another publication gives it as 23, which is still too old to be chasing a 15 year old, or perhaps he was just being friendly? Whatever, for the avoidance of all doubt, this Barry Whitney should not be confused with the somewhat older self-confessed child molester of the same name.

October 9, 1978: An unnamed doctor goes on trial at Saint Albans Crown Court. He is accused of raping a woman after drugging her. He is acquitted. Rather than being a gratuitously false allegation, I would suggest this was another case of hallucinating under anaesthetic. The second article in this file is also from the Daily Mail, page 15 of the October 21, 1978 issue.

October 10, 1978: In Oregon, Greta Rideout phones the police telling them she has just been beaten by her husband John. Click here for more.

December 12, 1978: This one is as shocking as they come. Allen Sabin murders his mother-in-law for some unspecified reason then violates her corpse to give the impression she was raped and murdered by an intruder. Sabin was convicted at Coventry Crown Court and given a life sentence. The reader might like to compare with the equally shocking 2008 case of Karen Walsh.

January to early October 1979: False rape statistics for Norfolk, Virginia. This article appeared on page 3 of the Daily News-Record (Harrisonburg, Virginia), October 10, 1979. I am assuming the period alluded to ie “this year” means January 1979 to date. Out of 100 rape allegations investigated, 12 were deemed to be false. Curiously, naval wives are blamed for some of these. (Norfolk, Virginia is the home of a major US Navy base). In 1980, Norfolk had a population of less than a quarter of a million.

1979-2018: The lies of American serial false rape accuser June Denson later McKenna Denson. Click here for more.

January 18, 1979: At Saint Catherine’s, Eastern Canada, Diane Audsley is late home...Click here for more.

February 1, 1979: An interesting report in the Ottawa Citizen, page 77, according to which more than half the rapes in Hamilton were totally unfounded while in Ottawa, only 15 of 54 reports were unfounded. Victims under 16 years of age were almost always assaulted by relatives or acquaintances, while older victims were assaulted by strangers. This is not what the sisterhood tells us. Unlike these hard figures, the claim in the same article that 60-90% of all rape cases go unreported is of course a statistic that has been pulled out of a hat.

February 11, 1979: In Singapore, Chan Siu-heung, a young widow and new mother is allegedly raped at knifepoint in the street. She has a bizarre reason for making this claim, and frankly, a woman in her position should not be doing what she had obviously been doing. This article was published in the South China Morning Post, February 17, 1979, page 7.

March 21, 1979: In Hull, a woman is allegedly raped in the access road at the back of her home. A £200 reward is offered in connection. Here is how things played out according to the Yorkshire Post, March 27, 1979, page 6.

April 1979: Rape and False Accusations of Rape by Neil M. Maclean is published. Click here for more.

April 1979: Sexual Offences Examination Forms by F.R. Lewington and R.L. Williams is published. Click here for more.

April 1979: Metropolitan Police Laboratory Examination Kit Sexual Offences by Myles D.B. Clarke is published. Click here for more.

April 1979: Sexual Offences — A Critical Appraisal of the Forensic Examiner by S.H. Burgess is published. Click here for more.

May 3, 1979: According to The Pittsburgh Press of May 23, 1979, page A-15, a report of a rape in the city by a teenager, who claimed the assailant was known to her, never happened.

May 23, 1979: Hotel doorman Murray Wentzell has an ugly encounter with a teenage stripper who accuses him of sexual assault. On October 31, 1979, the Supreme Court of British Columbia clears him of rape. This report is from the Prince George newspaper The Citizen, November 2, 1979, page 2.

June 7, 1979: At Leeds Crown Court, a married man is cleared of raping his teenage wife’s lesbian lover. Read all abaht it here. And marvel!

June 28, 1979: In Rhode Island, Steven McCarthy picks up a young woman, takes her to a bar, a restaurant, a liquor store, a nightclub, and then to the beach. Click here for more.

June 29, 1979: A horrible incident involving two celebrities leads to one of them being charged with inter alia rape by instrumentation. In October, a judge dismisses the sexual assault charge against Jack Nitzsche when Carrie Snodgress gives a more accurate description of what actually happened after her lover caught her in flagrante delicto with an actor named Paul Williams. Nitzsche received a slap on the wrist for the physical abuse he meted out to her that night, and their relationship continued for another decade and more. Okay, she shouldn’t have two-timed him, but dude, you were ASKING FOR IT. This report appeared in the St. Petersburg Times (St, Petersburg, Florida), October 23, 1979, page 4A.

July 1979: A teenage girl invites a 34 year old man into her bed at a Hull bedsit. Afterwards he goes out to buy cigarettes, and when he returns, he has been accused of rape. When he stands trial, the judge directs the jury to acquit him. This report was published in the Yorkshire Post, January 4, 1980, back page.

July 10, 1979: In this article (so dated) by Sharon Deveau from the Lewiston Evening Journal (Maine), page 13, a police officer tells it like it is about false allegations including of rape, many of which he says are REGRET SEX.

July 11, 1979: This one is hilarious. At Bodmin Crown Court, a middle aged man is cleared of raping a teenage because...see for yourself; this article appeared in the Daily Mirror the day after. A certain Janis Ian song comes to mind! The reader is invited to compare the experience of this poor girl with that of teenage non-rapist Gareth Linekar and file her under REGRET SEX. Incidentally, Bodmin Crown no longer exists; it was replaced by Truro Crown Court.

August 2, 1979: ACLU opposes polygraph tests for rape victims is published by a Colorado newspaper. Click here for more.

August 8, 1979: I’d be reluctant to give them a penny

The above is part of the Anne Robinson column in The Liverpool Echo so dated (page 6). If you are not of a certain age or from the UK you may not have heard of this formidable woman. She doesn’t think much of the rape crisis movement; before you dissent, check out my live hangout from March 17, 2019.

September 1979: In Scotland, two teenagers have sex with a third, who cries rape. They stand trial at the High Court in Inverness the following March, and are acquitted. This report was published in The Press and Journal (CITY), March 27, 1980, page 3. Note there were nine women on the jury and the two were acquitted in only 13 minutes. What does that tell you?

September 30, 1979: Dianna Green is attacked in her home at Tustin, California. Click here for more.

October 12, 1979: This article so dated was published in the Santa Cruz Sentinel, page 7. It reports that Elizabeth Evans had been charged by Santa Cruz Police with making a false rape report.

October 23, 1979: Cousins Alexandra Tait and Isobel Grant are fined at Banff Sheriff Court after falsely accusing a man of rape. The allegation appears to have been inspired by alcohol, nothing unusual there. Grant also assaulted a woman in the street, and was lucky to avoid gaol. My apologies for the poor quality of this scan which was culled from The Press And Journal (Aberdeen), October 24, 1979, page 27.

October 27, 1979: At Geneseo, New York, a divorced teenager and mother of two (!!) is allegedly raped in the small hours. Four days later, she is arrested for filing a false report. I found this article in the FultonHistory dot com database. It appeared in three newspapers including the Western New Yorker newspaper, page 9 of a late 1979 edition. Don’t ask me which one.

November 27, 1979: Teenager Catherine Gray appears at Stonehaven Sheriff Court for falsely claiming to have been kidnapped, assaulted and raped. Usually a man is to blame for these sort of lies, but Gray pointed the finger at her mother. Sentence was deferred. This article appeared in the Evening Express (Aberdeen), November 27, 1979, page 7.

December 1979: On September 2, 1980, Douglas L. Caswell rapes a single mother in her Minnesota apartment. Click here for more.

December 26, 1979: At Southampton, Long Island, New York, Claire Risolo is arrested for making a false report that she had been raped on Christmas Day. This is part of an article published in The Southampton Press, January 3, 1980, page 5.

January 29, 1980: Teenager Lorraine Radcliffe appears in court at Rochdale charged with conspiracy. This is only an allegation of attempted rape but is included here because it is so bizarre. It also explains why for the most part police officers go around in pairs, especially when they call on women! This article explains how the case played out for Radcliffe and her two co-conspirators. It was published in the Manchester Evening News (FINAL), March 1, 1980, page 3. Patricia Coombes appears to have been the architect of the plot, and Griffith Rowlands an otherwise clean living sap who allowed himself to be roped into it. I know the feeling! File these three clowns under NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY.

February 20, 1980: Eva Nowak of Nechells, Birmingham is allegedly raped by an unnamed man. On June 17, it is reported she had been remanded on bail until August 12 with two sureties of £500 each. On December 4, she appears at Birmingham Crown Court where she is given a four month sentence by Judge Toyn after pleading guilty to perverting the court of justice, This article was published in the Daily Mail, December 5, 1980, page 2. This report is from page 7 of the Daily Mirror the same day. We can safely call this the feminist version because it lays the blame on her boyfriend!

May 17, 1980: A teenager is allegedly raped by two men in Spring Lake Park, California. They are arrested, then she decides that whatever happened between them was not rape! This report was published in The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa), May 21, 1980, page 4.

May 29, 1980: This report so dated from the Prince George, British Columbia newspaper The Citizen, page 12 sees false rape accuser Patricia Stuart branded a COMPULSIVE LIAR. She told police at Saanich, British Columbia she had been raped by a named individual to test her boyfriend’s love. Sadly, she was given a non-custodial sentence.

June 9, 1980: A teenager is allegedly raped at Pwllheli, North Wales late at night. The first report in this file is from the front page of the Liverpool Echo, June 10. The second article, the retraction, appeared on page 7 of the same newspaper the following day.

June 18, 1980: This report appeared in The Dauphin Herald, page 11. Helen Boucher of Duck Bay in Canada pleaded guilty to falsely accusing her common law husband of rape. She appears to have done this while under the influence of alcohol. No dates are given.

August 12/3, 1980: Close to midnight, a woman cries “Rape! Rape!” This is another incredible case from Canada. Mrs. Nicole Marie Lukasik alias Cecile Blanche Lukasik was convicted of both perjury and public mischief for which she received a sentence of 45 days plus 2 years of probation, but the Crown appealed, which resulted in her sentence being extended to 9 months. The case ended up in the civil courts with a victory for the plaintiff, the falsely accused and aptly named Ronald Pierre Canada. And would you believe this started as a fairly minor motoring accident? Read the judgment and weep.

August 20, 1980: Two letters about rape are read out on Radio One. The second from me! Click here for more.

Circa September 1, 1980: In Morris County, New Jersey, a woman from Roxbury cries rape after having consensual sex with a dude at a motel. (See next entry).

September 2, 1980: In Morris County, New Jersey, two named individuals from Boonton are charged with raping a woman. Shortly, she recants. A threesome? Yuk! This report was published in the DAILY RECORD of Morristown, New Jersey, September 7, 1980, page 21. This article includes a reference to the previous entry, the woman from Roxbury. Labor Day in the US is the first Monday in September, the first of the month in 1980, so presumably this woman wasn’t raped on August 30/31 although I have no information as to when she reported it.

September 11, 1980: This report so dated from The Sydney Morning Herald, page 9, tells how a judge halted a rape trial at Parramatta Supreme Court when it became clear the alleged victim had offered no physical or verbal resistance nor tried to escape when she was supposedly being held prisoner at a hotel with plenty of strangers – staff and clientele – about.

October 14, 1980: This is an allegation only of attempted rape but is included here because of its aggravating feature. At Paya Lebar, Singapore, Lee Moi claims she was robbed by two men who also attempted to rape her. One of the alleged attackers is named as Chong Leng Siong, the husband of Madam Tan Lee Kim Hong. Her motivation appears to have been revenge on the other woman. Lee Moi received a heavy financial penalty. This report was published in The Straits Times, December 11, 1980, page 16. This later report was published in the same newspaper, December 31, 1980, page 8. Her employer Tan Choo Keh was fined for abetting her.

November 13, 1980: In 1979, New York City employee Jeffrey Gordon is accused of raping Andrea Cohen. When the grand jury refuses to indict him, he sues her in the New York Supreme Court. The trial is heard without a jury. He won the case, and not by a hair’s breadth either! This report, from the Boca Raton News, page 14A so dated is priceless.

1981: False rape statistics for South Wales. Click here for more.

Circa 1981: Judy Owens accuses a staff member of the First Baptist Church of Mineola, Texas, of rape. A meeting is held, which includes the girl’s parents, and it is determined she is not telling the truth. No further action is taken. In March 1991, by which time she is known as Judy Gaumond, she accuses another man of raping her. He is convicted, and his conviction is upheld on appeal. This conviction appears to have been sound, but how would you have liked to have been a juror hearing this case if you had known about the first (false) rape allegation? In this connection, see also false rape accuser/later rape victim Sabrina Dean.

Circa 1981: According to her mother, Lily Place, when Angela Stretton was 14 years old, she claimed to have been raped in Leicester where they were then living. The mother called the police, and the surgeon concluded she had not been interfered with sexually. By the time of the Satanic abuse panic in the Scottish islands, in which she played a major part, Stretton was already a known SERIAL FALSE ACCUSER.

February 15, 1981: Middlesbrough draw 1-1 with Wolves. After the match, a teenager is allegedly grabbed by a group of football fans and raped by no fewer than thirteen of them. The claim appears on the front page of the SANDWELL Evening Mail, March 9, 1981. The following day, the retraction appears on page 2 of the same paper. File this dumb belle under FREE RIDE.

February 16, 1981: In Pennsylvania, gynecologist Panayotis Apostolidis is cleared of raping three of his patients. This is a very interesting case; the rapes were alleged to have been committed between October 1978 and April 1980. Two of his nurses testified they were present during the examinations, so was this a folie à deux, or something far more sinister? This report was published in The Spokesman-Review, February 18, 1981, page B26.

April 12, 1981: There is a disturbance outside a dormitory at the University of Richmond, Virginia. Gary Ribar is one of three students accused of rape by a 14 year old girl. Two days later, he and his team mates are charged. The following month, the charges are withdrawn. Ribar says neither he nor his colleagues left the dormitory. This report is from The Pittsburgh Press, May 27, 1981, page D-4.

May to early June 1981: False rape reports from Okaloosa County, Florida. Click here for more.

May 2, 1981: This is that rarest of sex cases, a woman charged with rape, not a schoolteacher giving a 14 year old sex lessons after school, but real rape. Mary Conteh is accused of violating an 8 year old in her apartment. Even the boy’s mother wasn’t impressed with her son. This report was published in the Evening News (Beacon, New York), November 14, 1981, page 2A, the day after her acquittal.

June 17, 1981: This article so dated was published in the Daily Mirror, page 5. It reports the conviction of Gillian Cole whose false allegation in Stoke-on-Trent led to the arrest of an innocent teenager. Note the article says she was sexually assaulted the previous year. Which begs what question?

July 6, 1981: A Federal judge dismisses rape charges against three men relating from an allegation of rape on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana because the alleged victim had recanted. This report was published in The Montana Standard (Butte), July 8, 1981, page 21.

July 25, 1981: In the small hours, a state trooper is called to the apartment of Sandra Nelson, who claims to have been raped. She has no visible injuries, but Herbert Winfield is convicted by a jury after the trial judge excludes what might be called bad character evidence under the rape shield law. On March 11, 1983, the Supreme Court of Virginia reverses his conviction because this excluded evidence shows “Sandra had a distinctive pattern of past sexual conduct, involving the extortion of money by threat after acts of prostitution, of which her conduct in this case was but an example”.

October 1981: Washington County man William Davis is convicted of the rape of Ronnda Baker, who was 14 at the time of the trial. He is said to have raped her several times between August 1979 and March 1981. In June 1985, his accuser recants officially, and in spite of attempts to dissuade her, continues to protest her victim’s innocence. Davis is released in May 1985. This article appeared on the front page of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 14, 1985.

November 1981: A RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY OF ALLEGED SEXUAL ASSAULT CASES by G.H Stewart is published in THE POLICE SURGEON, (UK); click here for the article and comment.

November 1, 1981: The publication of the first edition of Michelle Remembers; this is the book that started the modern Satanic panic. Although the claims of its subject, Michelle Smith, have been thoroughly debunked, it has spawned a host of imitators including real life tragedies such as the Bakersfield and McMartin Satanic abuse cases.

November 14 and November 26, 1981: Two false allegations at Massena, New York. Click here for more.

Circa December 19, 1981: A student at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania accuses two other students of raping her. Law enforcement are informed and so are her family; before a criminal investigation can be launched, a lynch mob arrives. The resulting fracas leaves six people requiring hospital treatment, then the girl admits she’d lied.

[The above is based on this report from The Afro American, December 26, 1981].

1982: A Spokane woman is charged with obstructing a public servant after filing a false rape report. According to this article from The Spokesman-Review, February 27, 1983, a detective said half the allegations of rape and attempted rape his unit investigates end up being classified as unfounded, or the complainant withdraws the charges.

1982: In California, a woman is said to have made no fewer than 11 false rape allegations. See entry for May 26, 1989.

Early 1982: A girl identified only as Tina claims to have been raped by another juvenile resident at the Whitaker State Home, Pryor, Oklahoma. However, when asked to take a lie detector test by investigators, she admits she lied.

January 1982: A woman claims to have been raped in Amsterdam; later in the year, the public prosecutor declares her complaint to be groundless, according to the Dutch newspaper Het Vrije Volk, September 2, 1982, page 3.

January 15, 1982: T.T. Watson visits a home in which three youngsters are being supervised by an 18 year old. On January 21, he is arrested on suspicion of rape, the 11 year old having told the 18 year old he had violated her without anyone noticing. He stands trial in June, and is quickly acquitted, wisely taking the stand in his own defense. This report appeared in the Gainesville Sun, June 23, 1982, page 1B. Thaddeus Timothy Watson died at his native Gainesville in April 2011 aged only 54, and was well thought of.

January 18, 1982: In Washington State, Sandra Thomas is allegedly kidnapped and raped. The police appear to have become a tad suspicious when this happened twice more. This article reports on the impending arraignment of her and her husband. The spelling mistakes are not my fault. I elected not to correct them for authenticity!

January 18, 1982: A Complaint Of Rape is screened. Click here for more.

January 20 & May 28, 1982: At Wilmore, Kentucky, Diane Woodcock is raped twice by the same man. Or is she? Click here for more.

January-February 1982: False rape statistics for Calgary, Canada, the first two months of the year. There were nineteen reported rapes, seven of them turning out to be false. Not unfounded, but false. This report appeared in the Lethbridge Herald, March 17, 1982, page 19. Note the familiar rhetoric from the local rape crisis airhead. According to Debbie Bruckner, false allegations are predominantly...a myth, and the police officer’s agreement that even if the complainant wasn’t really raped she is still a victim because vagina...See also the entry for the UPI report of March 15, 1982 (dated below).

February 5, 1982: Two stupid girls in Sunderland slash and stab each other then claim to have been raped. This very brief report appeared in the WESTERN Daily Press (LATE CITY), August 21, 1982, page 5. I found an earlier report in the local press but although I can just about make out the text, the quality of the scan is too poor to reproduce here. It will suffice to say that at the time, the police were hunting a serial rapist who had attacked four women and these two dumbos decided to play a stupid game with them. One had 45 cuts on her chest, neck and face; the other had 14 cheek cuts, a swollen forehead and a swollen eye. For once, even I am speechless.

March 5, 1982: Basketball players Andre Hawkins and Ronald Payton are charged with raping cheerleader Maureen Sullivan at an hotel in Hartford, Connecticut. Their team had just been eliminated from a tournament, so this was even worse luck. Fortunately, when the case is due to come to trial the following year, Maureen decides she wants to rebuild her life, and withdraws the charges. If she had really been raped she would have wanted justice, revenge, or the proverbial closure, perhaps even compensation, but had the trial gone ahead there was an excellent chance she would instead have been exposed as a lying slut suffering from BUYER’S REMORSE.

March 15, 1982: This UPI report so dated begins: “Calgary police said Monday they are concerned with the increasing number of women reporting unfounded rapes and may consider laying public mischief charges.”

Women and girls like the case alluded to here. What sort of idiot slashes herself across the chest with a razor (quite deeply, apparently) to bolster a false rape claim made because she had missed her curfew? According to one investigator, Brian Larsen, his unit had recently spent almost as much time investigating fake rapes as real ones. (Elsewhere, this officer’s surname is spelt Larson. Larsen is correct; he died in July 2014.]

March 23, 1982: According to this report in the Gainesville Sun (Final Edition) so dated, page 16A, Deputy John Walls was reinstated on March 22 after being cleared of rape following an allegation by a Gainesville woman.

April 10, 1982: In the small hours, a teenager is allegedly raped by a police officer named Don McDade. The poor guy is arrested and thrown into the Oklahoma City Jail, but a prompt investigation uncovers witnesses who give the lie to her claim, and McDade is released.

April 12, 1982: Prostitute and SERIAL FALSE ACCUSER Suzanne Childrey is given a 60 day sentence. This report begins on the front page of THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR (Third Edition), April 13, 1982. In April 2008, she was murdered in her Indianapolis home. She was 48 years old.

May 5, 1982: Carl Stottor meets serial killer Dennis Nilsen in a North London public house. Click here for more.

May 11, 1982: Around 2.30am, police in Rhode Island respond to a call from Patricia Clelan of Middletown. Click here for more.

May 21, 1982: At Wilmington, Massachusetts, a woman is picked up by a man in a truck and raped around 11am, at least that was her story. Shortly, it is reported by the Wilmington edition of the Town Crier that whatever happened to this woman, she was not raped.

May 24, 1982: In Florida, Julie Dunn is given a sixteen year sentence for the second degree murder of her live-in boyfriend Steven Flanagan. Judge Rom Powell ordered her to spend at least three years behind bars. She had accused him of raping her but later admitted he hadn’t. She lost her appeal against conviction.

June 1, 1982: This is an extremely rare and bizarre case from Florida of a woman being arrested for rape. Mary West was accused of the sexual battery of a three year old girl. This article appeared in the Daytona Beach Morning Journal, June 18, 1982, page 2B. Reading between the lines, this was a GENUINE MISTAKE.

June 7, 1982: Fakenham teenager Juliet Bennett has it off with a dude in the back seat of his car then withdraws her consent. This report of her court appearance was published in the Lynn News & Advertiser, August 20, 1982, page 3.

June 8, 1982: Edward Harris of Cathedral City, California, is accused of abducting and raping an older woman. It doesn’t take long for her to recant. This report was published in the Palm Springs newspaper The Desert Sun, June 10, 1982, page A2.

July 6, 1982: Charlene Hall of Saranac Lake, New York, is kidnapped in her own car, driven to an unknown location, and raped. That was her initial story; the truth soon comes out, and shortly she ends up with a heavy fine and costs. This article appeared on the front page of the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, July 13, 1982.

July 17, 1982: In California, Karen Ashley is allegedly raped late at night. At least, that is what she tells Coronado Police. The following month, the local press reports she has been charged with false reporting. This article was published in the Coronado Journal, August 5, 1982, page 2.

July 29, 1982: A 12 year old girl tells her mother she was raped in mid-May by Allen Howard, who is a relative. He is also a Philadelphia police officer. Howard is arrested October 14; he is dismissed. On February 2, 1983 it is reported that he has been cleared. There was no medical evidence. Why do you think that was?

[The above information was extracted from the Philadelphia Daily News, February 2, 1983, Edition 4*, page 12, (accessed through NewsBank)].

August 27, 1982: At Owensboro, Kentucky, Chrispin Humphrey is drugged by two men, taken to a large building where two men, presumably the same two, rape her while a third films the act. This article was published in The Evansville Press (Evansville edition), September 9, 1982, page 7. This suggests these men were figments of her imagination, or perhaps only two of them were. Her full name, take note, is MRS Chrispin Humphrey; her Christian name has also been given as Christin. Whatever, join up the dots and ask why a married woman was drinking in a bar without her husband.

September 21, 1982: Police officer’s wife Sheila DeLuca celebrates her 42nd birthday, and around seven o’clock the following morning ends up at a motel with Robert Bissett. Afterwards, they go back to Bissett’s van where around 2pm she murders him, shooting him four times in the head. She tells her husband she was abducted by three men – the other two did exist, she had originally gone to the motel with all three of them. In April 1984, she is convicted of second degree murder, but in 1994 her conviction is quashed and a retrial ordered. After pleading guilty to manslaughter, she walks free in November 1996, time served. File under PRETEXT FOR MURDER.

October 5, 1982: Police don’t believe rape reports: Data published in The Gazette (Montreal), page B1.

The title of the above says it all. Once upon a time the police were rightly suspicious of any rape victim who didn’t look the part.

October 28, 1982: Four American airmen are cleared at Oxford Crown Court of raping Maria Baird. This one is hilarious but I have allowed the press reports to speak for themselves!

November 9, 1982: At Miami, Florida, Pedro Figueroa is arrested for the rape of an 11 year old girl. Click here for more.

November 13, 1982: A teenager is allegedly raped early morning near Plattsburgh Air Force Base in New York State. It takes investigators no time at all to expose the lie. This is a report from the local press for Clinton, Essex and Franklin Counties.

December 1982: Beverley Hayles is allegedly raped by Keith Burgher in her West Midlands home. Click here for more.

December 4, 1982: A woman from West Philadelphia gets into an argument with three women around 1am, and is badly beaten. So...she accuses a man of beating and raping her! Juwan Wallace is arrested, but later that month she does the decent thing. She put him in the frame because she was humiliated, and because she heard he’d been accused of rape before. In fact, Wallace had actually been charged with rape twice, but both times the cases were dropped because witnesses – ie the victims didn’t turn up for court. Hmm. According to NewsBank, this article by Dave Rachier appeared in Edition 4*, page 17. It remains to be seen why this PERFECT VICTIM was out drinking at this hour instead of being at home with her three offspring.

1982 or early 1983: According to this article from February 27, 1983, a Spokane woman who claimed to have been raped at knifepoint by a man posing as a vacuum cleaner salesman was charged with filing a false report.

1983: Elizabeth Ward has a one-night stand with Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton. Click here for more.

1983: The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome by Roland C. Summit is published. Click here for more.

January 6, 1983: The Court of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma reverses the incest conviction of Bennie J. Woods who was convicted of having sex with (ie raping) his own daughter. Read the judgment and about her other false allegations.

January 12-3, 1983: Karen Sorlucco claims to have been falsely imprisoned in her New York City apartment. Click here for more.

January 13, 1983: At 1.37am, a 16 year old girl turns up at a police station in Rhode Island claiming to have been kidnapped at gunpoint and raped. She is taken to Newport Hospital; shortly an 18 year old is arrested. She is interviewed three times before she admits the sex was consensual. She fabricated the story because she was out late. According to NewsBank, this article by G. Wayne Miller appeared on page A-05.

January 17, 1983: At Providence, Rhode Island, Laurie Keenan and another teenager are allegedly kidnapped and raped. Click here for more.

January 26, 1983: Police target falsified reports of sex assaults – click here for more about this story from Rhode Island.

January 28, 1983: A conviction for gang-rape in Scotland is finally overturned 24 years later. Not much information is available about this case as can be seen from the previous link, but the lessons are clear. Having sex – group sex or otherwise – with women who are not right in the head can be dangerous, whether or not as in this case the non-victim has been sniffing glue.

January 31, 1983: A woman is attacked at Charlotte, North Carolina, by the man who becomes known as the Red Light Rapist. He is said to be impersonating a police officer, an amazing achievement for a bloke who doesn’t actually exist. In spite of this, he appears to have attacked two more women.

This report appeared in The Dispatch (Lexington, North Carolina), February 26, 1983, page 1.

Circa February 1983: In separate incidents, a fifteen year old girl has been charged with filing a false rape report, and a warrant has been issued for a woman who allegedly lied to police about being raped, as reported by The Spokesman-Review, February 27, 1983, (below).

February 2, 1983: This is a particularly nasty case from Hong Kong. Ho Pui-fong tells the police her live-in lover had raped her ten year old daughter the previous November. The man is arrested, but under investigation her story unravels until finally she admits she made it up, for a quite pathetic reason. She had obviously coached both her daughters. This report was published in the South China Morning Post, February 17, 1983, page 7.

February 9, 1983: This report so dated is from the Observer-Reporter (Washington, Pennsylvania), February 9, 1983, page B9.

At Tucson, Arizona, a girl claims to have been raped in broad daylight while a woman ignored her screams. Four days later, she admits the intercourse was consensual but tells the police Mummy would be soooo angry if she found out.

February 27, 1983: This article by Tim Hanson is from The Spokesman-Review, pages B1 & B6. It contains some interesting comment, especially by a detective named Leland Elliott.

February 27, 1983: At Auburn, New York, a young woman is allegedly raped in her apartment, but shortly withdraws her complaint because she doesn’t want to go to court. Yeah, sure, we heard that all the time, even before CCTV and mobile phone footage. This report was published in The Citizen (Auburn, New York), March 7, 1983, (apparently) page 3.

March 9, 1983: A teenager hoaxes the entire Boston Police Department; this report so dated is from Lewiston Journal, page 12, yet still they are not convinced!

March 24, 1983: Philadelphia attorney Jack Feinberg is acquitted of raping an underage girl. Click here for more.

March 31, 1983: At Ephrata, Pennsylvania, a teenager claims to have been kidnapped at knifepoint from the grounds of her high school and sexually assaulted. On April 6, 1983, the Reading Eagle newspaper reports at page 2 that the girl lied.

April 13, 1983: Democratic politician Lonnie Carr is indicted for the rape of his girlfriend’s teenage daughter. According to the Schenectady Gazette, July 22, 1983, page 9, Barbette McKnight made up the story after staying out late. Carr spent 20 days in gaol before posting bail. In July 1983, he was totally vindicated.

April 24, 1983: A woman tells police she was raped that night in a Melbourne suburb. Her assailant was a stranger. After an appeal, a man comes forward and says he had consensual sex with her. When this is put to her, she fesses up, then obviously realising she is in hot water, she reverts to her original rape claim. Read what happened next here.

May 2, 1983: A teenager from Bradenton, Florida tells a detective she was raped on her way to school. Later, she tells her mother she made it up. This report appeared in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, June 28, 1983, page 2-BM.

May 25, 1983: Mother of three Catherine Hailwood appears before magistrates at Colwyn Bay, Wales accused of...see for yourself. This report appeared in the Daily Post (PAPER FOR WALES). And yes, the milkman did appear to still exist in 1983! The following month she was given two years of probation. Her solicitor said she was a rather sad case who needed help. Why am I not surprised?

May 27, 1983: In Hong Kong, Kwong Mo-yee accuses Ah Hung of rape. When the police investigate, they confirm Ah Hung did indeed have sex with her, and that this sex was utterly consensual. Not only that, the lady was happy, probably because Mr Hung paid her $500 for the half hour she spent with him! This report was published in the South China Morning Post, June 17, 1983, page 23. As ever, my apologies for the poor quality of the scan, which was beyond my control.

June 1, 1983: A tourist from Richmond, Virginia is grabbed at 2am while walking through the French Quarter of New Orleans. Click here for more.

June 24, 1983: At Leeds Crown Court, an unnamed man is cleared of raping a prostitute. This file contains reports from the (Bradford) Telegraph & Argus, June 23, 1983, page 10 and the front page of the following day. The latter report says the man was cleared today, so I am assuming the paper went to press shortly afterwards. Whatever, it would be difficult to find a more blatant case of a bloke who was ASKING FOR IT. A prostitute is not a girlfriend, much less a wife, and if you physically assault one for any reason, you can expect something like this.

June 24/5, 1983: In the Netherlands, a teenage girl claims to have been gang-raped. The allegation has been shown to be false, now do we prosecute the little minx or what? File under AIN’T NUTHIN’ LIKE A GANG BANG.

[The above is based on this report from the Dutch newspaper NIEUWSBLAD van het NOORDEN, July 5, 1983, page 1].

July 3, 1983: Ice cream deliveryman Henry Cortes is alleged to have raped a 12 year old girl. He had unwisely paid her to help him with his deliveries but she didn’t think $5 was enough. First she claimed to have been kidnapped, then said she was raped. In spite of there being no physical evidence, he was charged. The purpose of him dropping his trousers was to demonstrate that he could not have done what she claimed how she claimed. He was rightly acquitted. According to NewsBank, this report by Dave Racher appeared in the 4STAR Edition, page 5. I doubt these antics would have been permitted in an English courtroom but you might like to compare this with the later case of Philip Webster.

July 12, 1983: In Florida, 17 year old Alison Fulton is allegedly raped by James Beasley and another man. Click here for more.

July 26, 1983: This article, so dated, is from the Evening Chronicle (Newcastle), page 9. My apologies for the terrible quality of the scan; I had no control over this. The article relates the tale of Dawn Blenkiron of Chester-le-Street in the North of England who falsely accused two men of rape in what was called an elaborate charade. As she appears to have staged this rape to get back at the men after they had argued with her husband, I suppose we can safely blame this on the patriarchy as usual.

Summer 1983: Rape Trauma Syndrome by Ann Wolbert Burgess.

The above is an updated and much augmented version of the September 1974 article by the same author, although for whatever reason her co-author has not contributed to it. It contains the usual statistics which in deference to the author I will say are simply misleading rather than contrived.

August 1, 1983: Police at Gytsjerk in the Netherlands announce they are to press false rape and assault charges against a 28 year old woman. Click here for more.

Early August 1983: At Oxnard, California, a teenager is allegedly kidnapped and raped. She soon fesses up. This article was published in an editorial of the local rag, THE PRESS-COURIER, August 14, 1983, page 4. I can find no other reports on the case.

August 24, 1983: This is a disturbing case, a teenager who is just fourteen and a mother appears in juvenile court at West Bromwich after accusing two Rastafarians of kidnapping and raping her. In reality she had had sex with one of the men and been to a party with them. There is no indication they faced charges but cases of this nature contain few details when covered by the press. This report was published in the SANDWELL Evening Mail, August 25, 1983, page 7.

August 28, 1983: Kathleen Leona Sanchez of Lakeland tells police she was abducted and raped. The following month, it is reported that someone has been charged in connection with these offences. Her. This article appeared in The Ledger (Lakeland, Florida), September 7, 1983, page 1B.

August 29, 1983: An interesting report, so dated, by Russ Nugent from the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, page 4-B. According to this, of the 37 rapes reported to the authorities since January of that year, 4 were voluntary sex acts, and nearly half were suspect.

September 7, 1983: Ray Buckey is arrested at his home in Manhattan Beach, California. Click here for more about the McMartin Preschool witch-hunt.

September 11, 1982: At Kingsteignton in the West Country, Sandra Bigg claims to have been raped in her garden by a stranger. A married mother of her age who reports her rape promptly is clearly a very credible victim, so much so in her case that two innocent men were arrested. But...this report was published in the Devon newspaper Herald Express, January 19, 1983, page 2. She was lucky to escape with a mere financial penalty.

September 12, 1983: A teenage girl contacts the police and tells them she was kidnapped by two men, driven to a house near Hummel Park, Omaha, raped by one of the men, and held prisoner over the weekend, September 10-11. A second girl was also being held at the house. An intensive investigation turns up no evidence of any kidnap. A medical examination finds no evidence of rape or any other injury. The police concluded the girl was lying. This report by Gabriella Stern, appeared in the SUNRISE Edition of the paper, (accessed here through NewsBank).


Although not an allegation of rape, the above article concerns career blackmailer Anthony Scanlon who got his comeuppance at the Central Criminal Court. It was published in the Hackney Gazette on said date, page 15.

November 1983: Investigating Sexual Assault is published by HMSO. Click here for more.

November 15, 1983: The Glasgow Herald, page 10, includes a long letter from P.B. Watson. Click here for more.

November 22, 1983: In the small hours, Linda Galinski of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, is allegedly raped by two men. Asked to take a lie detector test, she recants. According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page BO2. The following May, she was given probation.

December 1983: The notorious publisher Larry Flynt sacks husband and wife employees William and Marsha Rider. Then he accuses Mr Rider of raping his 14 year old daughter. After protracted legal proceedings and a six week trial, the Riders are awarded an $8.6 million judgment against Flynt by a Santa Monica jury.

December 2, 1983: The 17 year old Sandra Griffiths tells police she was raped and robbed by five men. The following June, then 18, she appears at a lower court in Liverpool where she admits wasting police time. This article was published in the Liverpool ECHO, July 14, 1984, page 5.

December 17, 1983: At Providence, Rhode Island, an underage teen is kidnapped by four men, blindfolded and raped. At least, that’s what she tells police the following day. Then she claims it happened a year ago, and blames her older brother for forcing her to tell that story. Then she drops the complaint. This report appeared in the CITY Edition, page C-01.

December 26, 1983: In New England, Deborah Newman is allegedly kidnapped by Gregory Whiting. Click here for more.

December 27, 1983: The article Sex Claims Dismissed from London’s Alternative Magazine, Dec 27-Jan 2, 1983-4, page 61 reports on a thankfully false paedophile alert in the Philippines. My apologies for the poor quality scan.

1984: Rape and false rape statistics for New York City. Click here for more.

January 1984: In Gainesville, a high school student is kidnapped and raped; that’s what she said, anyway. Later in the year, the truth is revealed. This article is from the Gainesville Sun (Final Edition), September 27, 1984, page 8A.

January 2, 1984: In Philadelphia, teenager Terry Williams commits the first of two murders. Click here for more.

January 9, 1984: In Apartheid, South Africa, three white men have sex with two black prostitutes who accuse them of rape. Although the rape charges are dropped they are tried for Rassenschande and convicted. This report was published in the Rand Daily Mail, September 11, 1984, page 5. Next time, at least give the whores a ride home.

January 18, 1984: At a rape trial in London, Mrs X denies allegations made against Edward Heath by Kevin O’Dowd. Click here for more.

January 22, 1984: Joseph Gaye is accused of rape at an apartment complex in Playa Del Rey, California. Click here for more.

January 24, 1984: Philadelphia Police correspondence

The above internal letter so dated does not contain any actual false allegations but reports several different types of false allegation. The reader might like to compare the classifications therein with the types of false rape accuser listed here.

February 19, 1984: In New York City, student Alberto Ramos is accused of raping a 5 year old girl. Click here for more.

March 2, 1984: Publish names of alleged rape victims by Alan Dershowitz is published in The Boston Globe, March 2, 1984, page 10.

The Big Dan’s case alluded to by the good professor was a horrible 1983 gang-rape case in New Bedford, Massachusetts. The victim was killed in a car crash three years later. The incident was made into a film called The Accused which was released in 1988, winning an Oscar for Jodie Foster.

March 5, 1984: Two young girls – cousins aged four and five – are taken to a North Carolina hospital where they are found to have been sexually violated. Click here for more.

March 26, 1984: Psychiatrist Ralph Allison explains the fragility of human testimony. Click here for more.

April 1, 1984: In New York City, Johnnie O’Neal is arrested on suspicion of rape. Although he was fitted up, apparently by a woman with an agenda, there is no doubt that he was convicted of a crime that actually happened. You can read a bit about it here; file this case under FALSE AND TRUE.

April 16, 1984: This article was published in the Evening Express (Aberdeen), page 5. It tells the sad story of American teenager Sarah Morris who appeared at Stonehaven Sheriff Court charged with crying rape.

April 17, 1984: The 2 year old Lakeisha Willis is kidnapped from the front garden of her grandmother’s house in Goochland County, Virginia. This isn’t a false rape allegation but something far worse. I could find no mention of it on the regular Internet so the following is based on NewsBank reports. What was left of the poor girl was found in woodland behind the house on June 13. Her mother, who had witnessed the phantom abduction by a man in a white van, was charged with her murder. Gayle (also spelt Gail) Willis was a single mother, and apparently not very bright. In October 1985, following a plea deal, she was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to 40 years with 25 years suspended. She was given an additional one year sentence for the false report.

April 19, 1984: Jacqueline Berkeley claims to have been raped in a police cell at Greenheys, Manchester. Click here for more.

April 20, 1984: Housewife Thelma Cunningham is kidnapped at gunpoint by three men, apparently teenagers, and raped by one of them in a public park at Portadown. At least that is what she tells the police, but in spite of these three fiends being imaginary, one of them is arrested. After she fesses up, she appears in court. This was a particularly stupid stunt to pull in Northern Ireland at a time when men with guns were thick on the ground. The full title of this newspaper is the PORTADOWN TIMES INCORPORATING CRAIGAVON NEWS.

April 24, 1984: Teenager Deborah Humphrey of Naples, Florida claims to have been dragged from her car near an all-night store by two blue-eyed Mexican men and raped by one while the other held her down. Two days later, she admits she made it up. On March 7, teenager Melody Gray was abducted from the same store and murdered, so file this fantasist under COPYCAT. This information was extracted from the NewsBank version of an article by staff writer Donna Wares in The Miami Herald, April 27, 1984, page 1C.

May 29, 1984: In Australia, teenager Karen Sharp fakes her own abduction. This one can be summed up with the phrase “Rape is not a nice word”.

May 29, 1984: After pleading guilty to arson, a woman is allowed to withdraw her plea on the grounds that a meeting with a psychologist shortly before she was due to be sentenced “unlocked” the memory of two men raping her in her Olathe apartment. Unsurprisingly, no arrests were made in connection with this phantom sexual assault. The judge swallowed the nonsense of RAPE TRAUMA SYNDROME – which does not exist – and sentenced her to probation on a lesser charge. This report appeared in The Ledger (Lakeland, Florida), July 5, 1984, page 9C.

May 31, 1984: In Oregon, on trial for murder, Diane Downs takes the stand. Click here for more.

June 1984: An unnamed man from Gateshead has sex with an unnamed teenager who claims he locked her in the apartment, hit her with a bottle, punched her, then raped her. So where were the bruises? The jury were probably thinking that when they acquitted him. This article appeared in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle, November 29, 1984, page 3.

June 23, 1984: In California, Steve Carney takes co-worker Karen Winkler for a drive with a mutual friend. Click here for more.

July 1984: In Virginia, the police are called in after the daughter of Michael Wayne Clinebell accuses him of unspeakable crimes dating from June 1983. Click here for more.

July 1984: Danny Garrels is arrested after a disturbance at his home in Belleview, Florida. Click here for more.

July 10, 1984: At Gramercy, Louisiana, a deaf mute teenager is allegedly abducted at knifepoint from near her home by three Honduran seamen, and raped by one of them. The men are arrested promptly and thrown into the local clink, but shortly she recants. Presumably in sign language. As usual, the false accuser faces no consequences for her actions. This article was published in the Times-Picayune, July 17, 1984, page A13.

August 7, 1984: In Pennsylvania, Charmaine Pfender and Sara Mae Richardson go for a drive with two Turkish students. Click here for more.

August 12-8, 1984: Two young girls are allegedly sexually violated by Harry Gerson of Cranston, Rhode Island. Click here for the shocking truth.

August 13, 1984: In Pennsylvania, Abdul Hamid Ali Alchahal of Allentown has an unfortunate financial dispute with a young woman that leads to him being charged with kidnapping and rape. There is no trace of the imaginary gun with which he was said to have threatened her, and no medical evidence of rape. Eventually he pleads NO CONTEST to a very minor indecent assault and walks free time served. One is entitled to ask if the truth would have come out had this woman not been exposed as a prostitute.

August 18, 1984: At Haines City, Florida, in the small hours, three young men have sex with a teenage prostitute in exchange for drugs. Then she accuses them of rape. They are tried separately; David Harris is the first to be cleared. Curtis McArthur King is one of those people who never learn; in 2001, he is busted for possession of cocaine. This article appeared in The Ledger (Lakeland, Florida), November 21, 1984, page 2B.

I hate to say this guys, but you were ASKING FOR IT.

August 25, 1984: This is a weird case indeed. Helen Rose cries rape, initially, but Liam Keane stands trial at the Central Criminal Court for lesser offences and is found not guilty eleven months later. This report appeared in the Liverpool ECHO (4PM CITY), August 1, 1985, page 11.

September 8, 1984: Ollie Baine of Wilmington is raped at gunpoint by Robert Rice, at least that is what she told the police. Fortunately, her lies are soon exposed, and the poor bloke spends only two days behind bars. When she appears in court later that month, Baine is given 29 days or a $100 fine, a very soft sentence indeed. This report is from the Morning Star (Wilmington, North Carolina), September 26, 1984, page 2B.

September 10, 1984: Early morning, an underage teen from DeSoto High School in Texas is abducted from the school parking lot, driven to the vicinity of Red Bird Mall, and raped. The car belonged to her; apparently in Texas, 15 year olds are permitted to drive subject to certain restrictions. After the rape, she drove home [to her parents’ business], or rather, after she had seen her boyfriend she drove home, as she would shortly admit. According to NewsBank, this article appeared on page 2 of the HOME FINAL Edition.

September 12, 1984: Florida police officer Harold Grant Snowden is arrested. Click here for more.

October 1, 1984: A teenager is allegedly raped in The Bronx by Santiago Martinez. This article appeared in The New York Times, April 11, 1985, page B3; it reports on the recantation of his accuser from her hospital bed, the non-victim having attempted suicide. [For the avoidance of doubt, this man is not to be confused with anyone else with the same or similar name].

October 21, 1984: Chrisann McCousker of Peru, New York, tells the police she was raped by two white dudes. Imaginary ones. This article was published in the local New York State newspaper Press-Republican, Wednesday Morning, November 7, 1984, page 8.

October 22, 1984: Florida police officer Michael Walker is accused of serious offences against his wife including sexual violation. He loses his job but doesn’t lose his freedom when it is determined she had lied. The motive for this false allegation appears to have been a child custody dispute, although it doesn’t appear to have been all one-way traffic. In NewsBank, this article is credited to Patrick May from page 1BR of the BRWRD Edition.

October 27, 1984: New England police officer Robert Karpeck is arrested on suspicion of raping his infant son. You probably won’t be surprised to learn he was arrested after his estranged wife raised this suspicion. Thankfully, he is cleared and reinstated the following March. This article was published in the Greenfield Recorder, March 5, 1985, page 7.

October 28, 1984: In Singapore, teenager Zurainah binti Sidin is allegedly raped by her boyfriend. She makes this claim some days later; several months later still, she appears in court charged with false reporting. Curiously, the judge tells her she is too young to be having sex! This report was published in The Straits Times, July 10, 1985, page 1.

November 15, 1984: Teenager Diane Reynolds of Pompton, New Jersey tells detectives she was raped in a wooded area behind a group of stores. There is no mention of a rape kit in this article which according to NewsBank was published on page d04 of the Passaic-Morris Edition, but on November 17 she told Detective Ekkers the rape never happened.

December 17, 1984: Marion Collins of Edwards, New York, accuses Harold Durham of rape. A lengthy investigation leads to her pleading guilty to false reporting, and to him being charged with harassment. This article was published in THE JOURNAL (Ogdensburg, New York), January 10, 1985, page 7. The reader might like to compare this with the much later Entwistle case.

1985: RAPE TRAUMA SYNDROME by Carole Lewis Iles is published. Click here for more.

Circa 1985: Bigamist Susan Sigler who was involved in a controversial Ohio murder case, is convicted of making a false rape allegation.

January 1-December 31, 1985: In Essex, there are 70 reported rapes of which no fewer than 30 were false. Not one of these false accusers was prosecuted for wasting police time (or anything else). My apologies for the poor quality of this scan which is from the London Daily Mail, February 10, 1986, page 14. Note especially what the nice policeman says: false accusers need support rather than punishment. For the most bizarre false allegation from this county in 1985, see the entry for Lorraine Miles and Kenneth Cain.

January 7, 1985: In Philadelphia, a school custodian – or caretaker as we say in the UK – is arrested after a 14 year old girl tells the police he kidnapped her on December 4, 1984, took her to his house and raped her three times overnight. Alexander Bradway is freed from prison when she recants. This report is from the Observer-Reporter, April 5, 1985, page 27. Apparently the girl showed courage coming forward to admit she had lied. And she needs help. No charges were filed against her because of her age.

January 11, 1985: Jenny Wilcox and Robert Aldridge are convicted of unspeakable crimes against the young. This case dates to August 1984 and demonstrates that at times women can also be the victims of these absurd witch-hunts. Wilcox and Aldridge were nursery workers in Ohio. Here is the appeal judgment and here are details of her exoneration.

January 14, 1985: Two men allegedly break into the Philadelphia home of Muriel Stein. Click here for more.

January 23, 1985: A man and two women are indicted on 18 counts of raping, sexually assaulting and abusing preschoolers. This was the Fells Acre Day School case. The accused were Gerald Amirault, his mother Violet, and Cheryl Amirault LaFave – the daughter of Violet/sister of Gerald. Brief details of this shameful and tragic case are given by The National Registry of EXONERATIONS.

February 1985: Clyde Ray Spencer known as Ray Spencer was a traffic cop. This is a widely reported case that has been the subject of at least one documentary. He was accused of raping his own daughter and son, and then his stepson. By the time the case came to trial he was beginning to believe he had indeed raped his kids, and took an ALFORD PLEA. Eventually they recanted. This was a terrible miscarriage of justice that involved the suppression of exculpatory evidence and worse. He was formally cleared September 9, 2010.

February 1, 1985: A first year student at the University of Virginia claims to have been kidnapped from a parking lot, raped and then returned from whence she had come. Shortly she decides she was neither kidnapped nor raped. This report appeared on the front page of The Cavalier Daily, February 6, 1985.

February 19, 1985: American football player turned film actor Jim Brown is accused of raping a woman at his home. Four months later, the charges are sensationally dismissed when prosecutors say they no longer believe his accuser. Although Brown was rightly cleared, this is a dude who clearly suffered from anger management issues, though not as badly as that other far more infamous football player O.J. Simpson! This article appeared in the Lodi News-Sentinel, June 21, 1985, page 14.

February 25, 1985: In Nottingham, Trevor Armitage is murdered by teenage prostitute Emma Humphreys. Click here for more.

Circa March 1985: Michigan student Donna Dugan cries rape. Click here for more.

March 1985: A man is cleared by a Roanoke County jury of sexually abusing his own granddaughter, including orally raping her. See entry for Clinebell, (above).

March 2, 1985: In Singapore, taxi driver Ho Khoon Chong is charged with raping a young woman, a passenger in his cab. He is remanded at Tanglin and spends two years in prison before he is cleared. This article was published in The Straits Times, August 4, 1987, page 10.

March 19, 1985: At 1am, a motorist tells police at Coronado, California she was raped by three men. Click here for more.

April 1985: Housewife Barbara Todhunter of Runcorn is given a 28 day sentence for wasting police time by crying rape. She appeals, and her sentence is reduced. This article was published in the Liverpool ECHO, June 1, 1985, page 12.

April 1, 1985: This report, so dated, is from the Victoria Advocate newspaper, page 6D. Kathryn Hargis Tucci of Laurel, Maryland, wasn’t laughing. Her lies had kept her former boyfriend in gaol for over a year.

April 6, 1985: A report so dated from the Deseret News, page A5 quotes Ada Country Sheriff’s Detective Ken Smith who says a 16 year old girl who claimed to have been kidnapped and raped the previous week made up the story to deflect from her poor school grades.

April 10, 1985: Miami security guard Isabelle Montano disappears. Fearing something far more terrible than a fate worse than death, the authorities launch a massive search using boats and helicopters. She reappears the following night telling a strange tale about being abducted by two dudes, one of them wearing a dress. On May 7, she is given a lie detector test (presumably a polygraph). During this, the young married woman admits there was only one dude and he didn’t kidnap her. This is part of the report by Joan Fleischman and Edna Buchanan from page 7D of the local press, FINAL, (NewsBank).

April 13, 1985: Rape Recantations Fairly Common... by Tamara Jones. Click here for more.

April 23, 1985: A student claims to have been raped at Smith College, Massachusetts. Click here for more.

April 25, 1985: Betty Peavy of Frostproof, Florida, is charged with filing a false report after local law enforcement determine her claim of aggravated rape by a stranger has no substance. She is said to have staged the assault for the benefit of her husband. This report appeared in The Ledger, (Lakeland, Florida) LAKELAND SUNRISE EDITION, April 26, 1985, page 2B.

April 25, 1985: In Redmond, Washington State, a man is allegedly raped at gunpoint (presumably buggered) by two men. The following month it is reported this homosexual rape didn’t happen. Or maybe it did, four years ago and in a different city! The local plod were not impressed and said he would be charged with false reporting. This uncredited article appeared on page D2 of the ZONE Edition according to NewsBank.

April 26, 1985: A doctor is giving a patient an intimate examination at a Pennsylvania hospital when she cries rape. He is tried the following year and acquitted but the jury is deadlocked on lesser charges. I could find no follow-up so presume that was the end of the matter. According to NewsBank, this article by staff writer Maida Odom appeared on page B05. This rape was supposed to have happened in an unlocked room with other staff members a few feet away, so it demonstrates, not for the first time, that male doctors who examine women should arrange for them to be chaperoned, certainly if the examination is is any way intimate.

April 30, 1985: In New Jersey, a four year old boy makes an odd claim to his mother. Click here for more about the Kelly Michaels case.

May 27, 1985: A teenage girl is allegedly raped at Milford Township, Pennsylvania. She is picnicking, apparently alone at around 3pm, when two dudes on motorcycles attack her. She is taken to Quakertown Community Hospital where she is treated. The police release sketches of the two suspects. But...they do not exist. According to NewsBank, the foregoing complete report appeared in the FOURTH Edition, page B02.

June 1985: Two teenage girls claim to have been abducted by three masked men from Main Street, Auburn, Maine. They are then raped. Or are they? According to the police, their story was a hoax.

This article was published in the Bangor Daily News, July 19, 1985, page 17.

June 1985: This is an interesting document relating to the Crowell/Dotson case. Make your own assessment of its utility.

June 17, 1985: In Florida, a dude confesses to a rape hoax. According to NewsBank, this article appeared on page D2. Compiled from staff and wire reports, it is almost complete. The man claimed to have been robbed of $35. And the police said they did not intend to file any charges. This may have been a hoax, but the following decade saw the real thing happen in the same state. Sicko Daniel Conahan is believed to have murdered as many as six men by luring them into the woods with a promise of cash then tying them to a tree.

June 25, 1985: At Louth in Lincolnshire, a woman claims to have been raped. The police carry out an intensive investigation and soon conclude nothing happened. This file contains two similar reports from the local press.

July 24, 1985: A teenager tells Gainesville police she was forced into a car by 2 men, forced to smoke marijuana, and raped. After a hospital examination which is unable to confirm the rape, she comes clean, she had exchanged sex and $30 for a ride to New Jersey. Sigh. The phantom rape was on Wednesday, July 24; the allegation is made on the Thursday; the arrest (hers) comes Friday morning. As she was still well over 900 miles from New Jersey, an obvious question remains...This report is from the Gainesville Sun, July 27, 1985, page 8A.

August 16, 1985: A 4 year old girl is taken to hospital. This is a particularly nasty false allegation. Larry Goble of Sparta, New Jersey, is accused of sexually violating the 4 year old daughter of his girlfriend. Wisely he takes the stand at his trial, and is acquitted. The girl appears to have been coached, but had he done half the things of which he had been accused, there would have been some physical evidence. Curiously, Goble was not the first person alleged to have molested the girl. Make of that what you will. This file contains two reports.

August 19, 1985: A 20 year old student nurse is allegedly sexually assaulted after alighting from a bus in Bromley, Kent. Click here for more on the Roy Burnett case.

September 4, 1985: In Florida, prosecutors drop rape charges against mechanic Alex Dixon. His two accusers were 17 and 18; they had accused him of having sex with them five years previously when they were in his care. The previous week he was acquitted of assaulting a 10 year old girl in his shop. They both recanted, and one of the non-victims was a defense witness at his trial. (This case was reported by the NewsBank edition of The Miami Herald, September 4. 1985, page 2B).

September 12, 1985: Late at night, serial false rape accuser Joyce Cook turns up at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. Click here for more.

September 26, 1985: In Florida, a 16 year old pupil at Palm Bay High School gives birth to a baby, and...check this out. Clearly, this could have been tragic in the extreme. As can be seen, initially the girl claimed she was raped but shortly recanted. At that time, the age of consent in Florida was 16 so this might not even have been statutory rape. The linked report is credited to David Scruggs by NewsBank and appeared on page B1.

October 11, 1985: An unnamed 16 year old girl batters Sammy Mootosamy to death in Ealing, West London. She claimed he had raped her, but she was clearly not right in the head. When she appeared at the Central Criminal Court she pleaded guilty to manslaughter by the legal fiction of diminished responsibility. She was described as presenting “a great danger to the public”, which is probably why she was clutching two teddy bears after she was detained for life. Seriously. This report appeared in the Times, March 28, 1986, page 3. File Miss X under PRETEXT FOR MURDER.

November 4, 1985 This report so dated was published in the Dutch language newspaper Amigoe, page 3. At Willemstad on the Caribbean island of Curaçao, a woman, apparently a tourist, turns up at the police station looking the worse for wear and claiming to have been raped. She ended up being arrested, her bruises – if not self-inflicted – were apparently the result of a financial transaction with an unhappy client.

November 9, 1985: In County Louth, Ireland, Michael Kelly is confronted on his doorstep at 1am by James Matthews, who has been told by teenager Rita Collier that Kelly had raped her on November 6. The fight that began on Kelly’s doorstep ends at Kells Circuit Court when he wins a defamation action, being awarded a fairly modest sum (compare with Garfoot v Walker). This report was published in the DROGHEDA Independent, June 20, 1986, page 5.

December 1985: At Simi Valley, California, a police officer named Timothy Campbell hooks up with a teen slut half his age. Click here for more.

December 1985: In Wichita County, Treva Throneberry accuses her own father of raping her; this appears to have been her first false rape allegation. The charge is dismissed in December 1986.

December 2, 1985: Sharon Donohue is not abducted from a parking lot by two men and a woman, and was therefore not raped by any of her imaginary kidnappers. Her actions lead to a major investigation in New Hampshire and Vermont. On February 4, 1986, she recants, and subsequently pleads guilty to inventing the story. This article is from the Lewiston Journal, February 6, 1986, page 2.

December 23, 1985: Lorraine Miles visits her physiotherapist Kenneth Cain at his surgery in Benfleet, Essex. Click here for more.

December 28, 1985: A teenager is allegedly raped by William McGrouther in a car park at Scotlandwell. He stands trial at Perth High Court, and is acquitted. This report was published in the Perthshire Advertiser, March 13, 1987, page 2. Note the composition of the jury.

1986: In South Carolina, Joe Kennedy is accused by his own daughter of raping her over a period of years from the age of 13. He is convicted in 1987 and is given a sentence heavy enough to ensure he will never see daylight again. In 1998, Vickie Kennedy recants. This report is from the The Dispatch (Lexington), January 8, 2001, page 2A. He is finally released January 9, 2001.

1986-92: Nadeen Cool is brainwashed by her psychiatrist. The belief she had been raped was the least of her delusions. This case was widely reported but here is one report. Elsewhere, the number of personalities has been report as only 120. The move to Montana appears to have done her the world of good. File this unfortunate woman under FALSE MEMORIES.

January 9, 1986: Sandra Hart of Port St. Lucie, Florida is raped. At least, that is what she tells law enforcement. A dude is arrested and locked up. A week later it is reported that she has had an attack of conscience, and recanted. Sandra is not to be confused with a Florida police officer of the same name!

January 20, 1986: The Reverend Nathaniel T. Grady is convicted of unspeakable crimes against the young. This is yet another of these absurd child abuse cases resulting from the Satanic panic of the 1980s, although there was no witchcraft alleged here. Grady was finally cleared in 1996 and freed in September 1997. Here is the short version, and here is the June 1996 ruling.

January 23, 1986: Joseph Nelson is cleared by a jury at Hillsborough County Superior Court of the multiple rapes of a 12 year old girl at Hudson in 1983. This was a retrial; the first had resulted in a hung jury. Wisely he took the stand in his own defence. This report appeared in The Nashua Telegraph, January 24, 1986, page 23.

[For the avoidance of doubt, the Joseph Nelson alluded to therein is not the same Joseph Nelson who was convicted of serious child sexual offences in Tennessee a quarter of a century later].

February 1986: Fantasies during benzodiazepine sedation in women by J.W. Dundee. Click here for more.

February 15, 1986: An Ohio State University student witnesses a rape. Or does he? This report appeared in the Lantern, February 17, 1986, page 2. File this moron under ATTENTION SEEKER.

February 19, 1986: Two school administrators search a classroom in a New Jersey school. Click here for more.

February 28, 1986: In South Carolina, a woman of thirty plus is allegedly raped in her own home by a man said to be between forty and fifty. He broke a window, unlocked the kitchen door, and let himself in. The woman suffered a number of superficial cuts to her chest. There is no mention of a rape kit, and four days later, no mention of a rape; according to NewsBank, the linked article by Dan Huntley appeared on page 3B. She had been admitted to the Elliot White Springs Memorial Hospital overnight for observation, and sounds like she should have been admitted to a different hospital for a lengthier assessment of her mental state.

March 7, 1986: Dennis Werchowski is accused of raping Lynne R. Cronin. Although he is totally innocent, like Brian Banks he is threatened with a heavy sentence if convicted, so pleads guilty to a lesser charge which results in him serving a short sentence as well as probation, and of course being stigmatised as a sex offender. In 1988, Cronin makes another false rape allegation, and admits she lied about this alleged sexual assault too. This article is from the Milwaukee Sentinel, October 5, 1988, page 10.

March 15-8, 1986: North of the Border, Marion Napier of Larkhall makes a false statement, claiming to have been raped by a dude on some waste ground near her home, presumably on March 15 or the day before. This leads to the arrest of a man, then of a woman. Guess who that woman was! This report was published in THE SCOTSMAN, March 20, 1986, page 11. I could find no follow-up.

April 1986: False complaints by children of sexual abuse by Paul Wilson.

The above is an interesting article written largely from an Australian perspective. Apart from his claim that false allegations of rape are rare and the claim that (in his experience) child witnesses are no less reliable than adults, he makes some valid points.

April 1, 1986: TIDEWATER SAYS FALSE RAPE REPORTS UP is published. Click here for more.

April 4, 1986: An unnamed woman from Charleston, North Carolina, pleads guilty to making a false report of a rape saying she was mad at her boyfriend. She was sentenced to a weekend in jail, 40 hours of counseling and 216 hours of work for People Against Rape. [This information was extracted from the NewsBank version of the Charlotte Observer, April 5, 1986, page 2B].

May 7, 1986: In Milwaukee, Antonio Ferguson is arrested after his girlfriend accuses him of aggravated rape. Three months later she admits she lied. This report is from the Ocala Star-Banner, August 16, 1986, page 4A.

May 8 & May 15, 1986: At Fremont, California, an imaginary rapist attacks the same woman twice. Click here for more.

May 12, 1986: In Salt Lake City, a four year old girl experiences pain urinating; when her mother questions her, she says she has been raped, although clearly not in so many words. The police are called in, but all that is required is a visit to the doctor. This GENUINE MISTAKE is cleared up later in the week. The happy conclusion is reported in Deseret News, May 16, 1986, page B1.

May 15, 1986: In Pennsylvania, an eleven year old girl accuses Michael Smalls of rape. Click here for more.

May 16, 1986: According to NewsBank, an article by Jocko Thomas writing in The Toronto Star, page A2, says a 15 year old girl who told police she had been raped by two men earlier in the month was charged with public mischief. She was said initially to have been raped on a stairwell in an apartment block. She made up the story to explain her abscence from school.

May 21, 1986: According to this report so dated from The Ledger (Lakeland, Florida), page 4A, a 10 year old girl who had accused a man of raping her, had recanted, telling her mother she wanted to make right what she’d done at trial. Michael Ray Chandler had been behind bars for 10 months.

Interestingly, nearly three decades later a man named Michael Ray Chandler Junior was convicted of child sex offences in Texas – like this one. This does not appear to be the same person. Also, in 1988, a serial rapist named Michael Chandler was convicted in London.

May 22, 1986: Margaret Robertson of the small Scottish village Fochabers appears before Elgin Sheriff Court. Fooling the police is one thing, but fooling a doctor is another entirely. I would presume her false allegation of rape was made earlier in the month. This article appeared on page 3 of the Aberdeen daily paper. This report of her eventual sentencing was published in the same newspaper, August 9, 1996, page 3.

June 17, 1986: In London, the Court Of Appeal quashes the rape conviction of David Cox. Click here for more.

June 17, 1986: A teenager is allegedly raped at Kempton, Pennsylvania. Two days later it is reported she had been drinking heavily but was not in fact raped.

June 28, 1986: Late at night, a teenage girl is raped by Abdul Bazuk bin Mat Salleh, at least that is what she tells the authorities, but when the case comes before the Sessions Court at Mallaca, she retracts her claims. This report appeared in the New Straits Times, July 5, 1988, page 4.

August 3, 1986: Police in the Deep South launch an investigation after being told by Debbie Green she was kidnapped by three men and raped by two of them; they soon get to the bottom of it. There were only two men; after she’d had sex with one of them, the other offered to take her home if she had sex with him too. She kept her side of the bargain, but the dudes left her at the abandoned house. According to NewsBank, this article appeared on page 3-B. File Dirty Debbie’s odious associates under ASKING FOR IT.

August 7, 1986: North of the border, teenager Ann Marie Morrison appears at Hamilton Sheriff Court where she is given a 60 day sentence for reporting an imaginary gang-bang. This report was published in the Scottish newspaper Daily Record, August 8, 1986, page 13. I could find no other mention of the case so I would assume she made this claim the previous month, two months earlier at most.

August 21, 1986: A teenage girl from Trenton, Canada, tells police she was sexually assaulted (raped?) by a named individual of Sydney Township (in reality Sidney Township, Michigan), according to a report in the NewsBank version of The Whig-Standard, September 23, 1986, page 2. A police investigation started the same day led to her being charged, not him (with two counts of public mischief). She was due to appear in an Ontario court on September 29.

September 1986: Frances Lawlor of Cowie, Scotland, cries rape. Click here for more.

September 1, 1986: The Texas Criminal Rule of Evidence 412 replaces the Texas rape shield statute.

September 10, 1986: Nursery owner Sandra Craig is indicted on 53 counts including serious sexual offences against her young charges. Her teenage son faces similar allegations. In September 1987, she is given a ten year sentence. In July 1989, the Maryland Court of Appeals reverses her convictions. She is finally exonerated in 1991.

September 18, 1986: At Troy, New York, Virginia Wallis is allegedly sexually violated by Eugene Talarico and Patrick Velenti. The two men spend time behind bars before, unhappy with her grand jury testimony, Assistant District Attorney Brian Premo realises things don’t add up. Wallis agrees to recant if she is not charged with perjury. This report extracted from NewsBank appears on page 3A of the FOUR STAR Edition.

From September 22, 1986: I have included this case to invite the reader to consider how this sort of nonsense has mushroomed in the age of social media. In Fort Lauderdale, a crank caller posing as a doctor has been phoning people late at night or in the small hours telling them their loved ones have been injured. The word raped was also used. And this dude is also said to have posed as a police officer. This article by staff writer Linda Robertson appeared in the BRWRD Edition of the paper, page 4BR, (accessed here through NewsBank).

September 30, 1986: Bernadette Lydon of Cowie Scotland, cries rape. Click here for more.

October 1986-August 1988: In Ohio, Michael Ross and Carla Nelson are both accused of bizarre sexual crimes including rape. Click here for more.

Circa October 1, 1986: On October 4, the Providence Journal reported that a 13 year old girl had told police she had been raped by two unidentified men in front of Cranston General Hospital “sometime in the last 10 days”. She wasn’t more specific because she was scared. Here is the recantation: bar the full citation, this is the complete article. According to NewsBank, it appeared on page C-03 of the WEST BAY Edition. It remains to be seen if the girl actually had sex with a boy of about her own age. Best not to ask.

October 1, 1986: At Ithaca College, New York, a student reports being raped the previous night by a stranger. Guess what colour he was. The case is reported to both the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department and the security division at the college. On October 2, she retracts, claiming she was playing a practical joke on her boyfriend. This file includes before and after reports from the student newspaper; the latter shows the price she paid for this so-called joke.

October 11, 1986: Humes Lasher is arrested for raping a woman at his Fort Lauderdale home, an embarrassing arrest for the son of a judge! Fortunately for Lasher, not only is her story full of holes but that rarest of breeds an honest district attorney is assigned to the case, and he is released in late November.

October 13, 1986: A rape is allegedly committed in southwest Branch County, Michigan. Click here for more about this and false rape reports in Indiana: LaGrange and Steuben Counties.

October 30, 1986: This one takes some beating. Grady Phillips is arrested in Allentown, Pennsylvania after his ex-girlfriend Linda Laughlin accuses him of kidnapping her at gunpoint, falsely imprisoning her, and raping her. He is released December 10, 1986 when she admits she had made the whole thing up. The following July when Laughlin appears in court she is accompanied by her husband. Or perhaps that should be when the former Linda Laughlin appears in court. The new Mrs Phillips was given probation.

[The above is based on a report by Debbie Garlicki in The Morning Call, July 7, 1987, FIRST Edition, page B04, (accessed here through NewsBank)].

November 5, 1986: A teenage girl tells the staff of a Merseyside children’s home she was raped by two men in Salford on or after November 1. Click here for more.

November 5, 1986: A 13 year old and a 15 year old from Goodrich Junior High School at Akron, Ohio, bunk off. When they return they claim to have been kidnapped by a group of men, and raped. The truth is reported the following day in the FINAL Edition of the Akron Beacon Journal by staff writer Marilyn Miller Roane, page D7. A 15 year old is a pupil, not a student, or in this case a very bad girl Daddy should take to the woodshed.

November 10, 1986: This front page story from a tabloid newspaper includes an editorial. It tells the shocking story of how a mix-up at a hospital in the north of England led to a claim that a 6 year old girl had been sexually abused. File this under GENUINE MISTAKE.

November 22, 1986: This article, so dated, is from the Birmingham Evening Mail (WEEKEND SPECIAL), page 3. An unnamed man accused of raping his teenage landlady in Smethwick is cleared at Stafford Crown Court, of rape, the jury taking just ten minutes to return their verdict, which shows what they thought of his accuser.

November 29, 1986: Kevin Ibbs has sex with Christine Watson. And then...? If the case of the man who become known as the 30 second rapist is not the most notorious false rape allegation in Australian history, it is certainly the most bizarre and the most ludicrous as well as one of the most mendacious. You can read an excellent summary of it here. If you want the long version (written in legalese), here is the final appeal judgment. File under NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY.

December 1, 1986: Former public schoolboy Andrew Richins murders Wai Lai Choi after toxic teen temptress Sabrina Ngiau claims he raped her. This is another case of the victim being put on trial, but it didn’t wash, and Richins was convicted at the Central Criminal Court albeit by a majority verdict. A sad, tragic tale of a teenager throwing his own life away over a youthful infatuation. This report appeared in the New Straits Times, March 27, 1988, page 6.

December 27, 1986: Laddya Gould of Punta Gorda tells police she was kidnapped and raped the previous evening. An investigation reveals that Gould – a married woman – had been out partying and was afraid of her husband’s reaction. Read between the lines. This report was published in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, December 29, 1986, page 3BC.

1987: False reports of sexual assault in Broward County, Florida. Click here for more.

1987: At Orem, Utah, the teenager known later as Amy Knorr accuses a man of rape. Click here for more.

1987: Haitian immigrant Joseph Luis Feduis Estanma is accused of raping the 9 year old Marie Silencieux. According to this article, there was physical evidence, apparently of physical assault, and he is convicted. He spends four and a half years in the Florida prison system. He is released after Marie comes clean, her abusive mother – who is now in prison – had put her up to falsely accusing him.

January 3, 1987: An eleven year old girl at East Hillsborough School, Florida tells a teacher she has been sexually molested by police officer Terry Youngblood. Her allegations expand to include him giving her oral sex. Youngblood is arrested. Three months after he is charged, doubt begins to set in. On August 9, 1987, the St. Petersburg Times (accessed here through NewsBank) publishes a detailed history of the case including why the charges were dropped.

January 8, 1987: In Allen County, Indiana, a woman is kidnapped by an elderly woman and a man. She is driven to a cemetery where they (presumably the man) try to rape her but fail. Probably because they didn’t exist. She soon admits the lie. According to NewsBank, this article by Phyllis Bourne appeared on page 00!

January 17, 1987: Joseph Blair of Berwick, Pennsylvania is cleared of raping a 5 year old girl, who claimed he violated her about a hundred times from April 1984. This article appeared in the Observer-Reporter (Washington, Pennsylvania), January 19, 1987, page A-3; it contains an interesting but flawed comment: “No medical or other physical evidence to prove or disprove the charges was available because the girl’s mother waited 18 months before going to authorities with the allegations”. If such a young girl had indeed been so violated, there would have been plenty of evidence. WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KIDS TODAY?

January 22, 1987: In Oklahoma City, veteran police officer James Gibbs is arrested for the rape of a teenage prostitute. The case against him is soon dismissed – prostitutes are notorious liars, even worse than police, so that was no surprise. The case was reported by the local rag. Gibbs managed to keep his pension, and even his estranged wife took him back, not a bad result. For a far more serious dereliction of duty in Oklahoma City involving both false rape allegations and the real thing, see the later Holtzclaw case.

February 1987: The Cleveland child sexual abuse scandal. Click here for more.

February 3, 1987: In South Carolina, Catherine Conklin claims to have been raped at knifepoint. Click here for more.

February 21, 1987: Sandy Beaudin is a young woman, apparently homeless. She claims to have been attacked by a dude in a Toronto park. He was said to have been impersonating a police officer. This case was first reported in The Toronto Star, February 25, 1987 (NewsBank). Following a two day investigation, she is charged with public mischief, a charge that is eventually dropped. She sounds like a sad case.

February 27, 1987: At Woodford County, Kentucky, a teenager is raped in her own home. Or is she? Click here to find out.

February 28-March 1, 1987: In Pennsylvania, prison officer William Burrs is accused of raping an inmate at the county jail. The following January, the charges are dismissed by the district attorney’s office. The woman was said to be a prostitute and cocaine user. And to have made similar false accusations in other counties. There was forensic evidence, but it indicated the sex – consensual or otherwise – was with someone other than Burrs. According to NewsBank, this report by Tom Dochat was published in the FINAL Edition, page C8. William Burrs died at Harrisburg on November 23, 2001, aged only 52.

March 2, 1987: The twenty year old Yolanda Fay is allegedly unlawfully imprisoned and raped at New Hartford, New York after leaving the Sangertown Mall. Later that month, she is charged with false reporting. I found this case in NewsBank but here is an earlier report, in which she is not named. This article appeared on the front page of the Saturday Observer-Dispatch & Daily Press (Utica Edition), March 14, 1987. (Her name has also been given as Wolanda Jean Fay).

March 9, 1987: In Pittsburgh, a woman tells police she was raped by a man posing as a Jehovah’s Witness. Click here for more.

March 11, 1987: In Aberdeen, Angela Keith, described as a young housewife, accuses a pensioner of rape. This article was published in the (Aberdeen) Evening Express, June 11, 1987, page 5. As you can see, although the allegation was clearly false and she was drunk at the time, it was still his fault.

March 11, 1987: Shortly before midnight north of the border, Susan Fairgrieve tells her husband someone had broken two windows in their living room. When the police arrive she tells them and him she was raped by her first husband. This report was published in the Musselburgh News, May 22, 1987, page 26. It takes no time at all for the (somewhat bizarre) truth to come out. Once again there are no consequences for a false accuser, but what would have been the consequences for her poor sap if he hadn’t had a cast iron alibi?

March 27, 1987: United States Senator Brock Adams meets Kari Tupper at his home. Click here for more.

March 29, 1987: A young woman is allegedly carjacked late at night by two men at Rock Hill, South Carolina, forced to drive to a secluded spot, and raped by both of them. According to York County law officer Joe Mitchell: “She just lied about the whole thing”.

She appears to have concocted the story because she was away from home overnight. Do the math. This report by Lolo Pendergrast appeared in The Charlotte Observer, April 2, 1987, Edition FIVE, page 1C.

April 1987: The Scope Of Rape... is published by Mary Koss et al. Click here for more.

April 3, 1987: Donald Fisher is arrested for raping a 9 year old girl from Ravenna, Ohio between August 1985 and January 1987. The girl testifies as do her mother and grandmother. Wisely, Fisher takes the stand too and is acquitted after three and a half hours of deliberation. Reading between the lines, Fisher was living with her mother and she wanted to get rid of him. So where was the physical evidence? Where was the woman the girl was forced to watch having sex with him? (According to NewsBank, this article appeared on Page C3. For the avoidance of all doubt, this Donald Lee Fisher should not be confused with the much younger convicted sex offender of the same name).

April 26, 1987: An Omaha woman tells police a man forced his way into her home and raped her. Early the following month, she admits she made the story up. A brief report appeared in the SUNRISE Edition of this newspaper, (accessed here through NewsBank complete with typographical errors).

May 1, 1987: Practical Aspects Of Rape Investigation is published. Click here for more.

May 9, 1987: At Albany, New York, a 15 year old girl is allegedly raped in a field at night. On May 15, teenager Richard Bagley is arrested by Detectives Mancino and Tuffey. He is sent to Albany County Jail, but on June 2, the charges are dropped after the girl admits she had lied. I found this report in Newsbank, but the full text appears in the preview of The Times Union archive.

May 22, 1987: Casaundra Isaac of Syracuse, New York tells police she was kidnapped by three men, driven to Oswego County, raped repeatedly, then drove her back to Syracuse – an obvious RED FLAG. Shortly she admits she made it up, and the following month it is reported she rather than her phantom attackers has been charged. According to NewsBank, the linked article appeared on page B3.

June 4, 1987: In Singapore, Ranjeat Kaur reports not only a rape but a murder. Obviously she wasn’t murdered, but neither was anyone else. This report was published in The Straits Times, December 8, 1987, page 18.

June 5, 1987: In London, Teresa McCandless is convicted of manslaughter. Click here for more.

June 20, 1987: The severely disabled Evelyn Muniz is allegedly raped late at night in her basement home by Raul Morales, the superintendent of her building. He is arrested the following day, and in spite of having a watertight alibi he is charged, tried, convicted, and given a heavy sentence. In 1996, the victim – and she was a victim, but not of rape – comes clean to her pastor. Read the truth and weep. Evelyn Muniz died in August 1999; Raul Morales was denied monetary compensation by the State of New York for his lost years.

June 20, 1987: In Aberdeen, SERIAL FALSE ACCUSER Joyce Cook cries rape. Click here for more.

June 28, 1987: Michael McElroy is arrested hours after robbing a man. Doubtless much to his surprise, he is charged with rape as well. (And there was me thinking they called it sodomy in 1987). On July 22, 1987 it is reported by The Pittsburgh Press, (page S2) that the sex charges have been dropped. Deviant sexual intercourse – ah, that’s better. According to Mount Lebanon Detective Rich Nehilia, the victim was mad that he’d been robbed.

July 1987: Teen temptress Alison Morcom has sex with a younger teen on the beach, a holidaymaker from Glasgow. Somehow she loses her knickers in the sand. She asks him to help her search for them, but having got what he wanted, he has a bus to catch. Her victim is arrested, and she wastes 243 hours of police time, so the bench at Newquay sends her to youth custody for 90 days. This report appeared in the Guardian, October 21, 1987, page 4. Three days later, the same publication reported that she had won an appeal against sentence; on October 23, a judge at Bodmin Crown Court substituted a one year probation order.

July 21, 1987: At West Jordan, Utah, the popular doctor Robert C. Davis has it off with Deborrah R. Norris. Click here for more.

July 30, 1987: Marian Snyder of New Jersey goes the extra mile when she fakes her own kidnapping and rape. Click here for more.

August 2, 1987: An unnamed twenty-nine year old woman is allegedly raped by the seventy-four year old Charles Ward of Almondbank in Scotland. He is cleared by a jury in May the following year. This article was published on the front page of the Perth Advertiser, May 31, 1988.

August 2, 1987: Jennifer Reddy of Fayetteville, New York State is allegedly sexually molested, whatever that means, by a man in a van. The police stop a lot of van drivers before she admits she made it up. She is charged with false reporting and told to appear in court on September 17, but I could find no follow-up. According to NewsBank, this incorrectly titled report by staff writers Debra Adams and Jeanne Sheridan appeared on page B2.

August 4, 1987: This is another weird one. A novelist has sex with a junkie who by her own admission enjoys violent sex, including being punched in the face until she bleeds. Unsurprisingly, she accuses him of rape. In May 1988, he is cleared by a jury at the Central Criminal Court. Guys, stay away from these mad bitches. File this anonymous idiot under ASKING FOR IT.

August 19, 1987: At the Central Criminal Court, an unnamed man of the cloth – the table cloth, perhaps? – is cleared of raping a teenager. Praise the Lord! This article was published in the London Times, August 20, 1987, page 2.

August 19, 1987: A male patient at Lakeland Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey, claims to have been beaten and sexually violated by another patient three weeks earlier on July 29. The falsely accused sap spends ten days in solitary confinement at the county jail. Then his accuser recants. There was a sexual element to this false allegation, but nothing non-consensual. According to NewsBank, this article by Thomas Turcol appeared on page B01.

August 21/2, 1987: A woman from Columbia, North Carolina is allegedly gang-raped by five men but escapes (twice) and runs down the street naked. A man lets her into his house where she waits until she can be transported to hospital. Six men are charged but the following February a grand jury refuses to indict them, probably because of the doctor’s evidence. According to NewsBank, this case was reported in The Charloote Observer, August 26, 1987 & February 11, 1988.

August 28, 1987: Cynthia Brown of Syracuse, New York wants A RIDE HOME, so of course...According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page 7. I could find no follow-up.

September 5, 1987: Vanderbilt University sophomore Kimberley Hendricks of Ohio is gang-raped by 7 (seven) dudes. It takes no time at all for this hoax to be exposed. Here is the full story. No charges were filed against her.

September 9, 1987: A teenager goes for a ride with a man and is raped before being released near Youngwood, Pennsylvania. Or is she? Greensburg police officers Michael Dell and Paul Burkey think not. This article is from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 28, 1987, page 5-W.

September 14, 1987: North of the border, teenager Elizabeth Burke accuses a man of raping her at her home in Kilmarnock. Falsely. This report of her sentencing was published in the Kilmarnock Standard Ayeshire Weekly News and Irvine Valley News, May 27, 1988, page 9.

October 9, 1987: Singer-songwriter David Bowie spends the night with a woman named Wanda Nichols who shortly accuses him of raping her and also claims he told he she had now been infected with AIDS. On November 18, 1987, a Dallas grand jury declines to indict him. Her civil suit is dismissed by District Judge Sam Cummings on February 12, 1990.

October 11, 1987: At Fernandina Beach, Florida, an eight year old girl accuses an eleven year old boy of raping her. For the usual reasons there is little information on the case. There is no mention of a rape kit, and it is unclear if the girl understood what the word rape really means. On November 5, 1987, it was reported that according to Assistant State Attorney John Moran, the girl had recanted. [Tampa Bay Times, November 5, 1987, STATE Edition, page 2B, (accessed through NewsBank)].

October 12, 1987: A woman is carjacked at knifepoint and raped. At least that is what she told the men with badges. Greensburg police officers Michael Dell and Paul Burkey don’t believe her. This article is from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 28, 1987, page 5-W.

October 13, 1987: Teenager Jennifer Geekie accuses a man of rape. After a medical examination, she changes her story. She ends up at Dundee Sheriff Court where she is given probation and ordered to pay costs. This article was published in THE COURIER AND ADVERTISER (Dundee), February 3, 1988, page 5.

October 16, 1987: Renee Sutherin of Canton, Ohio has it off with an unnamed teenager in a field. Very romantic, it saved him buying her flowers. Unfortunately, she accuses him of rape. Eight days later, the Akron Beacon Journal reports her recantation. She made the false allegation because her boyfriend noticed marks on her neck. On October 30, the same publication reported she had been charged with false reporting. This article was published in the same newspaper, 1 STAR Edition, page B3 according to NewsBank.

October 16, 1987: A DePaul University student is raped late at night. Or is she? Click here to find out.

October 19, 1987: In the Irish Republic, an unnamed man is cleared of raping a young girl between 1982 and 1984. For the usual reasons, there is no meaningful information about the case. And of course, no physical evidence. This article was published in the Irish Independent, October 20, 1987, page 3.

November 5, 1987: In Michigan, Christine Burzynski has sex with two men at a motel. Click here for more.

November 5, 1987: Franklin Forch of Lancaster, California has it off with a pregnant woman. She is soon to be married, but not to him. It doesn’t take the jury long to acquit him, probably because of the wine, the cocaine, and an unpaid bill! According to NewsBank, this article by staff writer Avis Thomas-Lester appeared in Edition AV, page N3.

November 25, 1987: After a three day trial, Michael Smith is convicted of several offences against an underage girl, including rape. The allegations are very recent, from June 1-September 24 the same year. Misapplying the rape shield statute, the judge refuses to permit him to adduce evidence of multiple false allegations against different people by the same girl. On March 16, 1989, the Supreme Court of Georgia reverses his conviction and on March 29, 1989, denies reconsideration.

November 28, 1987: The notorious Tawana Brawley hoax in New York State. Click here for more.

December 2, 1987: Teenager Sharon McKenzie appears at Aberdeen Sheriff Court where she pleads guilty to making a false allegation of rape. This article was published in the (Aberdeen) Evening Express, December 2, 1987, page 11.

December 10, 1987: In Toronto, teenager Donna Mercier cries rape. Click here for more about her and Kenneth Sylvia.

1987/8: ANOTHER DOOR CLOSED: RAPE TRAUMA SYNDROME by Michael Donohue is published. Click here for more.

1988: Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests is founded in Toledo by Barbara Blaine. Click here for more.

1988: The Credibility of Children’s Allegations of Sexual Abuse by Kathleen M. Quinn is published. Click here for more.

1988: In Canada, a teenager known only as R.R.1 is attending a party at the house of her boyfriend. She and another guest go outside and have sex. Click here for more.

1988: Anterogade Amnesia as a Possible Postoperatve Complication of Midazolam as an Agent for Intravenous Conscious Sedation is published. Click here for more.

1988: Ellen Bass and Laura Davis publish the first edition of The Courage To Heal, one of the most dangerous books ever written. My review can be found here, and what skeptic Robert Sheaffer thinks of it here. In spite of the proven damage done by this book and similar quackery, it has been both augmented and reissued several times.

January 1988: In the Netherlands, a woman reports being raped by a friend. According to the public prosecutor, this was another case of GUILT. She appear too to have been a bit of a HEAD CASE. She escaped with a short suspended sentence.

The above is based on this report from the Dutch newspaper NIEUWSBLAD van het NOORDEN, September 27, 1989, page 18.

January 1988: In Ohio, Donald Tucker is indicted for raping a 6 year old. Two months later, the charges are dropped because she recants. Obviously there was no physical evidence. This is the full article which according to NewsBank was published on page D3 of the 4 STAR Edition. See the 2015 Iacopelli case from South Carolina to see how easy it is for a man’s life to be trashed on a child’s fantasies.

February 6, 1988: Very Careful Rape is screened. Although a dramatisation, one cannot help but think it inspired some women, (like Rhiannon Brooker).

February 8, 1988: A teenager from Indianapolis is kidnapped at Ontario International Airport by three men, bundled into a truck, and raped. She manages to escape the following morning because her violators pass out after drinking too much alcohol and taking cocaine. And because they didn’t exist. The nice people at American Airlines issue her with a replacement ticket, which was the purpose of the exercise; she had missed her flight. According to NewsBank, this report by Bob Jones appeared on page A3.

March 26, 1988: County man cleared of indecency published in the Lincolnshire Echo, page 5.

The above article reports the acquittal of convicted sex offender George Lewis who was falsely accused by Ray Hill of molesting Hill’s sons. I actually spoke to Mr Lewis when I was researching my biography of Hill. You can read some of the background to the case therein, in particular pages 79 & 80 (book page numbers).

March 26, 1988: Early evening at Watertown, New York, a teenager alluded to as a woman reports being raped. It takes no time at all for the police to get to the bottom of this false allegation, and early the next morning she is charged with false reporting. According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page 11.

March 28, 1988: This report so dated from page 3 of the Dutch language newspaper Leeuwarder Courant proves that while all the nice girls love a sailor, soldiers have to take what they can get, which in this case is A WOMAN SCORNED.

The false accuser was a teenager of Limburg Landgraaf who accused her former boyfriend of raping her because...he didn’t want to take her back home with him to the United States. A medical examination proved there had been recent sexual intercourse, and a cursory criminal investigation showed he had a rock solid alibi. Bad girl.

April 1988: Robert Norwood is alleged to have raped the woman with whom he was living in Philadelphia. She makes a number of other allegations against him, but while he is in prison she visits him and sends him money. She claimed her previous lover Galvan Hallaway had physically assaulted her too. Thankfully the court had more sense than she did. Stay away from demented women, and pathetic women like this one.

April 4, 1988: An unnamed mother of two is allegedly kidnapped by a man near a southwest Houston supermarket, drugged and repeatedly raped until she manages to escape on April 20. In reality there were two men, one of them a drug dealer. She went with them voluntarily. According to NewsBank, this report by T.E. Bell appeared on page 24.

April 7, 1988: This report so dated from the front page of the Dutch language newspaper NIEUWSBLAD van het NOORDEN tells the story of a teenager from Assen who faked her kidnapping and rape by two men. This appears to have happened, or rather not to have happened, the previous week.

April 13, 1988: In Florida, Roger Hinds is arrested for the abduction and rape of a young woman. Fortunately for him, the non-victim has an attack of conscience and confesses to his fiancée. Read between the lines to work out what really happened. According to NewsBank, this report by Kathleen Ovack appeared on page 1; 3; 3.

April 15, 1988: In the Deep South, motorist Tina Ross of Atlanta accuses a Smyrna police officer of raping her. The things some of these bitches will say to get out of a ticket. After detectives carry out an investigation, the truth comes out; she pleads NO CONTEST to filing a false report, and receives a suspended sentence, which is in stark contrast to the sentence the officer would have received had the investigators chosen simply to believe the victim.

April 19, 1988: A Brandeis University student has sex with fellow student Jonathan Stockhammer behind her boyfriend’s back. She accuses him of rape; he is convicted and given a 15 year sentence, but on appeal his conviction is reversed. Stockhammer is exonerated on May 1, 1991.

May 6, 1988: At 3.45am, a 911 call claims two men have just dumped a woman’s body in a vacant building at Benton Street, Saint Louis. Police find the very much alive Lynn Battle of Ferguson, Missouri taped up like a mummy. She claims to have been held captive for three days and raped. The man who dumped her there was her co-conspirator Antwine Edwards. Battle had traded her wedding ring and other jewellery for drugs. This absurd scenario was staged for the benefit of her nescient husband. According to NewsBank, this uncredited report appeared on page 4A.

May 15, 1988: Barbara Simonis of Black River Falls, Wisconsin, tells her boyfriend she was raped in her home on May 13 by a man wearing a ski mask. In reality, she fabricated this story because she became pregnant by another man, something he appears to have known about. However, he insists on calling the police. Barbara also claims to have been receiving threatening phone calls. It is only on December 5, 1989 she tells the police the truth, and in view of the merry dance she has led them, she faces criminal charges.

May 15, 1988: Katherine DuPre of Sackets Harbor tells the police she was raped in nearby Dexter. During the questioning the 22 year old admits she lied. She is styled Mrs DuPre, so do the math. (This case was reported by the Watertown Daily Times, May 19, 1988, page 21). Eight years later, mother of four Miss DuPre is charged with endangering her two youngest offspring by leaving them unattended in a car.

May 22, 1988: Ayrshire lassie Mary Banks cries rape, a dude is arrested, but...guess who is charged? Notice how she is still being portrayed as the victim more than seven months later.

May 25, 1988: In New York State, Gindy Schumacher is raped by a soldier, at least that is the impression she gives Watertown City Police. However, while they are questioning him, she notifies the military authorities to admit she wasn’t rape. And, although it isn’t clear from this stem of a report, it is she not he who is ordered to attend court.

May 28, 1988: At Torrance, California, teenager Marion Byrnside claims to have been raped by a stranger. Click here for more.

June 3, 1988: Terri Kerr of Whitpain, Pennsylvania, tells law enforcement that on May 30, 1988 she was attacked by two men, raped by one and orally raped by the other. She is medically examined, but during the investigation she admits she made the story up. She is charged with filing a false report.

June 23, 1988: An unnamed fourteen year old boy is cleared at Stafford Crown Court of raping a forty-eight year old woman in July 1987. Click here for more.

June 28, 1988: At Springfield, Illinois, a young woman contacts the police just after midnight and tells then she was attacked while out running. Much later that day she claims to have been raped at about 7pm. The following month, she fesses up. This one gets very complicated, suffice it to say that you guys should give women like this a miss. According to NewsBank, this article by Judy Miller appeared on page 11.

July 19, 1988: In Toronto, a 15 year old girl reports being the victim of a sexual attack, apparently not a rape, but she has the bruises to prove it. The very next day it is reported she had been charged with public mischief. This does seem a tad unfair as she was beaten by her sister, who appears not to have been charged with anything. According to NewsBank, this sad story was reported by Gwyn (Jocko) Thomas in The Toronto Star, July 20, 1988, page A3.

Summer 1988: Teenager Irene Newlands falsely accuses a named individual of rape. When she appears before Sheriff Fraser at Dingwall, she is remanded in custody. This article was published in the Press and Journal (GOOD MORNING ABERDEEN), January 28, 1989, page 3. When she appears at Tain Sheriff Court on February 1, sentence is deferred until August 22.

July 1988: Police officer Brian Walker is accused of raping a teenage WPC. He says he was at home at the time. This report of his acquittal at Northampton Crown Court was published in the Daily Mail, November 9, 1989, page 15. It contains no mention of forensic evidence. Why do you think that was?

July 3, 1988: Teenager Sarah Jane Louise Goodwin attends a police station in Lincoln and claims to have been raped earlier that day. Click here for more.

August 17, 1988: Lynne Cronin tells police she was beaten, kicked in the head and raped earlier in the day at Cutler Park, Waukesha, Wisconsin. This is her second false rape allegation. The first results in an innocent man serving time.

Circa August 26, 1988: An educationally subnormal underage teen is allegedly raped by two brothers. Click here for more.

August 27, 1988: On said date at Warren, Michigan, a woman claims to have been carjacked and raped. Click here for more.

August 28, 1988: New Hampshire woman Barbara Bernier is allegedly raped in her apartment. Shortly, investigator Paul Goupil says that after a thorough investigation, her claim is shown to be untrue.

This article was published in The Telegraph (Nashua, New Hampshire), September 2, 1988, page 7.

September 1988: This report from the Gadsden Times, September 3, 1990, page A2, is one of many about this unusual case. Elizabeth Richardson accused Gary Nitsch of raping her in September 1988. He was arrested and charged but the case was dropped. She told friends the rape story was a hoax, and in February 1990, she was convicted of perjury; on June 8, 1990, she was sentenced to 180 days in gaol and two years probation. And to take out said advertisements. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court of Nebraska, apparently without success.

September 1, 1988: Canadian Newspapers Co. v. Canada (Attorney General)

The above judgment from the Supreme Court of Canada contains some very interesting testimony. Doreen Carole Boucher, co-ordinator of a rape crisis centre, admitted under cross-examination that some rapes reported to her and other rape crisis centres were imaginary. Normally, rad-fems and so-called anti-rape activists will make such an admission only at the point of a gun. Although she does her best to minimise this admission, it begs the question how many clients of such centres are genuine, and how many are either mentally disturbed or simply evil.

September 11, 1988: Russell Kassab puts a teenage girl up for the night rather that allow her to drive home to Garrisonville, a distance of less than fifteen miles. She accuses him of rape. After he appears in court the following month, she writes to the authorities and admits she had lied.

This report was published in The Free Lance-Star, October 25, 1988, page 20.

September 12, 1988: False Allegations of Sexual Abuse by Children and Adolescents by Mark D. Everson and Barbara W. Boat.

The date given is the date the above was accepted for publication. As usual, don’t believe the statistics. The authors’ citing of Faller (Coulborn Faller) is unfortunate; she is one of those “children never lie” cranks. The article does include several examples of clearly false allegations though, but can a child of barely three who claims her father inserted a stick in her vagina really be said to be lying? Lorandos and Ceci for example have often pointed out how unreliable the testimony of very young children can be, even without coaching.

September 14, 1988: In North Carolina, Tonya Burgess and another (underage) teen run through R&M Industries of Fort Mill screaming they’d been raped. One girl’s shirt was torn and the other had a cut hand. They claim to have been kidnapped by five men and raped after skipping classes. The very next day, the truth is reported by staff writer Lolo Pendergast in The Charlotte Observer, Section YORK, page 2, (NewsBank).

September 23, 1988: A teenager cries rape in Florida. The following is quoted verbatim from the NewsBank version of a report in The Miami Herald, October 4, 1988, page 1B – a law column by Christina Cheakalos: “Police charged a 19-year-old Stock Island woman Monday with falsely reporting a rape, saying she lied when she told them she was raped in an attack by a group of Dade County high school football players on Sept. 23, Key West detective Tom Chapp said.”

September 29, 1988: Venus Betz is arrested for filing a false allegation of rape against an unnamed man from Mahanoy, Pennsylvania. This article was published in the Hazleton Standard-Speaker, October 3, 1988, page 38.

October 3, 1988: An underage teen claims to have been raped in Evansville, Indiana. She soon fesses up. This report was published in The Evansville Press, October 5, 1988, page 29.

October 7, 1988: According to NewsBank, this article appeared on page 5-B. As you can see, it reports that teenager Faye Garrett of Sorrento, Louisiana had been charged with reporting her rape by three (imaginary) black dudes. At the end of August 2020, I was informed by an official that the record could not be located in the District Attorney’s database and should have been destroyed quite some time ago.

October 16, 1988: This one flew under the radar. At Broadstairs on the Isle of Thanet, married woman Diane Skelsey cries rape. She undergoes a full medical examination and makes a 13 page witness statement. Here is what really happened and how her lie played out. The linked article was published in the THANET Times, April 18, 1989, page 56 (the back page). In view of the arrest of a suspect, she was lucky not to have been taken to the Crown Court and awarded gaol time. Twenty years on, she probably would have.

October 22, 1988: A young woman claims to have been raped by a taxi driver on the way home to Plaistow, but the following day she does the sensible thing and fesses up. This report was published in the DAILY MIRROR, October 25, 1988, page 6.

October 30, 1988: At Eugene, Oregon, a teenager tells police that on said date a man climbed into her car and raped her. Just like that. When they find discrepancies in her account, she admits she made it up after arriving home late one evening. The linked report is from the The Register-Guard, (Eugene, Oregon), November 17, 1988, page 4D.

October 30, 1988: At Saint Charles, Missouri in the Deep South, a woman is allegedly abducted and raped. Ten days later the local plod are quoted in the press. There was no rape and no abduction. According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page 7.

October 31, 1988: At National City, Illinois (which no longer exists), two police officers stop a young motorist, who has sex with them in lieu of a ticket. Then accuses them of rape. She keeps up the pretence for a few days then fesses up. According to NewsBank, this report by Bill Vogler appeared on page 1A. File these two mugs under ASKING FOR IT.

November 6 1988: In Florida, Blandina Chiapponi is allegedly kidnapped by Steven Lord. Click here for more.

November 9, 1988: In Florida, Ivie Cornell Norris is convicted of raping a 9 year old girl, which is said to have happened in March that year. There was said to be no physical evidence – seriously? Like if a 9 year old girl is A VIRGIN, how can a jury convict? Norris didn’t take the stand. How could he not have taken the stand when accused of something like this? The good news is that, aged 11, the girl recanted. She said she was inspired by an episode of the TV programme 21 Jump Street.

November 18, 1988: In Singapore, James Lawson Martin makes an anonymous phone call to the police in which he claims a friend (presumably a girlfriend) had been raped. The good news is no one was raped. The bad news is his call wasn’t really anonymous. This report appeared in The Straits Tmes, July 6, 1989, page 21.

December 2, 1988: David Sanderson is accused of raping a girl at his apartment in Deary, Idaho. Click here for more.

December 3, 1988: A teenager is allegedly raped at Hardwick Heath in West Suffolk. She tells the police the following day, and they pull out all stops, like traffic stops. The very next day she admits there was no rape! There is no mention of a rape kit in this article from the Bury Free Press (TOWN EDITION), December 9, 1988, page 5A.

December 11, 1988: A 12 year old girl is brutally raped in Marfords Park, Bromsborough in the North of England. This horrific story graces the front page of the Liverpool ECHO on December 15, which says 30 detectives are working on the case. She was too ashamed to report it at once, it was only on December 13 that she told her friends, who persuaded her to tell a teacher. Here is the unexpected but thankful outcome. Sigh. WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KIDS TODAY?

December 14, 1988: In Malaysia, a teenager tells police her boyfriend raped her December 11/2; her name is given a Jamilah Jaafar; his is given as Zali. On August 28, 1989, she pleads guilty to making a false report. In October 1989, she is given a slap on the wrist. This report is from the New Straits Times, October 25, 1989, page 11. What happens to men convicted of rape in Malaysia? Here is a clue, they don’t get probation.

December 20, 1988: Ava Seegars of Syracuse, New York claims to have been raped on the turnpike. This is the only report I could find relating to this false allegation.

December 23, 1988: At Fresno, California, a woman is allegedly raped by Jimmy McDowell. Click here for more.

Christmas 1988: Mother of four Gail McMahon tries to seduce a slightly younger man then accuses him of attempted rape. Or was it actual rape? Either way, it never happened. She didn’t see the joke when she appeared at Lincoln Crown Court. This article was published in the Irish Independent, July 29, 1989, page 28.

Late 1988: After being indoctrinated by feminist propaganda, Meredith Maran accuses her own father of raping her when she was a child. She is 37 years old. Eventually, she realises the human mind is a fragile thing, including her own; she recants and apologises. She even writes a book about it – one that frankly is not very coherent. Here she is in a short video.

Late 1988-early 1989: After becoming pregnant, Linda Carty claims to have been raped in a Houston car park. She gives up the baby for adoption. In May 2001, Carty murdered Joana Rodriguez – a truly bizarre crime. While on death row, her case was taken up by Clive Stafford Smith and his gang of miscreants; the 1988 rape claim was one of many lies they parroted hoping to adduce sympathy for her. When I contacted Houston Police, I was told they had no record of a rape report by Carty. She probably had a fling with another student. However the baby was conceived, one thing is certain, this evil, manipulative liar was not raped.

Late 1988-January 1989: Two false rape allegations are made in the Jamestown area of New York State. This Editorial was published in The Westfield Republican, January 26, 1989, page 6.

1989: One Hundred Cases of Unfounded Child Sexual Abuse: A Survey and Recommendations by LeRoy Schultz is published.

The above article which I found on ipt hyphen forensics dot com is written from an American perspective. Among other things it cites one study that concluded nearly half of child sexual abuse allegations (ie against parents/guardians) may be false or at best questionable. As few as that? (Many of the links in the endnotes are dead).

1989: There are 99 unfounded reports of rape in Minnesota. Click here for source.

1989: In the city of Nashua, New Hampshire, there are 79 reports of rape, 6 of which are determined to be unfounded. [This figure comes from a report in the New Hampshire Sunday News, February 18, 1990, page 11A, (accessed through NewsBank)].

At that time, Nashua had a population of just under eighty thousand, so this is really quite a high figure for reported rapes. It remains to be seen how many of those 79 were genuine, and of course it is possible that some genuine rapes went unreported, though nowhere near as many as the sisterhood would have us believe.

1989: Rape Law: A Feminist Legal Analysis by Miriam Benson is published. Click here for my analysis.

1989: An unidentified woman is charged with making a false rape allegation in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

1989: New York woman Valerie Adams files a false rape report. Click here for more.

January 1989: While bottle feeding her young son, Eileen Franklin-Lipsker experiences a flashback in which she sees her father George Franklin murdering her best friend Susan Nason in September 1969! This is an infamous case; here is how it played out in the California courts. File under FALSE MEMORY.

January 4, 1989: In the North of England, the pathetic Deborah Hudspeth cries rape. Click here for more.

January 8, 1989: Andrea Lloyd accuses former boyfriend Paul Evans of beating her up. He is arrested but is released after he is found to have a cast iron alibi. She goes on to accuse another man of drugging and raping her; he too had a cast iron alibi. On June 3, 1991, she is given a two year sentence at the Central Criminal Court. This earlier article was published in the Pinner Observer, May 2, 1991, page 21.

January 11, 1989: This is feminist logic par excellence from airhead Barbara Kachadoorian in the student newspaper The Corsair. No rapes are reported at Santa Monica College, California, so this must be because victims are too afraid to report them. Note though the last paragraph, and learn from it!

January 17, 1989: A teenager is allegedly kidnapped and raped by David Perry of Spring Hill, Florida. Click here for more.

January 18, 1989: At Warwick, Rhode Island, Sharon Duarte is allegedly kidnapped at gunpoint along with her infant daughter, and forced to commit a series of sex acts. Eight days later, it is reported she had been charged with filing a false report. According to NewsBank, this article appeared on page B-02.

February 1989: Not an allegation of rape, but bad enough for any man. William Daly is accused of indecently assaulting the underage daughter of a friend three times. He is cleared by magistrates at Gainsborough. This article was published in the Lincolnshire Echo, July 26, 1989, page 9.

Circa early February 1989: At her murder trial in Colorado, Lori McLuckie claims she was raped by Andrew Vigil. Click here for more.

February 3, 1989: On the island of Trinidad & Tobago, Ann Marie Boodram is arrested for the murder of her husband, who was poisoned with weedkiller.

This case is incredible; you can read the full judgment here, but in short, she claimed inter alia to have been raped by one of the detectives assigned to the case. After being convicted of the murder of her husband, twice, and sentenced to death both times, an appeal to the Privy Council in London was successful, and a second retrial was not ordered. It is clear from the judgment that the evidence against this woman was overwhelming. Along with all the other lies she told, the rape allegation is beneath contempt.

February 10, 1989: Ellen Vansco is kidnapped by two dudes, held captive for five days and raped repeatedly. At least that is what she tells the police at Tampa, Florida, but when detectives investigate, they discover she had been at liberty all that time, and running around with an unidentified male. The two were apparently up to no good. She is examined at Tampa General Hospital, but the police believe her very minor injuries were self-inflicted to boost her credibility. According to NewsBank, this article by Jennifer Orsi was published on page 2 of the CITY Edition.

March 12-3, 1989: At Anchorage, Alaska, a fifteen year old girl has sex with Roderick Williams. Click here for more.

March 16, 1989: In the small hours, a West Midlands teenager is attacked by an imaginary predator. Click here for the Mandy Ray hoax.

March 28, 1989: A woman is allegedly raped at knifepoint near Haynie Hall, Normal, Illinois. Nothing normal about her, because on April 6 it is reported she had made it up. It comes as no surprise to learn she was a student. This article (accessed through NewsBank) appeared on page A9 of the FINAL Edition of said publication.

April 1989: In Idaho, a rape charge against Said Hajib is dismissed. Click here for more.

April 1, 1989: New York State University student Quincy Troupe is arrested for the rape of another student. Click here for more.

April 8, 1989: London hotel worker Georgina Kyriakou cries rape. Click here for more.

April 9/10, 1989: In the Irish Republic, a teenager is allegedly raped by a man from Ardee. A jury at Dundalk takes a mere fifteen minutes to clear him. This report appeared in the Dublin evening paper.

April 13, 1989: Toronto man Bruno Bandrea stops at a red light, a woman jumps into his van and propositions him. He declines and she threatens to cry rape. He gives her an undisclosed sum and she flees on foot. He calls the police. According to NewsBank, this case was reported by The Toronto Star, April 14, 1989, page A19; I have access to the METRO EDITION of the paper, which doesn’t include this story. That being said, the reader might like to compare this with the slightly later case of Jacqueline Padmore.

April 15, 1989: A 12 year old girl from East Akron, Ohio is allegedly raped by a paternal uncle. She reports the incident the same day. After a seven week investigation, she is charged with false reporting and is scheduled to be dealt with by Summit County Juvenile Court. WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KIDS TODAY?

[The above is based on a report in the Akron Beacon Journal, May 31, 1989, 1 STAR Edition, page B3, (accessed here through NewsBank).]

April 18, 1989: In Michigan, Bernard Young is charged with sexual offences against two young boys. This is a very sad tale of an innocent man who spent nearly thiry years behind bars branded a child rapist. Here is the full story of his conviction and eventual exoneration. And here is some of the powerful exculpatory testimony from one of the victims. File this under FALSE AND TRUE.

April 26, 1989: The London Times reports on the dropping of a case against a husband and wife. Click here for more.

Probably late April 1989: A teenager and a young woman are allegedly kidnapped in Florida. Click here for more.

April 27, 1989: A report is published in the London Times of the acquittal of the defendant in what is said to be the first charge of marital rape ever in Scotland. Click here for more.

Probably April 27, 1989: A woman from Lauderhill, Florida is allegedly kidnapped. Click here for more.

May 1989: Two false rape allegations for the price of one and a fake knife attack the following month are reported in this article from a Canberra newspaper, June 8.

Probably May 1, 1989: A schoolgirl is allegedly raped at Fort Lauderdale. Click here for more.

May 1, 1989: The gullible Oprah Winfrey interviews Vicki Polin. Click here for more.

May 2, 1989: Early morning, Juanita Gillette is found tied up in a ditch at Valrico, Florida. She claims to have been abducted, raped and held captive by four men for two days. Shortly however, she is charged with multiple crimes, the false reporting allegation being the least of her worries. Two months earlier she had been involved in a hoax robbery with one of her alleged captors, Alfonso Williams. (The full report by Jennifer Orsi can be found in Newsbank).

May 6, 1989: Teen stripper Donna Stephan is not raped on Route 22, and admitted as much. According to the New York Times of July 23, 1989, she claimed too to have been sexually assaulted at a private frat house party on May 5. Tsk, tsk!

May 9, 1989: In San Diego, Alicia Wade is taken to hospital after complaining of abdominal pain. Click here for more.

May 15, 1989: This one is both strange and horrible. In North Carolina, the elderly Modine Wise is the victim of a burglar who seriously assaults her. She denies she was sexually assaulted, although a physician says he found bruising consistent with rape. Timothy Bridges is arrested, but by the time he is brought to trial, the poor woman is dead. Bridges was a victim of both snitch culture and bad science; eventually he is exonerated. Was Modine Wise really raped – who knows? But she was the victim of an appalling crime, so file this one under FALSE AND TRUE.

May 17, 1989: Teeenager Margaret Sneddon is arrested in Grangemouth whereupon she accuses her unrequited lover of rape. It takes the police no time at all to get to the bottom of this one. This report was published in THE FALKIRK HERALD and Scottish Midlands Journal, October 19, 1989, page 7.

May 20, 1989: Two young women are allegedly raped in the small hours after leaving a nightclub in Canberra. This report from an Australian newspaper sets the record straight. Note in particular the last paragraph.

May 23, 1989: This article from the Liverpool ECHO, page 2, reports that teenager Pauline Gobin of Wigan was fined for making a fale rape allegation. Presumably she appeared in court the previous day. No further information known.

May 26, 1989: A woman claims to have been abducted and raped in New York’s Central Park. Click here for more.

June 1989: At Cliftonville, Sussex, married woman Janet Baugh has it off with another man then cries rape. Click here for more.

June 3, 1989: N.E. rape centre closes

This is an amusing article from the Aberdeen newspaper, so dated. Does a rape crisis centre really need a minimum of twelve staff? Even worse, they appear to have been suffering from an acute shortage of rapists!

June 21, 1989: Charges against George Battle of Newark, New Jersey are dropped when his teenage accuser recants. He had been accused of kidnapping and raping her. An investigation revealed she had actually spent the night at her boyfriend’s apartment; she had also recanted, although curiously, in this article she is still alluded to as the victim. In NewsBank, this is credited to Diane Curcio in the FINAL Edition, (no page given).

June 27, 1989: At Brampton, Ontario, a young woman is sexually assaulted (Canada-speak for rape) in her own home by an armed man. The police spend more than three hundred hours investigating, then...she is charged with public mischief. According to the March 21, 1990 NewsBank edition of The Toronto Sun, page 42, her name is Lesley Guidolin, who in 2021 was still living in Brampton and working as an admin assistant.

July 1989: Further Data on Sexual Fantasies During Benzodiazepine Sedation by J.W. Dundee is published. Click here for more.

July 2, 1989: Dawn Eberle of Ocean City, Maryland is at a party in the small hours when she is forced into an alley and sexually assaulted, apparently raped. Or apparently not according to Officer Blevin after a suspect was questioned. According to NewsBank, this report by Christine Lapusheski appeared in the Ocean, Cumberland and Cape Edition, page C2.

July 4, 1989: A woman is allegedly raped at Antioch, New York. Click here for more.

July 7, 1989: At Verona, New York, Vivian Harrison is allegedly raped. It takes no time at all for the police to make an arrest. Her! This is the full report which according to NewsBank appeared on page C2.

July 10/11, 1989: This shocking case flew largely under the radar although it was covered by the local press. Late at night, a woman is raped in her own home at Market Deeping, Lincolnshire. The police pull out all stops to find this maniac, but the truth soon comes out. This file contains five reports on the case of the pathetic Belinda Seaton.

July 11, 1989: Claude Hampton is accused of raping a teenage girl in his apartment at Newport, Rhode Island with the assistance of Jaime Lewis. They are held without bond, but shortly their accuser recants. On July 20, the police say she will probably be charged with filing a false report.

[The above is based on a report in the Providence Journal, July 20, 1989, page B-06, (accessed here through NewsBank).]

July 18, 1989: Elizabeth Hewson appears before Sheriff Donald Booker-Milburn who gives her a heavy fine for making a bizarre false rape alegation against an imaginary police officer on the Isle of Lewis. This report was published in the Stornoway Gazette AND WEST COAST ADVERTISER, Week Ending July 22, 1989, page 3. This is the only report I could find about this case. Presumably she made this claim earlier in the month or perhaps the previous month. I am not absolutely certain about the date, due to the date of the paper, so her court appearance may have been the previous Tuesday.

July 22, 1989: In Los Angeles, Elizabeth Gooden tells her neighbour Monique Taylor she has just been raped by the slightly built Wilson Picquet. Four days later, she shoots him multiple times; miraculously, he survives. Three days after Christmas, she is given a mere two year sentence. This article is from the METRO section of the Los Angeles Times, December 29, 1989. To see how implausible were her claims, check out this earlier article from the same source, and file this lethal landwhale under PRETEXT FOR (ATTEMPTED) MURDER.

July 23, 1989: At Oxford University (Ohio, not England) a student has a sexual encounter with an administrative assistant (after drinking). She hates this so much she goes back for more, then on August 4 she contacts the police and tells them she was raped the first time. This report appeared in the Lantern, August 9, 1990. Read it, try not to laugh, then file this flibbertigibbet under FEMINIST BRAINWASHING.

July 23, 1989: At Alachua, Florida, Ellen Holmes accuses Willie Ray Myers of rape. Click here for more.

July 25, 1989: A woman is allegedly raped at Antioch, New York. Click here for more.

July 27, 1989: Rape crisis centre’s busy time is published in the Lincolnshire Echo, page 9.

The above article would be funny were it not so tragic, not the bit about abusers phoning the Lincoln rape crisis centre but “The majority of women calling were in their early 30s and late 20s and had been sexually abused as children”. See video entry for September 5, 2019 for the truth about the vast majority of these types of HISTORICAL allegations.

August 1989: Senior police officer Dusty Rhodes of Seymour, Missouri is accused of raping an underage girl. Click here for more.

August 1, 1989: Kevin Peterson of Ogden, Utah is alleged to have sexually abused his son and daughter. He is charged in March the following year, and on December 10 pleads NO CONTEST to second degree sexual abuse – “sexual contact short of rape”; he is given a 15 year sentence, which is stayed, but in February 1993 his probation is revoked. He is released only in November 2007. Years later, both kids recant saying they were coerced by their mother and stepfather.

August 14, 1989: Shirley Simone of Richmond Hill, Toronto, is charged with public mischief after reporting a sexual assault (Canada speak for rape) by an unknown assailant. She was with a dude she knew, and in view of the charge there was presumably no rape. NewsBank lists a very brief report from The Toronto Star, August 15, 1989, page A17.

August 17, 1989: Donna Sitton of Fulton, New York cries rape, making a witness statement to that effect. She appears in court the same month. Another sad case of a young woman with an uncontrolled liking for drink. Here is how the case played out; this report appeared in The Palladium Times, November 20, 1989, page 14.

August 20, 1989: Lyle and Erik Menéndez murder their parents at the family home in Beverly Hills. Click here for more.

August 23, 1989: At East York (later part of Toronto), a secretary is kidnapped at gunpoint. Or is she? Click here for the outrageous tale of Kari Size.

August 26, 1989: At ten o’clock this Saturday morning, a young woman is kidnapped by a man with a van at West Allis, Wisconsin. Over the next seventeen hours, she is raped repeatedly. She is released around 3.30am the following day, and walks to the West Allis Memorial Hospital. On the evening of August 29, she is reinterviewed in the presence of her husband. Then the truth comes out. The sex with her alleged kidnapper was consensual, and this was not the first time they’d had it off. A full report appeared in the NewsBank edition of the Wisconsin State Journal, August 31, 1989, page 4D. Lieutenant Robert Due was not amused. The following month she is identified as Rhonda Robins.

August 28, 1989: A 14 year old boy is arrested in Florida on suspicion of...Click here for the Bobby Fijnje and similar cases.

August 30, 1989: At Scarborough, Ontario, Carmen Muise is allegedly raped by a motorcyclist. The man dismounts, drags her down a hill and does the evil did. At 6.30am? Or he would have, had he existed. Two days later it is reported by The Toronto Star, page A25 that she had been charged with public mischief. This may have been a COPYCAT allegation because Paul Bernardo (the Scarborough Rapist) was active at this time.

September 1989; In Washington State, schoolteacher Daniel Strom is arrested after being accused of having sex with a 12 year old girl (rape by any standard). At the time this allegation was made, she was 13. She claimed Strom had sex with her twice. And the physical evidence was where? Here is one report after the charges were dropped. The parents were on his side, something that speaks volumes.

October 1989: Paulette Salt appears at Preston Crown Court where she pleads guilty to wasting police time. Her bizarre false rape allegation does not cost her her freedom, but it does cost her her marriage. This article was published in The Visitor (TOWN EDITION), October 25, 1989, page 26.

October 1989: An underage teen from Parishville, New York, claims to have been raped three times during the month. On November 5, 1989, it is reported that someone has been charged: her. This database entry contains almost the entire article. It ends: “Court at a later date.”

October 1989: At Raleigh, North Carolina, the six foot five inch Grover Gale is charged with raping a 13 year old girl. I found this case in NewsBank, but this is a page from the 1994 Revised Edition of Warren Farrell’s book The Myth Of Male Power. Gale spent 36 days behind bars; the girl recanted on December 26. She is said to have made similar allegations against family members!

October 1989-September 1990: Rape statistics for Greater London. Click here for more.

October 1, 1989: SEX ‘DREAMS’ BITE HOME by Sue Corbett is published. Click here for more.

October 3, 1989: Brenda Carey tells Orlando Police she was abducted from the Rosemont Plaza shopping centre and raped the previous afternoon. The following day, she is charged with filing a false police report.

October 9 or October 10, 1989: Sandra Pirie appears in an Aberdeen court charged with making a false rape allegation against an identified individual. This article appeared in the Evening Express (ABERDEEN LATEST), October 10, 1989. This is the only mention I can find of her. Like so many of these false accusers there appears to have been no media follow-up. And sometimes there is no media reporting at all.

October 15, 1989: James Liggett of Tukwila, Washington is alleged to have raped an unnamed woman. Click here for more.

October 17, 1989: This is a somewhat unusual case. Tamera Bozarth of Dayton, Ohio is arrested for sexually abusing her four young sons. As might be expected, there was a man in the story, but he was innocent too. The boys appear to have concocted the story because they wanted to live with their father. This report was published in THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR, November 8, 1989, page B-4. File this one under WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KIDS TODAY?

October 24, 1989: Ohio State University student Michele Yentes is raped at knifepoint late at night by a black sexual predator. The assault provokes outrage by students and faculty members. And more outrage including among blacks when it turns out this fiend was a figment of her imagination.

Her punishment is meted out on October 31, 1990 and is reported by the Daily Kent Stater, November 2, 1990, page 3. In this earlier report she switches the blame from an imaginary dude to a real one. The bottom line is she cheated on her boyfriend and lied to cover her tracks.

November 1989: This bizarre English case sees lesbian Sandra Harris having sex with David Sheedy. Click here for more.

November 10, 1989: A prisoner in the Surry County Jail, North Carolina claims to have been raped (bumbed off) by another inmate. After failing a polygraph, he fesses up. This article was published in The Mount Airy News, November 17, 1989, page 2A. Although they are junk science, polygraphs have their uses!

November 11, 1989: In Florida, a 13 year old girl is allegedly raped by Rufus Lendale. As he is a convicted sex offender, he must be guilty, right? Nope. Here is how the story played out; this report appeared in The Gainesville Sun, November 17, 1990, page 3B. Rufus Lendale died April 11, 2001, aged only 54.

November 18, 1989: In Sarasota, Valerie Malone accuses Cleodis Peterson of raping her. He is charged with several offences, but she recants the rape allegation. It is not entirely clear what happened, and it is likely that neither was telling the whole truth, though there appears to have been some sort of financial transaction and/or dispute between the parties. This article appeared in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, July 1, 1990, pages 1B & 3B.

November 19, 1989: Three men from Spartanburg, South Carolina are alleged to have raped a woman. This is an odd case. They are charged but she doesn’t turn up for court so the charges are dropped.

November 26, 1989: At Richmond, Indiana, an underage teen claims to have been raped. Her retraction is report in the Palladium-Item, December 1, 1989, page A3. From the wording of the article it isn’t clear if she claimed to have been raped at the hospital or reported to the hospital where she made the claim, but what is clear is that there was no rape.

November 26, 1989: At York, Pennsylvania, Christine Maxfield is allegedly kidnapped from a car park and raped. On November 28, she locates the man and he is arrested. This article was published in The Vindicator (Mahoning Columbiana EDITION), January 27, 1990, page 2. The lack of detail is annoying, especially as I could find no follow-up, but reading between the lines, this woman was out at this hour conducting business of some sort and lied about a customer for some reason.

November 27, 1989: At Warwick, Rhode Island, Tracy Rose is driving home late at night when she gets out of her car to investigate a flashing light. She is grabbed by a man and raped as a spectator looks on. She manages to break away and run to a house where she calls the police. She is treated at a Providence hospital. According to NewsBank, this article appeared on Page F-01. It isn’t clear from this report if this incident happened in the small hours of Monday morning or Tuesday morning, but what is clear is that it happened only in her tiny mind.

November 27, 1989: At Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, an underage girl (whose age is not released) is sexually assaulted (but not raped) in a third room bathroom at her school. Or is she? The police put in hundreds of hours until they learn from one of the girl’s friends she had patterned her story after a TV show. Not the last time something like this has happened! According to NewsBank, this report by staff writers Paul McEnroe and Pat Prince appeared on page 01B.

December 4, 1989: At Oswego, New York, students Valerie Prysiazniuk and Stephen Rorke start a rumour about a rape and murder on the campus. Unfortunately for them, they go too far and end up in court. This report was published in the student newspaper The OSWEGONIAN, April 12, 1990, page 3. On the same page was a report of a take back the night march. Rather fitting, wot?

December 4, 1989: In Omaha, a teenage girl goes for a ride with Donald Hannon and another teenager, Anthony Davis. They drive to Iowa where they have a threesome, and she claims to have been raped. They are tried, convicted, and given heavy sentences, but shortly it comes to light that Little Miss Anonymous had told her cousin something entirely different. Their convictions are overturned. Innocent but still totally sordid.

December 5, 1989: Amine Baba-Ali is convicted by a New York judge of unspeakable crimes against his 4 year old daughter due to a combination of a malicious ex-wife and an incompetent medical examiner. Eventually his convictions are overturned and he receives substantial compensation for his lost years, but he never sees his daughter again. A truly sad case.

December 13, 1989: Teenager Gary Lamont Moore of Bowling Green is released from prison after a charge of first degree rape is dropped, his accuser having recanted. This article appeared in the Daily News (Bowling Green, Kentucky), December 14, 1989, page 2-A.

December 17, 1989: Linda Volk tells police that the previous day, she was forced into a van by a man she knew, driven to an unknown location, and raped. Five years previously, the same dude had been convicted of throwing her over a balcony, so things look bad for him. Things don’t look so bad though when it turns out that on December 16 he was two hundred miles away attending a dog show with his wife. He also insisted – and still insists – that she jumped from that balcony. Volk, who was living at a shelter for homeless women in Kingston, Ontario, stands trial for public mischief, but is found not guilty by reason of insanity by Judge P.H. Megginson. According to NewsBank, the report cited here appeared in the Kingston Whig-Standard of March 15, 1991 and was written by Sue Yanagisawa.

December 19, 1989: At Teesside Crown Court, Tracy Brown, formerly of Redcar, is convicted of arson. She had blamed the fire on the five imaginary dudes who burst into her home and raped her. Weird, huh? This report was published in The Journal (Newcastle), December 20, 1989, page 6.

Circa December 23, 1989: In California, Anne Norris accuses her parents of incest and Satanic ritual abuse. Click here for more.

December 29, 1989: Cynthia Majors of Rochester, New York is arrested for falsely accusing Melvin Artis of kidnapping and sexually violating her. This report was lifted from the Fullton History dot com website, so don’t blame me for the partial citation. It was published in the Daily Register of Medina, New York apparently some time between December 30, 1989 and January 10, 1990; my guess is December 31.

1989-90: Rape Trauma Syndrome: An Evidentiary Tool by Anne Marie Delorey.

It is unclear the precise date the above flight of fancy was published, probably late 1989. “Women who choose to prosecute criminally men who have sexually assaulted them must prove that they did not consent to the act”, she says. Screaming so loud the neighbours hear or clawing his face are good ways to do that, not to mull over the issue for six months. The fact that the author credits Elizabeth Sheehy as an inspiration is a dead giveway. Click here for the truth about RAPE TRAUMA SYNDROME.

1990 and before: Around 20% of reported rapes on Staten Island, New York, are false according to this report. (Only 20%?) This article from page A15, accessed through NewsBank as usual, is credited to Amanita Duga. Interestingly it ends: “Even in cases where police cannot prove in a courtroom that the woman is not telling the truth, the woman will usually recant her story once she realizes police know she has lied.”

1990: False rape statistics for Columbus, Ohio. Click here for more.

1990: Valerie Adams files a false rape report at Rotterdam, New York. Click here for more.

1990: This is an indecent assault rather than a rape case. It is included here because the false accuser RECANTED after 20 years. Ian Henderson is accused of indecent assault by the 14 year old Carrie Crownshaw. He is convicted and given a 3 year sentence at Acton Crown Court, serving 16 months. In 2010, Crownshaw goes to the police, apparently wracked with guilt. By this time, she is a married woman and mother of four. In May 2008, she is given a suspended sentence at Harrow Crown Court.

1990: A man is alleged to have sexually violated and physically abused his wife over the course of the year. He is brought to trial at the Central Criminal Court where it is admitted that some of her injuries were self-inflicted. The case is dropped. These articles are both from the Daily Telegraph: June 26, 1992, page 4 and June 30, 1992, page 3.

1990: At Akron, Ohio, a 12 year old girl claims to have been raped, and points the finger at Jimmy Williams. Although only a teenager, he is given a life sentence on his conviction the following year. Williams FAILED A POLYGRAPH, for what that is worth, but there was no forensic evidence, and he was convicted because...

In 2001, he was cleared after the girl recanted her identification but not the rape claim, although as can be seen from this brief report, it is likely that no rape happened.

Circa 1990: “To spare you the graphic details, from age six to nineteen I was tortured physically and sexually in cult rituals. I was raped, deprived of food and forced to undergo three abortions (all fathered and aborted by Doc himself).” These are the ravings of Teal Swan. (When I checked her website on August 1, 2018, this page had been deleted).

If you haven’t heard of the lady, she is a modern mystic. And a con woman. She has been interviewed by the mainstream media, and at least some of her claims have been investigated to no effect. In 2005, she filed a police report in Utah. Suffice it to say no evidence has been adduced to support her eyewitness accounts of the murders of children!

1990-91: Selective false rape statistics from Maryland with examples (including Fairfax County, Virginia). Click here for more.

1990-April 1992: Another FALSE MEMORY CASE – American girl Nicole Althaus. Click here for more.

January 1990: A woman from Oak Harbor cries rape in Island County, Washington. Click here for more.

January 2, 1990: This is not a false rape allegation as such, but it would be comical if it were not so tragic. At Lake City, Florida, two teenage boys, cousins, are play wrestling in the woods when one of them shouts “ Rape!”. Ernest Prior hears, and shoots Simeon Kendrick dead. Although he was charged with murder, Prior was convicted only of manslaughter, receiving a fifteen year sentence followed by five years of probation.

January 2, 1990: Teenager Jennifer Baker of Akron, Ohio is allegedly raped by Donald Damron. He is charged, but on February 24, it is reported that she has been charged with filing a false report. According to NewsBank, said report appeared on page A7.

January 7, 1990: In Yukon, Oklahoma, a 16 year old girl is allegedly kidnapped at gunpoint off the street, driven somewhere by her two assailants, raped, and returned. On January 15, The Oklahoman (accessed here through NewsBank) quotes Lieutenant Jeff Hudson of the local police. Medical reports show the girl suffered no trauma, and she admitted she made it up.

January 13, 1990: A Smethwick teenager cries rape. When the case is resolved, a senior detective uncharacteristically puts aside diplomacy for candour by pointing out that: “it transpired it was all a pack of lies”. This report appeared on the front page of the EVENING MAIL For SANDWELL, DUDLEY, WALSALL, WOLVERHAMPTON, January 19, 1990.

January 17, 1990: A heavily pregnant woman from North York, Toronto disappears. Her car is found abandoned, and her husband tells the police the following day he has received a phone call from her. She had been kidnapped, taken to Mexico, and sexually assaulted (Canada speak for raped). She returns home on January 24. The NewsBank version of The Toronto Sun, March 23, 1990, page 16, reports she has now been charged with (public) mischief.

January 17, 1990: In New York State, Sally Richardson and a teenage boy steal a car. Then she plays the victim claiming to have been kidnapped, robbed and raped. The police do not buy it and the two are charged with several offences. According to NewsBank, this unsigned article appeared on page B2.

January 18, 1990: In Malaysia, Selamat bin Arsid phones the police and claims his girlfriend has been gang-raped at the Imperial Hotel. This bizarre false allegation leaves him with a heavy dent in his wallet. This article was published in The Straits Times, February 19, 1990, page 24.

January 20, 1990: Benzodiazepines and sexual fantasies is published by Diana Brahams. Click here for more.

February 1990: Kellie Waddell accuses a former colleague of raping her in late August 1979. Seriously? Dr Varga is tried and acquitted; the Crown appeals, but the Court of Appeal for Toronto dismisses said appeal in May 1994. Here is the judgment. If you read this, it is clear that not only would the rape have been doubtful due to the layout of the room where it was alleged to have taken place, but that this woman had serious alcohol problems. The Crown complained that her cross-examination at trial was tantamount to character assassination. And a false allegation of rape is not?

February 5, 1990: At Manchester Crown Court, dentist Neil Larah is acquitted of sexually assaulting several female patients, including the one he was alleged to have followed home. The case does not go to the jury. See also the relevant entry on the drugs and hallucinations page.

February 5, 1990: In Nashua, New Hampshire, teenager Jennifer Cleveland is arrested and charged with falsely reporting a rape. Click here for more.

February 5, 1990: A woman makes an early morning call on Pittsburgh dentist Clinton Runco. Click here for more.

February 8, 1990: Late at night in Atlanta, Georgia, a woman is allegedly raped. The following afternoon, a police officer named Andre Britten is arrested. As he was on duty at the time, this was hardly a case of mistaken identity. The charges are dismissed two days later. I have been unable to find any follow-up at all so assume the police took no action against his accuser, for whatever reason.

February 9, 1990: At Nashua, New Hampshire, teenager Anne Marie Baker is arrested and charged with filing a false rape report after admitting she lied in her initial interview.

[The above is based on a report by Kris Frieswick in the New Hampshire Sunday News, February 18, 1990, page 11A, (accessed through NewsBank)].

February 22, 1990: Joan Davis of Bountiful, Utah is allegedly raped in her apartment by Ernest Dutson. He spends 56 days in gaol and his trial is set for May 10, but shortly before that, the non-victim drops her claim. There is no mention of a rape kit in this article. Why do you think that was? Davis is subsequently sentenced to one to fifteen years in prison but Judge Rodney S. Page stays this ordering her to spend ten days behind bars. He also puts her on probation and orders her to undergo therapy.

February 26, 1990: In New Orleans, a woman has sex with a man on a float during a parade. They appear to have been strangers, so naturally, she accuses him of rape. Shortly, she admits the sex was indeed consensual. This article was published in The Times-Picayune METRO, NEW ORLEANS, March 2, 1990, page B-4.

March 13, 1990: Personality Characteristics Of Falsely Accusing Parents In Custody Disputes by Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager.

You can ignore the babble in the above paper about personality disorders; the bottom line is that in custody disputes some people – men as well as women – play very dirty indeed.

March 13, 1990: NSPCC says ritual child abuse rife...

The above article by Libby Jukes and Richard Duce covers one story the NSPCC would rather forget. The lurid tale of the anonymous Debbie under the sub-heading is a classic case of female duplicity. After physically abusing her infant daughter, she passes the buck to a sex ring that repeatedly drugged and raped her as a teenager.

March 14, 1990: At Waukesha, Milwaukee, Sheri Stevens claims to have been raped in a hospital car park. Click here for more.

March 15, 1990: American businessman Gary Ramona is confronted by his teenage daughter Holly who asks him: “Why did you rape me?”

He went on to successfully sue therapist Marche Isabella and Dr Richard Rose chief of psychiatry at the Western Medical Center in Anaheim for implanting FALSE MEMORIES in her.

This case – notorious and sad in equal measure – needs no citations, but here is an article from 2012 that mentions it.

March 23, 1990: Portsmouth denizen Carol Moores is allegedly raped in her own home by Wayne Green. Click here for more.

March 25, 1990: Here is a truly heartwarming story. On said date, George Fitch of Fairfax, Virginia is arrested for the rape of his girlfriend. At his trial on August 8, 1990, Rachael Ann Butler recants, saying she made up the allegation because she was angry at him. On November 29, 1990, she is convicted of giving false testimony and sentenced to 2 months behind bars. The above chronology seems suspect because the linked report from The Free Lance-Star for January 31, 1991, page 35, says they were reunited 2 months after his arrest and married the day after his acquittal. Which begs the question why did the case go to trial?

March 28, 1990: Kept woman Zoora Shah tells Bradford police she was raped by Mir Aslam. Later she claims to have been raped multiple times by her lover Mohammed Azam. On December 21, 1993, she is convicted at Leeds Crown Court of the murder of Mr Azam and other offences. Dedicated feminist liars have totally rewritten the history of this case; don’t believe a word they say! The Court Of Appeal got it right. Shah was paroled in 2006.

March 31, 1990: In Leicestershire, a teenager is allegedly raped in the small hours by three men, well, one of three men. The good news is that there was no rape, although next month the police would say only that she had withdrawn her complaint.

April 3, 1990: At Port Hueneme, California, Jacqueline Morgan is allegedly abducted, raped and sodomised. Check out the pathetic reason she made this false allegation, one that is far from unique.

April 4, 1990: In Hong Kong, the brother of the boyfriend of teenager Chan Siu-wah tells a police officer (in good faith) that she was raped by Tong Kwok-wah earlier that day. Chan makes a statement, and Tong is arrested, but it doesn’t take long for the truth to come out, and shortly it is she not he who appears in court where she is given a $3,000 fine. This article was published in the South China Morning Post, May 8, 1990, page 8. File this Oriental minx under REGRET SEX.

April 7, 1990: Cash plea for rape victims by Hilary McGouran is published in the Evening Herald (Dublin), page 5. This is actually a cash plea for those hard at work in the sexual grievance industry. I have it on good authority that the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is among the worst of the worst. What a racket.

April 7, 1990: This article so dated appeared in the Sandwell Evening Mail, page 3; it reports the acquittal at Bristol Crown Court of Adrian Norton, a police sergeant, who was accused only of attempted rape, but he wasn’t the first man his anonymous non-victim had accused of sexual assault.

April 10, 1990: The judge presiding over the trial of German businessman Dieter Kemp comes under fire for telling the jury “women don’t always mean no when they say no”.

Mr Kemp is acquitted; he and the non-victim had drunk three bottles of champagne, saki, and smoked cannabis before having sex at his King’s Road apartment. Another ludicrous case that should not have got anywhere near a courtroom. This report appeared in the Times, April 12, 1990, page 4.

May 1990: In Silver Spring, Maryland, a young black woman is abducted by a white dude. Click here for more.

May 1990: Former Texas resident Michael Trevino is accused of sexually violating his own infant daughter. Click here for more.

May 3, 1990: Teenagers Angela Stephens (not Stevens) and Brandi Flodin tell police at Moscow, Idaho they were raped by two migrant workers. Click here for more.

May 13, 1990: Tennessee Valley Authority special agent Randall Morris is murdered by his wife Anne. Click here for more.

May 22, 1990: This disturbing report so dated is from the Dutch language newspaper Het Vrije Volk, page 5. The translation says an appeal court in The Hague cleared a 53 year old man of raping his own daughter. This one is complicated, but he had been convicted at Rotterdam. It began when the man tried to end his daughter’s relationship with her drug addict husband by convincing her to make a false allegation against him. His actions appear to have boomeranged.

June 1, 1990: The Supreme Court of Victoria quashes the convictions of radiographer Vincenzo Mobilio who...boy, is this a weird one? Read the judgment carefully and see if you can make more of it than I can. What can I say? File this one under GENUINE MISTAKE. This guy had no bedside manner at all, but seriously, shouldn’t women always be chaperoned at times like this? That would avoid false allegations, true allegations and misunderstandings like this appears to have been.

June 26, 1990: This is an off-beat and slightly amusing false rape allegation from Singapore. Syn Kok Sun is angry with his boss, so phones the police and claims he is raping a woman at his home. As you would do. When he appears in court, he is given a heavy fine, and, one suspects, is left looking for another job. This article was published in The Straits Times, August 4, 1990, page 25.

June 29, 1990: Teenager and student Yau Chun-ting attends a police station at Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong where she claims to have been raped by a friend of her boyfriend. It takes no time at all for the police to determine the sex was real but consensual. She lied because she was afraid she might become pregnant. She is hit with a heavy financial penalty and warned her behaviour could lead to genuine victims being reluctant to come forward. Where have you heard that before? This file contains two articles from the South China Morning Post: August 7, 1990, page 6 and August 21, 1990, page 8.

June 30, 1990: Social worker Errol Clarke is alleged to have raped a 15 year old girl, who also accuses him of indecent assault the following year. He stands trial at Derby Crown Court and is acquitted. Sadly, he had to go and spoil it by crying racism.

July 4, 1990: At Saint John, Missouri, teenager Stacey Lannert murders her own father. Click here for more.

July 7, 1990: Intravenous Sedation: The Risk to the Dentist by Martyn Fields is published. Click here for more.

July 16, 1990: In Ohio, a woman facing a charge of driving under the influence is booked into the Lucas County Jail. Shortly, she claims to have been raped. Medical evidence says something different. This report is taken from The Blade, FINAL HOME, (Toledo, Ohio), July 23, 1990, page 11.

July 24, 1990: Ellen Rollins Lavender is working in a restaurant at Rock Hill, South Carolina when an imaginary dude forces her to undress and takes her into the office. He leaves with $800. She is treated at Piedmont Medical Center...and charged with filing a false report the following month, according to Sherri Tillman in the NewsBank edition of the North Carolina newspaper The Charlotte Observer, August 9, 1990, page 3Y.

July 27, 1990: This article so dated was published in the Evening Mail (For SANDWELL, DUDLEY, WALSALL, WOLVERHAMPTON). It reports the acquittal at Birmingham Crown Court of Alan Blundell. File his unnamed false accuser under REGRET SEX.

July 27, 1990: A woman from Midwest City, Oklahoma claims to have been kidnapped by two men – one white, one black – held in a farmhouse and raped repeatedly over a period of days. Here is what really happened. It remains to be seen if her husband was more understanding than the police! A year later, a similar hoax is perpetrated here.

July 29, 1990: Teenager Karen McCrone tells a police officer she was raped by a named individual. The following day the poor guy is arrested, charged with raped, and remanded in custody. Here is how the case played out at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court. Ask yourself why she was given only a fine.

August 1990: The American priest Thomas Kujovsky is falsely accused. I have lost track of where I found this actual document but I have found very similarly worded documents on-line. The 1981 allegation is curious, but the latter one was definitely false. Many especially American priests have been falsely accused due to trawls and people jumping on the pervert priest BANDWAGON. No details are given, but I would assume his false accuser was male. Monsignor Thomas John Nepomucene Kujovsky died at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on March 28, 2015, less than two weeks short of his eighty-fifth birthday.

August 4, 1990: In the small hours, a woman tells police she was raped by a man she met in a Tulsa club. The following day, Donald Bowline is arrested. She claimed he’d taken her to a wooded area, which appears to have been true, because the police did an excellent job and found witnesses that undermined her claim. While he was in custody, Bowline attended an identification parade; apparently there was a real (serial) rapist at large. He was released August 10 and there was some talk about charging his accuser with filing a false report.

August 6, 1990: Teenager Wendy Belhumeur of Nashua, New Hampshire is allegedly raped by a man she knows. Two days later she is arrested after admitting she had fabricated the story to get back at a man she knew. I could find no follow-up to this briefest of reports which according to NewsBank appeared in the New Hampshire Union Leader. August 9, 1990, page 20.

August 6, 1990: This is as good a date for this case as any. A Louisiana woman who has joint custody with her ex-husband takes her daughter to the doctor for a routine examination. The girl is found to have a vaginal irritation, and guess who is accused of sexual abuse? This started as a GENUINE MISTAKE but if you read this judgment you’ll see it didn’t take long for malice to creep in.

August 6, 1990: Arthur Clark of Crystal River, Florida is arrested for the rape of Cindy Fisher. Click here for more.

August 7/8, 1990: At Bowling Green, Kentucky, a woman is allegedly raped in a nursing home. Later that week, the allegation is ruled false. What happened? The clue is in the woman’s age – 92. This report is from a local newspaper, the Daily News, August 10, 1990, page 2-A.

August 10, 1990: A 13 year old girl from Colbert reports being kidnapped at knifepoint from her home and raped. Later that month she tells a Spokane detective she made it all up. This report is from The Spokesman Review, August 21, 1990, page B2.

August 16, 1990: Rapes denied – Iraq invasion of Kuwait

The above article was published by the London Times, page 3, as dated. It remains to be seen if this was mischief-making by the alleged witness or something else. For those not au fait with the invasion of Kuwait, check out the outrageous Nayirah_testimony of October 10, 1990, or the March 23, 2003 entry for Private Jessica Lynch (below) to see how such propaganda is both manufactured and used.

August 24, 1990: A woman cries rape in Island County, Washington. Click here for more.

August 29, 1990: A student at Northern Illinois University is allegedly raped in Katz Park. Shortly she admits no rape occurred, but is still alluded to as the victim. And local law officers are reluctant to charge her with false reporting in case doing so discourages real victims from coming forward. Sigh.

September 1, 1990: AMOROUS BEHAVIOUR AND SEXUAL FANTASIES FOLLOWING ANAESTHESIA OR SEDATION is published by J S Thomas and N O Boheimer. Click here for more.

September 5, 1990: Penelope Jackson of Buffalo, New York is arrested for falsely claiming to have been raped multiple times by James Sherry. This article from the local press is nearly complete. Sherry had been charged with rape, but these charges were to be dismissed.

September 10, 1990: At Inverness, Florida, an unnamed man is acquitted of the 1984 rape of his own daughter, who was 9 years old at the time. She claimed he began fondling her at the age of 5, and raped her weekly when she was 9. The girl made these allegations only in 1989. This article appeared on page 1B of the Ocala Star-Banner the same day. Can you spot the deliberate spelling mistake?

September 16, 1990: Denise Hallett of Penarth, Wales cries rape, leading to three arrests. She ends up being charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice. This article appeared on page 11 of the South Wales Echo (LATE CITY), March 14, 1991.

September 21, 1990: At Ayr, north of the border, Jim Elliot is accused of raping Catherine Sawers. This has to be one of the most hilarious exonerations in this database but he was obviously not laughing at the time, and just as predictably, his false accuser was given a slap on the wrist.

September 22, 1990: Syracuse University basketball player Wilfred Kirkaldy takes a teenager back to his hotel room, and ends up being accused of rape. He turned down a plea bargain, and in July 1991, the case was thrown out in its entirety after a private investigator turned up new evidence that was so damaging to his accuser’s credibility that Judge J. Kevin Mulroy said it was Kirkaldy who deserved to be called the victim.

Sadly, the six foot ten Kirkaldy’s problems didn’t end there; in April 1992 he was in a car crash that led in 1996 to the amputation of his left leg.

September 23, 1990: At Encinitas, California, Toni DiGiovanni is attacked by Kelvin Wiley. Or is she? Click here to find out.

September 25, 1990: Shirley Watkins of Plantation Key, Florida files a police report in which she claims her former boyfriend broke into her home, beat her up and raped her. According to the full version of this report of her arrest, her home was actually their home, or had been. All the charges against him were dropped. I could find no follow-up report.

October 1990: A woman from Cambridge, who is no spring chicken, claims to have been raped by a police officer. In 1988! This brief report of the discontinuance of the resultant investigation was published in the Cambridge Evening News (LATE SPECIAL), May 29, 1991, page 7.

October 3, 1990: Between 4 and 4.30pm, a student is allegedly raped in Oak Grove Cemetery, Delaware, Ohio. Click here for more.

October 4, 1990: A thirteen year old Saint Louis girl is kidnapped at gunpoint on her way to school, taken to a house in Page Boulevard, held captive, and raped for several hours. At least that was her first story. On October 16, she is arrested after admitting she made it up because she had skipped school and had met her boyfriend.

[The above is based on a report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, October 18, 1990, Edition 5*, page 13A, (accessed here through NewsBank)]. There is no mention in the report of medical evidence.

October 6, 1990: At Kitchener, Ontario, a young woman is forced into a car, driven to a parking lot, raped, then driven back downtown and released – an obvious RED FLAG. According to NewsBank, this case was reported by the Waterloo Region Record, October 18, 1990, page B1. There is no mention of a rape kit being administered, only of Little Miss Anonymous being charged with public mischief.

October 9, 1990: Eugenia DeGregoris of Mine Hill, New Jersey, is attacked by a dude who rips her blouse. Or is she? Click here to find out.

October 19, 1990: A woman is allegedly tied up and raped at an Altamonte Springs hotel between 1.45 and 3.20am. The alleged perpetrators are Florida police officers David Daly, Daniel Dunn and Stephen Nicastro. Nicastro is alleged to have raped her while the other two helped him, but the following day her story changes drastically: the rape becomes an attempted rape, then a financial dispute. The woman was actually 27 and known to the local police. In spite of this, the case goes to the grand jury; on November 15, 1990, it declines to indict.

October 31, 1990: A white student is not raped by two men on the campus at George Washington University. Click here for more.

October 31, 1990: At Orlando, Florida, a truly weird incident...check it out for yourself. There is no mention of a rape kit, but administering a drug test might have been a better idea!

November 2, 1990: A single mother of two known as Donna Oh (apparently her real name) disappears with Rick Davidson. She tells him she is on vacation; when she returns/is found later in the month, she claims to have been kidnapped by two men and raped before being released in San Francisco. Davidson appears to have been smitten with her, but the police were not impressed. According to NewsBank, this article by Laura Myers of Associated Press appeared on page N23.

November 4, 1990: In Pennsylvania, Ivan Naumov is accused of raping Mary Maco. Click here for more.

November 8, 1990: At Wickford, Rhode Island, around 7.30 at night, a woman is allegedly raped behind Earnshaw’s drug store. Eight days later, she is named as Pamela Young, and it is revealed she wasn’t raped, rather she’d had a fight with her ex-husband after they’d both been drinking. According to NewsBank, said article was published in the SOUTH COUNTY Edition, page C-01.

November 9, 1990: A woman is allegedly raped around 2am on the concrete floor of a garage at Bloomington, Indiana. The report provokes outrage from local feminists, but the following month, Detective Barbara Webb reveals the truth. This is (at least) the second false rape allegation she has handled. According to NewsBank, this report was written by Stephen Beaven.

November 10, 1990: The 71 year old Sarasota doctor Herbert Karol is accused of raping one of his patients. She claims to have been raped 9 days earlier, so there is no physical evidence. The doctor is arrested on December 13, 1990, and what happens next is something we see so often in such cases, other victims come forward with their own allegations of sexual impropriety, although in this case none of rape, apparently. Fortunately, the case goes nowhere. This article is from the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, June 21, 1991, page 4B.

November 12, 1990: This article relating to the Rochdale ritual abuse scandal appeared on page 5 of the London Evening Standard, LATE PRICES EXTRA.

You can find a lot more about this and other ludicrous ritual abuse scandals on the (archived) Religious Tolerance website. See also the entry for February 1987 – the Cleveland sexual abuse scandal – that kicked off this nonsense in the UK.

November 13, 1990: Holly Turner of Clarkston, Idaho is pulled over by a state trooper for driving erratically, and says she has been raped by her stepfather – as you would do. She is taken to hospital for an examination, but two days later, she recants. The scratches on her person were self-inflicted. This report from the local press, is best viewed at 50%.

November 14, 1990: In Ohio, Colleen James ia abducted near Akron City Hospital, driven to a house around two miles away, and raped repeatedly by five men until the following morning when she is blindfolded, taken to a field, and released. The men appear to have been real but this was a case about drugs rather than rape. They were using her car for a drug deal when they were involved in an accident. She wasn’t with them at the time. According to NewsBank, this report by staff writer Marilyn Miller Roane appeared on page D3.

November 16, 1990: in the North of England, married teenager Paula Stanley tells a policewoman she was raped in a Seaforth park. The police spend 33 hours investigating before she fesses up. This report of her court appearance for wasting police time was published in the CROSBY HERALD, December 20, 1990, page 2. Reading between the lines, she had a quick shag with a dude in the park or somewhere else and was afraid her husband would smell another man on her.

November 18, 1990: A report in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette by staff writer Jan Ackerman says Judge Robert E. Dauer cleared the gynecologist Dr J.T. Shah of raping three women in his Mount Lebanon surgery. The rapes were alleged to have taken place on February 28, 1985, in March 1985 and September 25, 1987.

This is a weird but by no means unique case. Two of the complainants were said not to have been present at the time, and the doctor’s wife said she was present at the time of the third alleged assault. There was a fourth accuser whose testimony was not considered strong enough to present to a trial court. Curiously, in February 1995, a different Dr Shah was convicted of sexually assaulting one of his patients during a gynecological examination. He too faced multiple accusers.

November 20, 1991: At Valparaiso, Indiana, a university student tells police she was raped the previous evening. Click here for more.

November 23, 1990: Carmelo Gerena of Springfield, Massachusetts, is alleged to have raped a child. In February the following year, he pleads not guilty to two counts. He continues to work as a prison guard in the meantime, such is the strength of the case against him. He stands trial in October 1991, and is acquitted. Carmelo Gerena died in April 2016 aged 69, and was well thought of.

November 27, 1990: The Government of Manitoba issues a press release advertising a meeting concerning – oh boy – Satanic cults. Fittingly, the person interested parties are invited to contact is Leanne Boyd of Mental Health Services.

Late 1990: Wayward teenager Vicky Hamilton is given “a good talking-to” by the police after making a false rape allegation. Vicky was last seen alive on February 10, 1991 in the West Lothian town of Bathgate; she was on her way home, but never made it. In November 2007, her remains were found in the back garden of a house in Margate, nearly five hundred miles away, along with those of Dinah McNicol, who was murdered later the same year. Both girls were victims of serial killer Peter Tobin.

December 3, 1990: This is not a straightforward allegation of rape but is included here because of the false allegations of sexual fondling that pre-dated it. On said date, Dewayne Stamper is due to stand trial for statutory rape. He seeks to adduce evidence that his accuser has falsely accused three other men of sexual fondling. After careful deliberation, the North Carolina court allows his request. Believe the children, indeed.

December 8, 1990: A married teenager is allegedly raped at Virginia Beach, Virginia. The following day, sailor Thomas Bray is arrested. He is released on December 20, and eight days later leaves for Saudi Arabia to serve in the Gulf War. At some point, the non-victim comes clean. According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page D3. As far as I can tell, she faced no consequences for this grotesque lie.

December 23, 1990: Ronald Draleaus of Athol, Massachusetts is arrested for the rape of a 13 year old girl. The dastardly deed is meant to have happened on July 7, 1990. As he is a man of poor character and even worse the girl is pregnant, he has some serious explaining to do. Fortunately, medical science explains for him, but imagine what might have happened to him in an earlier age. This article was published in The Recorder, (Greenfield, Massachusetts), January 9, 1992, page 5.

December 25, 1990: At Lafayette in the American Deep South, Delmas Cooper is arrested. Initially, Pamela Byron claimed he’d raped her, then it became attempted rape, then he is released while three other people are arrested, including the alleged victim. Weird stuff, but their motives were entirely financial. This article is credited by NewsBank to ACADIANA BUREAU and appeared on page 3-B.

Late December 1990-January 25, 1991: At Shreveport, Louisiana (population in 1990 less than 200,000), three women are booked for making false rape allegations in a four week period. All appear to have been prostituting themselves, sad cases really. This article was published in the Times (Shreveport), January 26, 1991, page 20.

Circa 1991: Sabrina Dean files a rape allegation against a man she knows, but withdraws it the next day. In 1996, she is robbed and raped by Lajarrette Booker who tries to use this and a prior suicide attempt to undermine his conviction. The appeal goes to the Arkansas Supreme Court, and is dismissed.

Circa 1991: Married Gateshead woman Carol Collard tells her husband she was raped by Andrew Smith. Click here for more.

1991: False rape statistics for Arvada, Colorado. Click here for more.

1991: False rape statistics for Denver Metropolitan Area. Click here for more.

1991: A judge in Geauga County orders a woman to pay police and hospital bills after she fakes a kidnapping and rape. This case is reported by Maggi Martin – see entry for Mentor, Ohio, November 3, 1991, (below).

1991: A 12 year old girl is ticked off by her mother for shoplifting, and, surprise, surprise, accuses her grandfather of sexually assaulting her five years earlier. He is charged, and stands trial at the Central Criminal Court in March 1993 when he is cleared on all charges. This article appeared in the BROMLEY & BECKENHAM TIMES, March 11, 1993, page 3. WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KIDS TODAY?

January to mid-March 1991: False rape statistics for Columbus, Ohio. Click here for more.

January 18, 1991: A New York prostitute has sex with an unidentified man, who doesn’t pay her. Afraid her pimp/boyfriend will beat her, she flags down a police car and claims to have been raped by three men. VanDyke Perry and teenager Gregory Counts are arrested separately later in the month. On conviction, Counts is sentenced to 16-48 years for rape, sodomy, kidnapping and criminal possession of a weapon. Perry is sentenced to 7 to 14 years. Their convictions are upheld on appeal. Perry is paroled in November 2001; Counts only in August 2017. They are finally cleared only in May 2018.

January 20, 1991: In Singapore, an ethnic Chinese man goes for a ride with a good time girl. His good time ends when she accuses him of rape. Here is his sad story from The Straits Times and its Life supplement. He was acquitted when the medical evidence showed no indication of rape. Here is some comment on the case also from The Straits Times, March 31, 1993, page 29.

January 21, 1991: A woman is walking along Duke Street in Reading. The bad news is that as she does so she is grabbed by two men and dragged to a canal towpath where they hold her down while she is raped by a third. The good news is this outrage happened only in her tiny mind. This report appeared on the front page of the Evening POST (Reading), January 23, 1991.

Circa February 1991: A teenager cries rape in Island County, Washington. Click here for more.

February 1991: Britain: woman jailed for false rape charge

The credits for the above article from the American anti-male hate sheet are off our backs, volume xxi number 2 february 1991 page 8 – formatted thus! Whether or not the information therein first appeared in Spare Rib, it is incorrect. The unnamed woman alluded to is Georgina Kyriakou. Sarah Goodwin was given a heavier sentence in 1988. Best not to mention the 1849-51 case of Mary Anne Bennett who was transported for seven years.

February 1, 1991: Campus rapes up slightly by Justin Blum is published. Click here for comment.

February 2, 1991: Teenager DeJuana Rush tells police her boyfriend Moses Nicholson kidnapped and raped her. Two days later, he is arrested. After sixteen days he is released on bail. On April 10, she repeats the accusation to the grand jury but recants in a letter to his attorney and Supreme Court Justice Walter Gorman. The sex was real but consensual. She is charged with false reporting. This very brief report was published in The Post-Standard (Syracuse, New York), April 26, 1991, page B-2. File DeJuana under SCORNED WOMAN. Well, scorned teenager.

February 7, 1991: Tammie Hartsock of Martinsville, Indiana is raped by a stranger in her own home. At 9am! That was her first story. The dude was real enough. Let’s just say he wasn’t her husband! According to NewsBank, her case was reported by Laura Lane; her name is misspelt in said article. The non-profit run by her and her cuckold husband was incorporated May 4, 1990 and dissoluted January 26, 1993. I can’t imagine why! Survivors Of Abuse Ministry, indeed.

February 9, 1991: Frances Malok of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania is sexually assaulted late at night. It is unclear if she claimed to have been raped, but it is clear she wasn’t actually raped. Or sexually assaulted. According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page B02.

February 17, 1991: Perspective Needed –– Feminists Lie: Denying Reality About Sexual Power And Rape by Camille Paglia.

The above is a brilliant article about date rape by so-called feminist Camille Paglia. The only part I would critique is her reference to the infectious delirium of gang rape. And if the sexes really are at war, whose fault is that?

February 20, 1991: Schoolteacher Joseph Adams is accused of raping a house guest who had outstayed her welcome at his La Mesa home. Wisely he takes the stand in his own defence, and is acquitted. In the United States where unlike in the UK, jurors are permitted to comment after a trial, several of them said she was not a credible witness. The rape was alleged to have happened on February 19. File this one under NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED.

February 20, 1991: At Columbus, Ohio, Virginia McGuire is allegedly raped by Mark Henry. Click here for more.

February 22, 1991: Yes, ladies, it can happen to you too! In Greensboro, North Carolina, schoolteacher Tammy Shaney is accused of sexually violating one of her pupils two years earlier. Unusually, her accuser was named. Thankfully, she was eventually cleared and the girl retracted her allegations. In NewsBank, this lengthy article appears on page A1.

February 24, 1991: A woman is allegedly raped in a Syracuse University fraternity house. Two days later she tells the police it was a case of REGRET SEX. This is the full article by Charles Miller from the Syracuse Herald-Journal, City Edition, page B3.

February 28, 1991: A short report from Des Moines: “Prosecutor says he isn’t sure Lynette Lopez, 24, will be charged in false rape report. David Adcock, 31, was acquitted after lawyer revealed video at trial of Lopez admitting lie, having sex with Adcock...” – According to NewsBank, this was published in USA Today, page 9A.

March 11, 1991: A pupil at Ruffner Middle School, Norfolk, Virginia, tells her parents she was raped at knifepoint in a school bathroom by three boys. On March 1! The following day, her parents tell the school who call in the police. According to NewsBank, this report by staff writer Joe Jackson appeared on page D3. It is unclear from the full article if she had sex with three boys or one, or even none, but whatever did happen was consensual.

March 12, 1991: In New York State, a high school student tells police she was snatched off the street by two males, taken to nearby woods, then raped and sodomised. By the following afternoon, an intensive investigation reveals this claim to be totally false. Sonya Lashea Wallace is charged with a misdemeanor and taken to hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. This report is from the New York newspaper The Daily Gazette, March 14, 1991, page B1.

March 15, 1991: Daniel Ramdeen is accused of raping a young woman described as a groupie at her home. She appears to have been a HEAD CASE as well in view of her subsequent behaviour. This article was published in the Uxbridge & West Drayton Gazette, January 15, 1992, page 11. As can be seen, the jury were less than impressed with her, and he was acquitted without the defence drawing breath. Sadly, she was not the only head case in Northolt; twenty-two years later, Ramdeen’s son Warren was murdered by three teenage junkies.

March 21, 1991: Violence Against Women: The Increase of Rape in America 1990 is published. Click here for more.

March 21, 1991: Sammy Newcomb is alleged to have raped a married teenager in her own home while her husband is in hospital. Newcomb says she came on to him. Judge Roy Willett of the Roanoke Circuit Court dismisses the case on its merits or lack thereof, not because Newcomb was the fifth man she had accused of sexually abusing her in the past four years. None of these previous allegations resulted in a conviction, and one was recanted. According to NewsBank, this report by staff writer Laurence Hammack appeared on page B1.

March 29, 1991: A woman meets baseball player Dwight Gooden in a nightclub at Jupiter, Florida, and goes home with him. Click here for more.

March 30, 1991: Patricia Bowman has consensual sex with William Kennedy Smith in the small hours, then cries rape. The two had met at a bar in Palm Beach. The case goes to trial, and he is acquitted, wisely taking the stand to deny the allegations.

This was not the first time Kennedy Smith had been accused of rape; three other women claimed he had raped or attempted to rape them previously, but the judge would not allow them to testify. This is one of the perils of celebrity culture, or in this case, simply having a famous name.

April 1991: Airhead Mindy Brickman accuses a fellow Princeton student of rape, although not to the police. Her claim soon falls apart, and she recants in print the following month. Would you believe she went on to become a lawyer, and, ironically, a member of the Anti-Defamation League? This file contains pages 1, 6 & 8 from the university newspaper; her recantation appears on page 6.

May 3, 1991: At Schenectady, New York, Valerie Adams claims to have been raped at knifepoint. Click here for more.

May 10, 1991: In Rhode Island, Sharon Albino is kidnapped at gunpoint by Keith Ensey and raped. Or is she? Click here for more.

May 10, 1991: Charges (52 counts) are filed against San Diego man Dale Akiki; further charges are filed in February 1992. This well-known absurd ritual abuse case needs no citations. The volunteer at Faith Chapel nursery school was accused primarily because of his physical appearance. The allegations against him included raping and sodomising children galore. And of killing an elephant and a giraffe in the classroom! The trial dragged on for seven months and resulted in him being cleared of all charges. He spent two and a half years on remand. This excellent ten minute documentary about the case was made in 2007.

May 13, 1991: At Lower Brule, South Dakota, babysitter Carole LaRoche is the victim of a home invasion by two named individuals. Allegedly. Two men pick the lock to her apartment, break in and rape her. The men are arrested and thrown into gaol. Later that month, she recants in writing. This NewsBank report is nearly complete; it appeared on page 7A. I could find no follow-up. Weird, huh?

May 31, 1991: At Guildford Crown Court, a man is cleared of sexually violating his wife, a solicitor four years his senior. He was defended by Anne Rafferty, later a High Court judge. Among her other crimes, as a QC she helped stitch up Michael Stone for the Chillenden Murders. This article was published in the Daily Mail, June 1, 1991, page 14.

May 31, 1991: In Pennsylvania, young mother Laurie Ventura has it off with Jayson Ruiz. Afterwards, there is some sort of disagreement, and he resorts to violence. She calls the police and accuses him of rape, which lands him behind bars. Fortunately for him, she relents later in the year, and tells the truth. Most women wouldn’t have. File this loser under ASKING FOR IT.

June 1991: False allegations in child sexual abuse: the pattern of referral in an area where reporting is not mandatory by Graham Anthony and Jane Watkeys. Click here for more.

June 1991: At Marshall, Texas, George Davenport is accused of raping a 10 year old girl. He is easily acquitted; the sister of the non-victim said she didn’t believe her, and there was no medical evidence. This partial report is from the front page of the local press, the New Messenger, August 7, 1992.

June 1, 1991: This report so dated from The Gainesville Sun, page 4B tells the sad tale of teenager Renee Hester who was kidnapped and raped at gunpoint the previous weekend. Well, it wasn’t quite so sad because she was neither kidnapped nor raped, but she was arrested and charged with filing a false report. It remains to be seen though why she had to resort to this as one female police officer claimed.

June 1, 1991: At Lenexa, Kansas, probation officer Carol Kappelman is involved in an altercation at the home of an unnamed lawyer. Another woman is involved, whom Kappelman threatens. By the time the police turn up, she has left, but shortly tells them she was raped by the lawyer at her apartment several days earlier. A few hours later, she returns to the police station and recants. She is charged with false reporting. On August 1, 1991, she resigns her post. She is ordered by Johnson County District Court to undertake a diversion program.

June 21, 1991: Englishman Professor Michael Patterson, a lecturer in Theatre at the University of Ulster in Coleraine, Northern Ireland is arrested, interrogated over several hours, then charged with rape and buggery. He is released on bail.

Here, he tells his own story in more graphic detail than related to the Belfast Telegraph in November 2002. It was only after the further allegations this student made that the penny finally dropped with the police. Little Miss Anonymous remained so; let’s hope she didn’t go on to inflict misery on another innocent man with her bizarre fantasies. The reader is invited to compare the above with false accuser Katherine Clifton.

June 29, 1991: Paul McNally of Kirkby is arrested for raping an underage teen in a Merseyside park the previous day. Initially he is remanded in custody, but in mid-September, the case against him is discontinued. This article was published in the Liverpool ECHO (4PM FINAL), September 17, 1991, page 3. Reading between the lines, he was cleared by forensic evidence, ie the girl was not raped.

July 1991: Singer-songwriter Holly Dunn (1957-2016) releases Maybe I Mean Yes – a fun track. This didn’t go down at all well with the sisterhood!

July 1991: Michael O’Malley is accused of raping Barbara Trapp multiple times. He is charged with five counts of sexual assault and spends some time behind bars, but a lengthy investigation shows her allegations to be without foundation. In spite of this, she is not charged with false reporting, but with the aid of an idealistic lawyer, O’Malley sues Trapp for defamation, and in December 1993, a Wisconsin jury awards him $12,000 damages. Realistically they could have added a naught to that, even though he had little chance of recovering anything from this pathetic woman. This article from the Milwaukee Sentinel gives an insight into her motives.

July 1, 1991: A woman is allegedly kidnapped from a parking mall in Midwest City, Oklahoma. The previous July there was a similar hoax, by two imaginary dudes; this time it was one. A rape complainant who stops cooperating with the police is a classic indication of a hoax or plain lie.

July 13, 1991: Here is another sad tale, in this Press Association report so dated, Francis Reynolds who was due to stand trial at Manchester Crown Court was found dead in a canal. His false accuser – a schoolgirl and A VIRGIN – had made false rape allegations (plural) before against others.

July 15, 1991: In New Hampshire, Marilyn McKibben’s autistic teenage daughter Angel is interviewed by a police officer and social worker after making allegations of inter alia rape against her mother and three named individuals. But did she? This is a screengrab of the beginning of the relevant NewsBank article. To understand what really happened, check out the entry for Prisoners Of Silence and follow the links.

July 18, 1991: Around 10.30pm, Kathleen Mary Gregson knocks on a door in Tilbury and tells the householder she has been raped. Click here for more.

July 19, 1991: At Sanford, Florida, late at night, a woman is allegedly kidnapped off the street by two men, driven to a boarding house, held prisoner, and raped by up to 15 men. An unidentified woman helps her to escape in the morning on July 21. Initially, three men and a 16 year old boy are arrested. Here is how the case played out in front of the grand jury. In February 2012, Sanford would become notorious for the shooting of Trayvon Martin by wannabe police officer George Zimmerman.

July 21, 1991: Jill Van Splinter is raped at the Econo Lodge motel by a man she knows. At least, that is what she claims. Shortly, Detective Angelo Siciliano of Albany Police reveals she has been charged with false reporting. There is little detail in this report, which is largely devoted to a far more alluring case! According to NewsBank, it appeared on page B10.

July 21, 1991: Married teenager Patricia Francis has it off with James Mills in Bayridge Park at Kingston, Ontario at her initiation, then cries rape. This leads to him being charged, but not before he is beaten by white knights Darrell Dempsey and James Elliott as an angry crowd look on. Days later, she recants. According to NewsBank, the report cited here appeared in the Kingston Whig-Standard of September 6, 1991, page 2, and was written by Paulette Peirol.

July 25, 1991: Nicholas Couldwell appears before magistrates at Hyndburn, Lancashire charged with rape. Although the allegation was withdrawn the following month, as can be seen from the third report in this file, he was a very angry man.

July 26 & August 3, 1991: In Kildare, a woman is allegedly raped by her husband. Click here for more about the first marital rape trial in the Irish Republic.

August 1, 1991: Advantages and Problems with Benzodiazepine Sedation by John W. Dundee is published. Click here for more.

August 1, 1991: At Red Deer, Alberta, Cindy Metzger is dragged into a park by two men and raped. At least that’s what she tells her husband. And what would any husband worthy of the name do? A short but intensive police investigation soon debunks her story. There were not two men but one, and the sex was consensual. When she appeared in court the following December she was given a three month sentence by Judge David Plosz, and that after all the usual piffle about being sexually abused as a child, yadda, yadda, yadda. [This was summarised from the Waterloo Region Record FINAL Edition, December 7, 1991, page A10, (according to NewsBank)].

August 2, 1991: In Davis, California, Janet Berger tells police that on July 29, she was gang-raped by five skateboarding youths on a cycle path. Two weeks later, she tells a rape counsellor she simply fell off her bicycle, and doesn’t understand why she made such a claim. This false report appears to have generated enormous public outrage. This article was published in the Los Angeles Times, August 30, 1991, page A33.

August 3, 1991: An extremely brief report from the local press in Scarborough, Maine. There is no detail about what this genuine misunderstanding was, but if you look closely you will see it was far from the only misunderstanding in Scarborough, Maine that week.

August 9, 1991: A woman claims rapper Joseph Simmons raped her in his hotel room on said date after a concert in Cleveland. On August 23, he is indicted on three counts of rape and one count each of kidnapping and sexual imposition. Rappers are bad dudes, right? On February 22, 1992, it is reported that all the charges have been dropped when it comes to light the woman is a SERIAL FALSE ACCUSER. The Plain Dealer identified her as Monica Thomas.

August 18, 1991: A New Jersey woman is found walking down the street on a Sunday morning, apparently confused. She claims to have been abducted by a sexual predator, and taken to a house in West Paterson. Three days later, she is arrested after a police stake out after which she is named as Mary Drake. Rather than escaping from a house, she had broken into one! According to NewsBank, this article by Justo Bautista appeared on page b03.

September 8-12, 1991: The notorious Tailhook Scandal. A massive mythology has grown up over this convention in Las Vegas, but at least two of the women involved lied brazenly; Elizabeth Warnick who claimed she had been gang-raped admitted to her lies on the witness stand. The authors of this article may have an agenda, but they have probably come as close to what really happened as anyone.

September 12, 1991: A student goes to the Alpha Phi Delta fraternity house at Temple University where she has sex with two men. The following day she tells police she was gang-raped. Michael Derit and Raymond Evers are arrested. The following month, the charges against them are dropped. According to the District Attorney’s Office, what actually happened: “did not rise to the level of unlawful sexual intercourse”. The muted response by the sisterhood says it all. File this drunken slut under AIN’T NUTHIN’ LIKE A GANG BANG, but one more time guys, don’t do this sort of thing. Ever.

September 24, 1991: A 15 year old pupil at Van Horn High School, Independence, Missouri is allegedly raped at lunch time. Her faux rape and retraction is reported by The Kansas City Star, October 3, 1991, page C2, (NewsBank version). There is no mention of a rape kit in said article, however, she did go out to smoke a cigarette.

September 26, 1991: In New York State, a young woman, a graduate, is allegedly raped in a college fraternity house after meeting a man in a bar and going home with him. Seriously? The following week, she drops the case. According to NewsBank, this report by staff writer Tim O’Brien appeared on page B3. (It is worth pointing out that at this time, second wave feminists were brainwashing countless young women into believing they had been raped when they regretted having sex the morning after, especially in the United States).

October 1991: Unspecified false rape allegation in Des Moines, Iowa. Click here for more.

October 1, 1991: Rape in Feminist Eyes by Norman Podhoretz.

The above polemical article is an attack on feminist hysteria over date rape. If it was hysterical then, what is it now? Podhoretz covers Susan Brownmiller, faux rape victim Andrea Dworkin, and much more.

October 2, 1991: 1 IN 5 LIE IN MAKING RAPE CHARGES by Amanita Duga. Click here for more.

October 3, 1991: At 4.20am, Barbara Doyle flags down a police car in Watertown, New York. I’ve been raped, she says, and names a suspect. At 7am, an arrest is made. Her! The story appears in the Final Edition of the local press the same day!

October 5, 1991: A woman is allegedly raped by baseball player David Cone in his hotel room. Five days later it is reported that the Philadelphia District Attorney had ruled the allegation unfounded (ie false).

October 7, 1991: In Des Moines, a teenage girl tells a school counsellor she was raped October 4 (Friday night). Click here for more.

October 7, 1991: The American actress Roseanne Barr accuses both her parents of physically and sexually abusing when she was young. Here is a tiny sample. Twenty years later, she is not so sure, although she did read The Courage To Heal – nuff said!

October 25, 1991: A woman is allegedly raped in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Click here for more.

October 29, 1991: Satanic claims by children

The above article was published in the local evening newspaper for Reading. Not only had the satanic panic spread to Australia but it was being reported on in the UK. Note what the parents are supposed to have said. Children never lie, right?

October 31, 1991: This is the date the 17 year old Donna Smith first made specific allegations against her father; the date is very revelant because this another of those bizarre memory abberration cases, this time from Maryland. You can read some background to it here. Thankfully, it had a happy ending of sorts, because eventually the girl faced up to her delusions.

November 2/3, 1991: A teenager is allegedly kidnapped and raped in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Click here for more.

November 3, 1991: At Mentor, Ohio, a woman cries rape at 3am. According to NewsBank, this report by Maggi Martin appeared in the FINAL/LAKE Edition, page 1B. To cut a long story short, the woman had an altercation with an acquaintance, sex unspecified, and made up the rape story to explain her black eye and facial injuries. As if they needed explaining.

November 17, 1991: At Valparaiso, Indiana, a teenager tells police she was raped the previous night. Click here for more.

November 22, 1991: Charlotte Johnson confronts her father, accusing him of raping her when she was three years old. The following October she makes utterly bizarre allegations including against her mother. After more than a decade and a half of litigation, Charles and Karen Johnson are awarded a million dollars by a Wisconsin jury against the so-called therapists and hospital who had treated Charlotte for an eating disorder, but they never get their daughter back. File this tragic case under FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME.

November 30, 1991: A teenager is admitted to a psychiatric ward in Akron, Ohio where shortly she claims to have been gang-raped five days earlier, on November 25, at Cuyahoga Falls High School. The police are called in, but on December 11, she recants. According to NewsBank, this report by Michael Drexler and Andrew Benson was published in the FINAL/MEDINA Editions, page 1A. Spot the spelling mistake.

November 30, 1991: Baseball player Kevin Mitchell is alleged to have raped an unnamed woman at his home in Chula Vista, California. This report says only that the non-victim decided not to press charges. This is a typical smear tactic used by faux rape victims, especially against celebrities and sportsmen. Later though she was identified as Linda Chavers. She had just found out she was pregnant by Mitchell so went to his home in the small hours to discuss an abortion. Yeah, right. She sued him in civil court for rape, but in December 1993, a jury found for Mitchell emphatically on all counts. However, the $5,000 a month child support he was paying her must have been some compensation.

November 30, 1991: In Milwaukee, an unnamed woman is allegedly kidnapped from a bus stop along with her young son. She is taken to her abductor’s home (where he lives with his mother), raped, robbed, and drugged, but somehow she manages to escape. A man is arrested. The following week, she fesses up! This file contains the abstracts of two reports, the first by Anne Bothwell on the front page, the second from page 1D. Do you think she was ever punished for this?

Circa December 1991: A girl known only as Heather T, apparently aged 14, tells her mother she has been forcibly raped, showing her torn clothing as evidence. She repeats the story to a hospital nurse and to the police. Then she claims she had consensual sex with an unidentified male. The first claim was definitely not true. Later, she claims that Jessie L. Redmond who might be described as some kind of social worker, propositioned her, offering her drugs for sex on October 31, 1992. Redmond is given a typically heavy sentence for exploiting a position of trust to have sex with an underage girl. On February 14, 2001, the United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, reverses his conviction.

December 2, 1991: At Costa Mesa, California, Omaima Nelson is arrested on suspicion of murdering her husband. Guess what she told the police? This little monster has her own Wikipedia page, for what it is worth. Here are two far more objective views: a promo for a documentary about her followed by 7 seconds of blank screen then some commentary by a dude on Instagram.

December 9, 1991: In Singapore, nightclub supervisor Tan Geok Hua falsely accuses an Australian tourist of rape. Find out why by reading this report from the The Straits Times, March 20, 1992, page 27.

December 12, 1991: Teenager Hilary Dobie of Fife appears in court where she admits to falsely claiming to have been raped. This report was published in the Dundee EVENING TELEGRAPH AND POST (LATE EXTRA), December 12, 1991, page 4. As this is an evening paper, I would assume she appeared in court the same day (but possibly the day before). In spite of extensive searching, I was unable to find any previous or later report.

December 12, 1991: In New York State, two young Nigerian girls, twins, tell their foster mother they were sexually violated by their father. This leads to him, another dude, and a woman spending over a decade and a half behind bars. They are finally exonerated in 2009. In 2015, it is reported that Louis Eze, Dominic Okongwu and Joy Wosu were denied compensation.

December 31, 1991: Alexandria Fyfe of Balloch feeds one police officer a cock and bull story about a man trying to rape her, and a second police officer another story about a successful rape. She made these claims at a Women’s Aid refuge, and ended up in Dumbarton Sheriff Court. This article was published in the Lennox Herald. December 4, 1992, page 4.

Circa 1992: Two separate false rape allegations from Denver. Click here for more.

Circa 1992: The woman known three years later as Lashonta Harrison tells family members that she has been raped in order to provide an excuse for coming home late, but recants the allegation just before the police are called.

Convicted rapist Anthony Lynn Wyrick rapes Lashonta Harrison on July 26, 1997. He is tried by Knox County Criminal Court, convicted, and because he is a violent repeat offender, is given life without parole. He appeals, and the Court of Criminal Appeals of Tennessee reveals to the world the facts in the previous paragraph. Although his appeal was successful, justice caught up with Wyrick in 2016 when he was convicted of the 1985 rape of two teenage girls based principally on DNA evidence.

1992: A woman accuses her own brother of raping her. Thirty-five years previously. The unnamed man stands trial at Tuscaloosa County Circuit Court in January 1996, and fortunately is found not guilty. Why does anyone take these head cases seriously?

This article was published in The Tuscaloosa New, January 11, 1996, page 1B.

1992: A woman is attacked in her own home at Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Fortunately, this was only an attempted rape, but Kim Pursley reports an actual one. The police are suspicious of her claim but they have a suspect. Then she is found stumbling behind the local recreation centre, her clothes soaking wet. She claims to have been raped again. When the police search her father’s house they find a pair of latex gloves and a roll of duct tape, the latter of which matches the tape with which she had apparently been bound. This report was published in the FINAL Edition, page 37 according to NewsBank. File Kim under COPYCAT and HEAD CASE.

1992: The autistic Betsy Wheaton accuses her own father of raping her. Or does she? This is a clip of her from the 1993 documentary Prisoners Of Silence.


1992: Accused of sexually assaulting his 7 year old stepdaughter, Dale Duke pleads NO CONTEST. [See the cases of Ray Spencer (February 1985) and Brian Banks (July 8, 2002) to understand why an innocent man might do this]. He is given a heavy sentence. The girl recants in 1998, but this is ignored by the court. In March 2011, evidence comes to light that the child was coached. In November the same year, a Dallas court overturns his conviction. This case was widely reported. Here is the Associated Press version.

1992: A young woman is allegedly kidnapped and raped in Denver. Click here for more.

1992: In Missouri, with the help of a church counsellor, Beth Rutherford remembers being repeatedly raped by her clergyman father between the ages of seven and fourteen while her mother held her down. This notorious FALSE MEMORY CASE needs no citations, but here is an interview with the victims.

1992-5: Serbian rape camps – fact and fiction. Click here for more.

January 1992: Investigator’s Guide to Allegations of “Ritual” Child Abuse is published. Click here for comment.

January 1, 1992: POLICEWOMAN ONE My Twenty Years on the LAPD is published. I took the date of publication from the Amazon website but this is not important; the hardback was published in 1992 at any rate. Here is a tiny sample in which Hays and her ghost writer cover false rape allegations. No names are given but she appears to have encountered more than a few in her career. An honest police officer for once!

January 1, 1992: At Creve Coeur, Illinois, Nicole Baldwin is involved in a bizarre incident with four police officers. This is an allegation of attempted rape or sexual assault depending on the source you consult, but it takes three years to resolve. Here is an earlier report extracted from a news in brief column. Note the familiar fatal combination of a woman, alcohol, and new year!

January 2, 1992: A woman is allegedly raped by psychologist Charles Catanese at his home in Antelope Valley, California. She reports this phantom rape six months later. It takes a trial and a retrial to clear this poor bloke.

January 5, 1992: Roy Wade of Peoria, Illinois is accused of raping a teenager thirty years his junior. The girl is said to have told a friend in the first instance, but three days later it is reported by Detective Pat Rabe that she made it up.

[The above is based on a report in the Journal Star, January 8, 1992, page C1, (accessed here through NewsBank)].

January 6, 1992: In the small town of Miami, Oklahoma, teenager Elizabeth Gooding is allegedly raped. Later in the month she admits she made this up. The following month, after having it off with teenage boys under the age of consent, she is herself charged with rape. Unreal.

January 10, 1992: Special needs teacher Carmel Woods of Colorado Springs is reported missing by friends. Three days later it is reported foul play is suspected, but happily. The following month it was reported she blamed her behaviour on the trauma of being raped in a cemetery the previous month. A rape she didn’t report for the obvious reason it never happened.

January 20, 1992: A teenager is allegedly kidnapped from Independence High School, San Jose. She claims to have been robbed and raped by two masked men. There is no mention of a rape kit in this article published two days later, only of an admission that she made it all up.

January 24, 1992: At Cleveland, Ohio, a young black woman is gang-raped by four white dudes and robbed for good measure. The bruises on her body were real enough, but were apparently made by her boyfriend. According to NewsBank, this article appeared on Page 2C of the FINAL Edition.

February 1992: This story from Grand Rapids, Michigan, is both sad and shocking because it involves the conviction of an innocent teen, Quentin Carter, a mere boy of sixteen, a waste of youth, and the actual rape of a ten year old girl. Read a bit about it here if you wish, but watch this two minute video, and don’t be ashamed to shed a tear. File under FALSE AND TRUE.

February 1992: Student head case Amye Lynne Walker tells police at Westminster, Maryland she was raped in her campus apartment. This phantom rape happened the previous November. Then she starts receiving anonymous letters. On July 15, 1993, she enters an ALFORD PLEA to false reporting, at least that’s how I read it. This file contains two reports from The Baltimore Sun.

February 7, 1992: A report in the London Times, so dated, page 7, reveals that a young woman named Wilma Wetherow had been given a 3 month sentence at Bow Street for making hoax phone calls to the police in which she said she was being raped.

February 14, 1992: A young woman takes a taxi from Leicester Square to Southgate (which is actually in North London), and would you believe she is raped at gunpoint by the driver? The police did, the fiend was a black man, or he would have been had he existed.

This report is from the London Evening Standard LATE PRICES EXTRA, February 21, 1992, page 18. The reference to forensic tests is explained in A far cry from the truth? This is the initial report from the London Evening Standard LATE PRICES EXTRA, February 18, 1992, page 2. As will be clear from the Brixton incident, as well as demented women there are real monsters out there.

February 29, 1992: In the small hours, a teenage waitress is allegedly robbed and raped at Buffalo, New York. Two men are arrested and indicted. However, when the case comes to court in December, the truth comes out, the victim had not been raped but was thrown down the stairs during a drunken argument. File these two reprobates under ASKING FOR IT.

March 1992: This is another insane HISTORICAL CASE, this time from Newfoundland. Twenty years after it never happened, a woman decides she was raped by her uncle, and he is charged. She was 11 or 12 at the time, she says; the time frame is 1971/2, winter months. He was tried by a judge only, and acquitted. Here is the judgment; the defence evidence (or The Defenee Evidence – as it is spelt) is very telling, see in particular the reference to the basement.

Was this woman simply lying? No. If you’ve read this far you’ll realise that false accusers of this kind are so dangerous because they believe their delusions.

March 1992: David Taylor has it off with teenage workmate Michelle Reynolds: in his car then in his chalet at Wonderwest World, Ayr. Having got what he wanted, he tells her thanks for the ride. She accuses him of rape, and in November 1992, she is given a three month sentence at Ayr Sheriff Court. Click here to see why. Okay, the guy was a cad, and the tape makes him look even worse, but how much worse would he have looked had he not recorded their chalet session? File this mendacious tart under SCORNED WOMAN.

March 3, 1992: A student at the University of California San Diego claims to have been raped at knifepoint in her campus apartment. Later, she claims the same dude raped her on January 8. Happily, both these rapes were imaginary because so was he.

March 3, 1992: At Upper Mount Bethel Township, Pennsylvania, Doris Winnans is allegedly raped by two men in her car. She is taken to hospital for treatment...and the truth comes out. According to NewsBank, this article appeared on page B10 of the FOURTH Edition.

March 4, 1992: Linda Johnson claims to have been kidnapped, raped and robbed at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Click here for more.

March 10-April 20, 1992: Five students of New York State University at Albany are not raped. Click here for more about this outbreak of collective madness.

March 12, 1992: Stafford County woman Pamela Jenkins fakes her abduction and rape. She is found wandering barefoot the next morning. After a 5 day investigation she admits she was neither kidnapped nor raped. When she appears in court the following July, she is given a complex sentence that includes spending a month behind bars. This report was published in The Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg, Virginia), July 27, 1992, page C8.

March 14, 1992: Nicole Keys of Hammond, Louisiana is allegedly raped in her own home. Tony Carter is arrested, but later the lady does the decent thing and fesses up. She received a suspended sentence, probation, a fine, and costs including a $200 hospital bill. This article from NewsBank appeared in the Morning Advocate Edition, page 3-B; X.

March 15, 1992: Tammy McElreath meets obstetrician Dr Joe Wardlaw of Commerce, Georgia, then accuses him of rape. Two days later, she recants. Her husband Dennis is then charged with several offences including attempted extortion.

March 20, 1992: In the Deep South, Edward O’Neal Davis is accused of raping a former lover. Wisely, he takes the stand at his trial, and is acquitted. This report is from the local press: Florence, Alabama.

March 26, 1992: Patricia Lalonde of Milton, Canada phones her husband at work telling him she has been attacked by a fiend posing as a water meter reader. The injuries to her face and neck are self-inflicted. When she appears in court on October 20, 1992, she is pregnant, and a psychiatrist says she was brought up in “an extremely deprived emotional environment”. She was also subjected to “a great deal of abuse of all kinds, including sexual abuse”. In other words, she told him so, and he believed her. She made this false allegation of rape to get attention from her husband. Unreal. [This information was extracted from The Hamilton Spectator, October 21, 1992, page T1 (NewsBank).]

March 31, 1992: FEMALE PSYCHOPATH and serial killer Aileen Wuornos tells a Florida court that her first victim raped her. Richard Mallory was murdered by Wuornos on November 30, 1989. Although he was a convicted sex offender, Mallory did not rape Wuornos; in her first statement she claimed only that she thought he had intended to rape her.

April 6, 1992: Teenager Claudia Hemric of Fayetteville, North Carolina is married and seven months pregnant when she turns up at a hospital claiming to have been raped. When the police are called, she identifies Floyd Cromer as her assailant. Then the doctors find...a condom lodged in her vagina. After her confession, she is facing a false reporting charge, though not, apparently, an immediate separation. According to public records, her husband tolerated her until 2003 when he filed for divorce.

April 10, 1992: Norma Halstead of Fulton, New York is allegedly raped, apparently by a named individual. When she fesses up, she is charged with false reporting. This article was published in the Oswego newspaper The Palladium-Times, May 11, 1992, page 6.

April 15, 1992: Gary Blevins of Florence, Alabama is cleared of sexual offences against a 14 year old girl. Click here for more.

May 1992: John Quattrocchi – repressed memory madness in Rhode Island. Click here for more.

May 1, 1992: Sheila Dull of Dedham, Massachusetts is allegedly raped by five men. If that had really happened, there would have been substantial physical evidence. Drunk again? This report was published in The Recorder (Greenfield), July 10, 1992, page 20.

May 3, 1992: In Cincinnati, Frankie Wilson rips off her employer, and to cover the theft, claims to have been raped by three men. It doesn’t take long for her to come clean, but there was no sight of either the money or a possible accomplice when, according to NewsBank, this article appeared on page 9A.

May 6, 1992: At Longmont, Colorado, Susan Harris tells a detective she was raped the previous day by a man she knew. Click here for more.

May 6, 1992: At Roanoke, Virginia, a thirteen year old girl comes home late and tells her father an horrific story. Click here for more.

May 7, 1992: In Washington State, three underage teenage girls are charged with motoring offences after taking a vehicle without permission. When they were stopped the previous month, they claimed they were on their way to the hospital because one of them had been raped. Stupidity compounded.

This article appeared in The Spokesman-Review, May 12, 1992, page B2.

May 13, 1992: Sherry Wilkerson-Romero is allegedly raped at Longmont, Colorado. Click here for more.

May 13, 1992: Rhonda Buttery is arraigned in an Oklahoma court. She claimed to have been the victim of an attempted rape rather than an actual one, but there was also the little matter of a fake abduction and a real arson. Check this out.

May 14, 1992: Baptist minister Mark Arrington is arrested. He is accused of raping a woman on April 9. She didn’t report it at the time because it didn’t happen at the time. The case is sent to a Spartanburg grand jury, but the following January it is dropped.

May 17, 1992: In Watertown, New York, Ruby Moore makes an emergency call claiming a 3 year old girl is being beaten and raped. A shocking claim, but fortunately a false one. Police arrive and question the man accused; they also question Ruby. She tells Chief of Detectives Raymond Montrois her call was pay-back for her personal problems with the man. Unsurprisingly, she is charged with filing a false report.

May 18, 1992: Rape ‘victims’ sometimes do lie: this excellent article by Alan Dershowitz appeared in the Wilmington, North Carolina newspaper the Morning Star, page 7A.

This was also published elsewhere, for example in the Boston Herald under the title When women cry rape and lie – I found that through NewsBank.

May 24 & June 5, 1992: In New York State, a woman is allegedly raped by Frank Molfetta in his car. She hated it so much, she went back on June 5 to be raped in his home, at least that was her story. His story was that the first rape was consensual and the second was imaginary. A grand jury agreed. According to NewsBank, this report appeared in the Staten Island Advance. September 19, 1992, page 7.

June 1992: A young married woman named Danielle Warren claims to have been raped in Lakeland, Florida. Click here for more.

June 13, 1992: Teenager Louise Cardello of Ogdensburg, New York is arrested for false reporting. She appears to be white; her imaginary rapist was black. This is the full report which appeared on page B-4 of the St. Lawrence Edition according to NewsBank.

June 18, 1992: American teenager Karen Gallacher appears at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court accused of falsely claiming to have been raped. This brief report appeared on the front page of THE FIFE FREE PRESS, June 26, 1992, and is the only reference to the case I could find.

June 21, 1992: Sri Lankan maid Renuka Damayanthi Wijesundara attends Jurong Police Station where she claims her employer John Glam raped her twice three days earlier. It doesn’t take long for her allegation to collapse, which is probably why she failed to turn up for court. This file contains two reports from the Singapore press: The Straits Times, August 5, 1992, page 3 and The Sunday Times, September 6, 1992, page 23.

June 22, 1992: Dr Ramegowda Sudheendra examines a pregnant patient at Farnborough Hospital, and finds himself accused of indecent assault. He stands trial at Croydon Crown Court the following year, and is cleared. At the time of writing – September 2017 – he is still in practice. File this one under GENUINE MISTAKE, and ensure your female patients are chaperoned in future. This article appeared in the BECKENHAM & BROMLEY TIMES, July 8, 1993, page 3.

June 29, 1992: Teenager Danielle Mertens of Rensselaerville, New York State is raped at knifepoint in her own home by a black dude. This could have been the same fiend who robbed bookkeeper Tracy Barter of $37,000. He didn’t exist either. Barter was arrested July 1; Martens was charged July 2. The motive for the fake robbery claim is obvious; the rape – who knows what goes on in a woman’s head? This report by staff writer Joe Mahoney was published in the THREE STAR Edition, page B1.

July 1992: Annette Howard accuses her ex-husband John Howard of marital rape. This case was played out in the civil courts – at Wake County, North Carolina – with a predictable result. This report is from the Morning Star (Wilmington, North Carolina), August 10, 1994, pages 1B & 2B. Coincidentally, in the UK, another defamation case – Wraith v Wraith – was also played out in 1994. That too ended with a victory for the plaintiff husband and, in that case (which was not about an allegation of sexual abuse), nominal damages.

July 1, 1992: At Evansville, Indiana, Nora Thompson is allegedly raped at knifepoint. Click here for more.

July 2, 1992: Hell’s Angel Stephen Townsend is arrested for raping a young woman on the holiday island of Ibiza. Two months later, it is reported the case had been dropped. This report was published in the (Birmingham) Evening Mail (LATE NIGHT FINAL), September 8, 1992, page 9. Townsend was cleared after an investigation by the Daily Mirror, which reported the story the following day. The non-victim was said to have been a nightclub dancer who had made similar claims against four men.

July 11, 1992: This is only an allegation of attempted rape, but it led to a poor guy getting arrested. The culprit was Rebecca Wood of Davis, California. Luckily for him, she soon recants. This article appeared on the front page of The California Aggie, July 20, 1992 and continues onto page 12. The second case here can be found on the Timeline at August 2, 1991.

July 12, 1992: Michael Yarema of Welland, Ontario is accused of kidnapping and raping teenager Angela Brown. There are protests outside the courthouse during his bail application. Eventually, the truth comes out; the sex was real and consensual; in view of Yarema’s age, it may have been a commercial arrangement. In December 1993, Brown is given two years of probation and ordered to undergo counselling. This case was reported in NewsBank.

July 16, 1992: A mother of three is allegedly raped in her backyard in Rockbridge County, Virginia. Click here for more.

July 20, 1992: In Pennsylvania, Lisa Lambert is convicted of the murder of another teenage girl, Laurie Show. Click here for more.

July 29, 1992: A far cry from the truth? by Isabel Tang is published. Click here for more.

July 31, 1992: Close to midnight, teenager Dina O’Leary is kidnapped from Narrangansett, Rhode Island, and raped twice. She manages to escape, and with her mother reports to the police promptly, as do most genuine victims. Alas, Dina isn’t a genuine victim, as the police realise when they interview her girlfriend and two independent witnesses. According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page C-01.

August 7, 1992: Jennifer Roberts of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is stranded at a motel after a fight with her boyfriend. So rather than pay for a taxi, she opts for a ride home in a police car by claiming to have been raped! When the attacker can’t be found and when “all physical evidence tests” are negative, she fesses up. According to NewsBank. this article appeared on page B2.

August 12, 1992: A woman turns up at the Tulsa clinic of Dr Shirley Welden without an appointment, ostensibly to pick up some medical literature. She is partially paralysed. Later, she accuses the doctor’s husband of rape. He is charged, but on September 11, District Judge Jennings drops all three counts. The woman goes on to sue Charles Welden, his wife and the clinic. This was the result. The interested reader might like to compare this case with the earlier case of Lorraine Miles and Kenneth Cain.

August 25, 1992: Lady Dawn Kennedy is remanded in custody by Thames Magistrates; she had accused three men of rape. This is a sad case indeed, the ex-wife of a Scottish earl had become a prostitute to fund her heroin addiction. The allegation dates to at least May 1992. Although she was eventually acquitted, in February 1993, it was established that one of the men she accused was hundreds of miles away at the time, but she wasn’t the only one who was lying. Here is a later report.

August 28, 1992: At Perkasie, Pennsylvania, Ralph Snyder is accused of rape by a sixteen year old girl. The following January, the charge is dropped. No reason is given, but reading between the lines of this report, Snyder had been partying with some kids, and some had been underage. The girl was probably afraid her parents would point the finger at her for having sex under these circumstances.

August 30, 1992: Rebecca Rose of Dover, Delaware tells police she was raped in a parking lot. By an imaginary black dude holding an equally imaginary gun. This extract of the report from the NewsBank version of the paper is almost complete. She pleaded guilty and was fined $200.

September 1992: An unnamed woman accuses her husband of...well, read the judgment in this insane Canadian case, then ask yourself how any court could have found her fit to have sole custody of their infant son instead of committing her to the nearest booby hatch.

September 1992: In the North of England, a woman accuses her father of raping her as a child. Click here for more.

September 1, 1992: Restricting the Admissibility of Expert Testimony in Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions: Pennsylvania Takes It to the Extreme by Lisa R. Askowitz.

The above article from the University of Miami Law Review covers a lot of ground including the (non-existent) child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome, but there is an interesting observation on page 205:

“...recent studies have indicated that mental health professionals may encourage false accusations of sexual abuse through improper interviewing methods.”

Talk about a classic understatement.

September 7, 1992: This is the date mature student Michelle Gretzinger was first allegedly raped by University of Hawaii professor Ramdas Lamb. She would claim eventually that she and Lamb had had sex around sixteen times; she said or implied the sex was consensual but later she had reinterpreted it as mentor rape. As this article reveals, the only place these sexual acts between her and Lamb occurred – consensual or otherwise – was in her head. Gretzinger had previously falsely accused a man of rape in California.

September 13, 1992: At Peoria, Illinois, Shannon Slaughter is allegedly kidnapped and raped in a van. She picks John Thebert out of a line-up. It takes four months for the truth to come out. She had agreed to trade sex for drugs. Thebert caught her trying to steal his cigarette lighter and sunglasses, so refused to give her a ride home. Slaughter was 23 and a mother of two yet she had been out late at night drinking beer, smoking cocaine and prostituting herself. Unreal. According to NewsBank, this article by Tim Meidroth appeared on page A5.

September 17, 1992: Around 3.30am, a young woman is bundled into a vehicle at Northern Illinois University by three white dudes and raped by all three of them. These student airheads get sillier and sillier; here is how this fabricated abduction and gang-rape played out.

September 21, 1992: So-called feminist Camille Paglia explains to Bob Costas why she is so disdainful about the concept of date rape.

While she talks a lot of sense, I must point out that I don’t go anything like as far as the Woody Woodpecker of Reason on the issue of consent. A good indication is when the lady starts taking her clothes off, and if she starts taking yours off too, you’re home and dry!

September 23, 1992: Susan Gooch meets a stranger in a restaurant, the two have sex in a shop doorway then on a Metropolitan Line train between Baker Street and Harrow. Click here for more.

October 1992: Rape allegations: sorting the wheat from the chaff by Charles P. McDowell.

The above from the journal of the Association of Police Surgeons – pages 29-30 – is a straightforward, honest article by a medical professional.

October 1992: At Lerwick in the Shetlands, teenage minx Cindy Brankin claims to have been raped by two men. Strangers, in a town with a population of less than eight thousand. The truth comes out during the investigation, but check out the flim-flam of her lawyer when she appears in court. This article was published in the Aberdeen newspaper The Press And Journal, March 19, 1993, page 3.

October 1992: Helen Swinden of Laurencekirk, Scotland is forced into a car by five men and raped repeatedly. At least that was her initial story. She ends up being charged with wasting police time. This article was published in the Aberdeen Evening Express (CITY LATEST), March 2, 1993, page 9.

October and mid-November 1992: A mother of two from Hartford, Maine (not Hartford, Connecticut) claims to have been stopped on her way to work by a woman, a car pulls up next to hers, three men jump out, one of them rapes her and another assaults her. The following month, two men rape her in her own home, one of them being a member of the previous gang. A threatening note is also left in her mailbox. Guess who wrote it? According to NewsBank, this report appeared in Edition 1-6. presumably page 6 of the first edition. File this crazy bitch under HEAD CASE.

October 4, 1992: Student airhead Amanda Murphy of Aurora, Ohio claims to have been raped in a parking lot at her university in Columbus. At 2.50am. What’s a nice girl like her doing out at that unearthly hour? Thankfully, she wasn’t getting raped. It took little effort to get her to fess up. Real rape victims have bruises. Amanda is charged with a misdemeanor. According to NewsBank, this article by staff reporters Bruce Cadwallader and Tim Doulin appeared on page 02B. It also discusses the earlier Michele Yentes case.

October 9, 1992: At the Vanderburgh County Jail, Indiana, two female inmates accuse a male inmate of rape. Click here for more.

October 10, 1992: At Schinveld in the Netherlands, a woman claims to have been raped and robbed on the way home the previous night, October 9. The police carry out an extensive investigation – no robbery; no rape.

This report is from the Dutch newspaper imburgs agblad, October 31, 1992, page 13.

October 13, 1992: Flores Faye Knife of Saskatchewan cries rape. Click here for more.

October 13-22, 1992: Janitor James Logan Rogers is alleged to have kidnapped a ten year old girl from Kraxberger Middle School in Gladstone, Oregon. Charges against him include rape. There is no mention of a rape kit in this article, but there is enough information to demonstrate the girl made it all up. WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KIDS TODAY?

October 18, 1992: Woman sues mom for $4M in alleged incest case by M.A.J. McKenna. Click here for more.

October 18, 1992: This article so dated reports on the case of Deborah Ford who had recently accused a man in Manhattan of rape. He was promptly arrested, and almost as promptly, it became clear that he rather than she was the victim. It was shortly established that she had made false allegations including rape as far back as September 25, 1986. I can’t help feeling sorry for this woman, who was said to be homeless. Still, I doubt she was homeless for long!

October 24, 1992: Norma Reeder is allegedly raped by Timothy Denton and another man. Click here for more.

October 30, 1992: A teenage student at Humber College, Toronto, is raped at gunpoint in a ravine. A horrible experience, or it would have been had it happened. Here is the retraction and a full page from the student newspaper. Just a reminder, in Canada, rape is usually reported as sexual assault.

October 31, 1992: A woman is beaten and raped in her Orlando hotel room. Or is she? Click here to find out.

November 6, 1992: Inez Sellers of Norfolk, Virginia is allegedly carjacked by two men, held captive for five hours, and raped. In reality, she left a club with two men, voluntarily. To make matters worse, shortly after this phony crime a woman was actually abducted and raped in like fashion. Needless to say, the real victim here is not the two men she falsely accused but some hypothetical future rape victim who won’t be believed. According to NewsBank, this article by Lynn Waltz was published in the FINAL Edition, page D1. Police (in Norfolk) are said to receive a couple of fake reports a month, mostly from young women.

November 10, 1992: In New York State, Barbara Earhart accuses Frank Barilla of raping her. The previous May! This partial report appeared on the front page of the Oswego County daily newspaper The Palladium-Times, November 12, 1992. The Earhart allegation was part of a long-running dirty tricks campaign by her husband. In January the following year it was reported that samples of carpet from the (fictitious) crime scene had been sent to the New York State Crime Laboratory for analysis. Frank Barilla died December 7, 2014, aged 80, and was well thought of.

November 13, 1992: A young woman tells police she was attacked in Oakville Park, Ontario. Click here for more.

November 22, 1992: According to NewsBank, this article by a staff reporter appeared on page B2. Henry McClarnon of Akron, Ohio, had lived with a woman until New Year’s Day, 1987 when she died from natural causes. Years later, her young son told a school counsellor he had been sexually abused. McClarnon was charged with five counts of rape over a two year period. In August 1992, he passed a polygraph; in November, the non-victim, by now 17, failed one. And promptly recanted! File this one under MALICE.

November 24, 1992: On this date in The Hague, a female soldier is said to have reported a rape during an exercise by three other soldiers. The report was false; this is one of the main reasons women shouldn’t serve in the armed forces, at least not alongside men.

This article appeared in the Dutch newspaper imburgs agblad, December 18, 1992, page 3.

November 26, 1992: At 3am, a woman phones the police and claims to have been abducted by three men, two of whom raped her, robbed her, then dropped her at the Menomonee Falls home of her boyfriend around twenty miles away. A likely story, but one that resulted in the arrest of two men later the same day. They are each charged with five felonies, but on December 2, the police find the third man who tells a different story. Eventually, the woman admits she went with the men voluntarily. There may have been a drug angle, but apart from that...According to NewsBank, this report by Geralyn McBride appeared on page 3.

November 30, 1992: A 13 year old South Carolina girl is apparently abducted by three men, and raped. Thomas Cope is arrested December 3 and held until December 16. The girl’s initial story was plausible, especially as she was found walking almost naked and in a distressed state. Although there is no racial aspect to it, this story is reminiscent of the 1987 Tawana Brawley case. This report appeared on the front page of the Herald-Journal (Spartanburg), February 11, 1993.

[For the avoidance of doubt, the above (American) Thomas Cope is not to be confused with the (English) serial rapist of the same name].

December 7, 1992: A young woman is allegedly abducted from Jamestown, New York by three men in a van, driven to nearby Ellicott, raped, and dumped. Eight days later it is reported the story was a total fabrication. According to Captain Lawrence Wallace, the woman is undergoing counselling, and no charges will be filed. The linked article is uncredited and according to NewsBank was published in the FIRST Edition at Page SPLIT – yes, SPLIT!

December 15, 1992: Joanna Grenside of Harpenden, Hertfordshire vanishes, only her rape alarm is found. The local police launch a massive search. When she reappears she has a bizarre story to tell. And an untruthful one. Wherever she went and whatever really happened, the following April she pleads guilty at Saint Albans to wasting police time.

Circa 1993: In the USA, serial false accuser D.A. makes her first false rape allegation at the age of 9. She goes on to falsely accuse her brother-in-law Willie Baker, who is convicted.

1993: In the United Kingdom, there were 57 sexual allegations against members of the NASUWT, the second largest teachers’ union therein. There were nine convictions (apparently out of a total of 158 allegations which included 101 of physical assault), although it is not clear how many demonstrably false allegations there were, but clearly the Union regarded most of them as false and many as malicious. See also entry for May 27, 1994, (below).

1993: In Illinois, Nicole Gilmore fakes her own rape. Click here for more.

1993: The Morning After: Sex, Fear and Feminism by Katie Roiphe.

According to the Amazon UK website, the paperback edition of this excellent book was published January 17, 1994. Here is my review.

1993-2019: The Michael Jackson allegations. Click here for more.

January 1993: A young woman is kidnapped by three men near a SkyTrain rapid transit station and sexually assaulted. (Sexual assault is Canadian-speak for rape, but only when the complainant is really raped). This report appeared in Medicine Hat News, August 23, 1993, page A7.

January 1993: Mahila Vinod Kumar files a report accusing two men of raping her. For whatever reason, the case drags on for a decade and a half. On November 28, 2001, the men are acquitted, then the girl finds herself in the dock. Finally, she is given a 3 month sentence by a court in Madhya Pradesh, which is upheld by the Supreme Court in July 2008.

January 1993: Matthew Kydd has sex with a fellow student at university; he says it was consensual; she says otherwise. In November 1993, a jury at Norwich Crown Court takes just 35 minutes to decide whose version they prefer. This was one of a number of notorious date rape cases that should never have been brought.

January 1, 1993: The Illinois State Legislature passes the Ritualised Abuse Of A Child Act, Illinois State Law #87-1167.

Under this law a person commits a felony if he “Actually or in simulation, tortures, mutilates, or sacrifices any warm-blooded animal or human being”.

Which probably explains why horror films are made in Hollywood rather than Chicago.

January 1, 1993: John Watterson of Cumbria is accused of raping a women he knows, a landwhale apparently. He stands trial at Carlisle Crown Court later in the year, and is acquitted. This brief report appeared in the local Newcastle press at page 14.

January 3, 1993: Female serial killer Christine Falling appears in the documentary Murder By Number. Click here for more.

January 3, 1993: A woman claims to have been raped at knifepoint in the fitting room of a San Diego store. Click here for more.

January 13, 1993: Late at night in Cincinnati, a 13 year old girl is attacked by three other girls who knock her to the ground whereupon she is raped by four boys in turn. A shocking story, but fortunately a tall one. It doesn’t take the police long to get to the bottom of things. There is no mention of a rape kit. The girl is charged and held on remand, which was probably the best course of action in view of her mother’s attitude. This report was published on page 9A of the METRO Edition by staff writer David Holthaus.

January 17, 1993: In Orange County, Florida, a young woman is found bound, gagged and naked in a field where she was apparently dumped two days previously, at night, by a black motorist who offered her a lift. On January 19, it is reported she asked the rape investigation be abandoned. This article is credited to Mary Brooks, and was published in the FINAL Edition, page 2 (according to NewsBank). An elderly man named Payne, one of the people who found her, said there was no way she could have been there as long as she claimed because of the heavy rain and high temperatures. Perhaps more significantly, she had reported sexual assaults in 1990 and 1992. And, you guessed it, both times she had requested the case be dropped.

January 21, 1993: Researching the “Rape Culture” of America... by Christina Hoff Sommers.

I can’t be absolutely certain about the publication date of the above, but this is the earliest one I have found. Christina Hoff Sommers calls herself a feminist – not in my book, she ain’t. She has written at length on rape and related subjects, and is a prolific debunker of feminist lies. Herein she tackles inter alia the Koss study. The one fault of this article is that she has fallen for the claptrap about prison rape.

January 22, 1993: At Melbourne, Australia, after having sex with Jason Griffiths, Debbie Martin withdraws her consent, but it is she rather than he who ends up in court where she is treated sympathetically by a woman magistrate, perhaps with some justification in this case. This file contains reports from The Age, December 4, 1993, page 8 & December 7, 1993, page 4.

January 25, 1993: At La Porte, Texas, two fiends posing as cable television repairmen enter the home of a young mother, one holds a gun to the head of her 3 month old baby, the other takes the poor woman to the bedroom where...nothing happens, because it is shortly revealed that she made the whole thing up. The Houston Chronicle reported this story the following day; on January 29, the hoax was revealed. On February 2, 1993, Jo Ann Zuniga reported in the 2 STAR Edition, page 9 that according to Lieutenant Tom Neely of La Port Police, the woman fabricated the accusation because she WANTED ATTENTION.

(As usual, the above issues were accessed through NewsBank).

January 25, 1993: An unnamed Australian man has sex with his ex-wife. Theirs was a rather unusual relationship, and this last act of passion ended with him standing trial for rape. He was acquitted August 17, 1993.

January 28, 1993: A young woman is allegedly raped by two men at Pichhore, India. She tells her father and her uncle, then the police. To put it midly, this case is complex, and is not resolved until July 11, 2008 when the Supreme Court of India announces: “The evil of perjury has assumed alarming propositions in cases depending on oral evidence and in order to deal with the menace effectively it is desirable for the courts to use the provision more effectively and frequently than it is presently done.”

Check out the entry for October 2014 for an uncanny sense of déjà vu.

January 29, 1993: Ellen Smith is sentenced at the Central Criminal Court. She went the extra mile, slashing her thighs with a broken wine glass to frame her lover John Pickard. There is not much information available on this case, but what if he hadn’t had an alibi? This article was published in the Times, January 30, 1993, page 8.

February 1993: Mitchell Johnson is accused of raping an unnamed drug addict in the Harford County Detention Center, Maryland, where he works as a prison guard. He is sacked. He stands trial in April 1994 and is acquitted. There is no mention of a rape kit in this article. Why do you think that was?

February 3, 1993: Mary Bogdanowicz tells police that on said date she was raped, beaten and sodomised by 4 black men, giving them a detailed description. Two days later she gives another statement, changing her story. By the time this report was published in the New York newspaper The Daily Gazette, February 11, 1993, page B5, it is clear these black men existed only in her tiny mind.

February 3, 1993: Laura Goldman is allegedly raped by Thomas Lee at his Palm Beach home. She does not file charges, but begins harassing him, bunny boiler style. Lee pays her $200,000 to stop harassing him! She is still not satisfied, and ends up in court. This report is from the archive of the New York Daily News. She flees to Israel but after a lengthy battle she is extradited, and ends up with a mere five years of probation in 2009. In March 2017, it is reported she had obtained White House press credentials!

File Laura under GIVE ME MONEY to begin with.

February 13/4, 1993: Brenda Vanhyning (VanHyning, Van Hyning?) of Lenexa, Kansas is kidnapped and raped by a knife-wielding man, or that is what she told the police. It didn’t take them long to see through her, as can be seen from this archived partial report from the local rag. If this is the same Brenda Van Hyning alluded to here, best give the lady a wide berth.

March 1993: Aboard HMS Marlborough berthed in London, Chief Petty Officer Barry Chamberlain has it off with a young woman half his age. She cries rape. He is charged with rape, attempted rape and indecent assault. He stands trial at Plymouth Crown Court and is cleared. This report was published in THE TIMES, August 12, 1994, page 3. Note the humorous final paragraph; although it isn’t mentioned here, the party appears to have been heavily alcohol-oriented.

Circa March 1993: During divorce proceedings, Idelle Cowles accuses her husband Orvando of sexually assaulting their daughter. Although not a false rape allegation, this is a particularly obsessive case of PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME which the gullibles fell for.

Fortunately, the Los Angeles courts would have none of it; here is what appears to be the final judgment.

Early March 1993: A woman is raped on the campus of the University of British Columbia. Thankfully, this was another campus hoax. This report appeared in Medicine Hat News, August 23, 1993, page A7.

March 1, 1993: Victim Reactions During Rape/Sexual Assault... is published. Click here for analysis.

March 3-4, 1993: A man has sex with a woman in a toilet. Yuk. She accuses him of rape. The judge doesn’t appear to think much of her testimony; neither does the jury at the Central Criminal Court in Dublin, and he is cleared in just over two hours. This article was published in the Irish Independent, March 3, 1995. As you will see, she was a mother of four, and had been drinking more alcohol than she admitted. What does that tell you?

March 4, 1993: This report appeared on page 3 of the Islington Gazette on said date. Keith Sole who had been facing rape and other charges at Bedford, has the case against him withdrawn.

March 12, 1993: David Lehman of Newmarket, Ontario is arrested for sexually abusing his autistic son, Derek. This article includes comments. Clock up another false allegation by way of Facilitated Communication; see entry for Prisoners Of Silence.

March 18, 1993: In Seattle, a 15 year old boy who is said to be developmentally disabled is allegedly raped orally and anally by a bus driver. His parents take him to Harborview Medical Center, and the police are called. According to NewsBank, this report of his recantation by Kate Shatzin appeared on page B6.

Mid to late March 1993: At New Westminster, Canada, a 12 year old girl is dragged into a car and raped while three teenagers look on. At least that was what she said at the time. This report of her false cry of rape appeared in Medicine Hat News, August 23, 1993, page A7.

March 22, 1993: In Streatham, South London, a near naked woman knocks on a house door and claims to have been raped. Click here for more.

March 31, 1993: At Torrance, California, a 15 year old is grabbed by three attackers, two of them wearing ski masks, and raped in a nearly shed. A shocking tale, or it would be if it were true. After witnesses said they had seen her with one male apparently on friendly terms, the girl admitted making it up. According to NewsBank, this brief report appeared on page A3.

April 1993: According to the London Times, August 26, 1993, page 1 – a report by James Landale – a Hertfordshire court found a fitness instructor guilty of wasting police time after she staged her own disappearance and alleged rape while suffering from bulimia. She was given a 12 month suspended sentence. The police hunt is said to have cost £20,000.

April 4, 1993: This one takes some beating. Married teenager Christopher Palkow of Bethlehem Township, Pennsylania is four hours late for work after getting carried away playing videogames, so he drives all the way to New York City, calls his wife from a public telephone, and tells her he has been carjacked and raped! She told him to call the police, and he did. An earlier report from this newspaper said he was afraid of her, as he damn well should be!

April 5, 1993: Early evening, two men break into a house in Monticello, Virginia, and rape married woman Rachel Kraus. At least, that is what she tells the police. They conduct a fast moving investigation, an ambulance and a doctor are called...and the following day she is charged with filing a false report, spending the night in Jones County Jail. When she appears in court the following month, she enters an ALFORD PLEA and receives a $100 fine plus court costs and surcharge. I found this case in NewsBank; the relevant article from The Gazette (Cedar Rapids-Iowa City), May 6, 1993 does not contain a great deal of detail, but it is clear the two men who didn’t rape her did exist. She appeared in court with her husband, so do the math.

April 13, 1993: At Charlotte, North Carolina, a pupil from Albemarle Road Middle School tells a teacher she was raped by another pupil while a third held a gun on her; four days later, it is reported she has recanted. According to NewsBank, this article by staff writer Kevin O’Brien appeared on page 1C.

April 17, 1993: At North Greenbush, New York, a 13 year old girl accuses 5 boys of raping her at knifepoint in her bedroom the previous night. Unsurprisingly, this case attracted wide local coverage. Later she admits the sex was consensual. Leaving aside the fact that she was too young to consent, in view of the ages of her alleged attackers and her admitted lies, this can be classed as a false allegation. This report appeared in the Sunday Gazette Schenectady, June 13, 1993, page F2.

Guys, don’t do this sort of thing, and girls, however old or young you are, don’t even think about it.

April 20, 1993: A teenager with the fitting name of Dorothy Delude is allegedly raped by an acquaintance at her home in Albany, New York. She is questioned by a detective, then makes a second statement in which she admits to fabricating the incident. She is arrested two days later and charged. This uncredited article appears on page B14 of the ONE STAR Edition (in NewsBank).

April 26, 1993: At Lawton, Oklahoma, a teenager is kidnapped from a parking lot by two men, held for eight hours, and raped. When Detectives Yarbrough and Whittington investigate, they find nearly a dozen witnesses to the effect that the non-victim was with the men voluntarily, and could have left them at any time. No charges are filed against anyone. This uncredited report is from page 3A of the Final Edition, (NewsBank).

May 1993: The Reality Of Repressed Memories is a lengthy article from an academic journal by the world’s leading authority on false memories. Herein, Elizabeth Loftus discusses the damage done to fragile minds by The Courage To Heal, mischief-making therapists, and much more.

May 2, 1993: A young woman from New Jersey is allegedly raped by Miroslav Azur in the small hours. He is charged. This one is complicated but she appears to have admitted to a friend that he didn’t actually rape me. The charges are dropped. According to NewsBank, this report by Anne Marie Calzolari appeared on page A5. File this belated admission under REGRET SEX.

May 10, 1993: At Daytona Beach, Florida, Gloria Glenn goes for a ride with two men and has sex with one of them. Shortly she contacts the police and tells them she has been raped. They are both arrested. By May 14, investigators have concluded the sex was consensual; the men are released, and she is arrested. This report is from The News-Journal, May 15, 1993, page 2B.

May 14, 1993: Catherine Phelan is allegedly raped in Kettering. At the beginning of September it is reported that she had appeared in court charged with wasting police time and had been remanded for psychiatric reports. The article in question appeared on the front page of the Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph, September 2, 1993. I could find no reference to how the case was disposed of, but this sounds like yet another young woman who was not right in the head.

May 14, 1993: The following is a quote from the crime report column in The Virginia-Pilot newspaper of Norfolk, Virginia, July 4, 1993, page 20, (NewsBank version): “Stanley Court apartments – A 23-year-old woman was charged with filing a false report of rape on May 14.”

May 17, 1993: Michael Carpenter of Bolton Landing, New York is arrested for the rape of Patricia Burke, but a tip off followed by some routine detective work leads to the release of Carpenter and the arrest of his accuser. This report was published in the Adirondack Journal/Warrensburg Lake George News, May 19-25, 1993, page 12.

May 21, 1993: Marie Irving of Brooksville, Florida gets a brief mention in this report which according to NewsBank was published in the CITY Edition, page 3B. Around 4.30 on a Friday morning she is raped by an acquaintance named Matt in her own pick up truck. It is soon determined the rape did not happen, but alcohol did. And a wrecked truck. There must be a limerick there, but this is a family show, so I’ll pass on it.

May 24, 1993: Families haunted by accusations of childhood abuse...

The above article by Rosie Waterhouse is anonymised but illustrates well the madness and the tragedy of the insane recovered memory movement. It concerns inter alia the case of an Englishmen who received a shock from his adult daughter in September 1991. Ellen Bass and Laura Davis in particular should be burned like the witches they are. (The spelling mistake in the article – Sydrome – is not mine).

May 24, 1993: This is an odd case from New Jersey. Around 5.45pm, teacher’s aide Mildred Hedler finds a 10 year old boy in a distressed condition. He was allegedly kidnapped by artifice around 3pm by a man in a red or burgandy early model sedan. In no time at all, Melvin White is traced, arrested, and charged with a slew of offences. The boy was a victim, but not of rape, and not of Melvin White. Here is the somewhat shocking truth.

May 22, 1993: Sandra Wilson is allegedly raped by two men. That is what she claims to have told the police the following month, but they have no record of it. May 22 was the day before her husband was arrested for threatening Stephen Zaborski. Things get a lot worse, and he ends up murdering three people. At one point he is said to have told the police his wife had been raped by five men. Whether or not he believed that, the bottom line is that Mrs Wilson was an addict who had been trading sex for drugs. Albert Wilson was convicted. Five years later, a Massachusetts appeal court upheld his conviction.

June 2, 1993: Cognitive Processing Therapy for Rape Victims: A Treatment Manual is published. Click here for more.

June 11, 1993: Studies Reveal Suggestibility Of Very Young as Witnesses by Daniel Goleman.

The above article by a psychologist was published in the New York Times. It highlights the problems and dangers with interviewing very young children in cases of alleged sexual abuse, see in particular the reference to the mousetrap experiment.

If you do not have access to specialist scientific journals, check out some of the excellent videos on YouTube on this and similar subjects, then ask yourself how many reports of child sexual abuse have any basis in fact. My guess is very few, certainly where the alleged the perpetrator is female.

June 26, 1993: Jeannette Kelley of Watertown, New York, accuses her estranged husband of forcible rape. And cutting off some of her hair on the river bank. It takes the police no time at all to close this one when the hair turns up in hubby’s waste basket. She’d made a mess of cutting it herself then asked him to finish the job. According to NewsBank. this report appeared in the Final Edition, page 25. File this dumb broad under NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED.

June 26, 1993: This article so dated appeared on page 7 of the Liverpool ECHO. It reports the acquittal of a man from Ellesmere Port who had been accused of sexually violating his stepdaughter. For the usual reasons, there is a paucity of detail.

June 27, 1993: This one is beyond belief. Four year old Valin Johnson is found dead at her home in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Her uncle – William Mullins-Johnson – who had been babysitting, is accused of sodomising and strangling her. In September 1994, he is convicted. His first appeal is denied in 1996 with a dissenting judgment. He is released in September 2005. In October 2010 he is awarded $4.25 million. Mullins-Johnson was a victim of a later disgraced pathologist, Dr Charles Smith. There was no anal rape, no crime, period. This file contains two articles.

June 27, 1993: At her home in Bartonsville, Pennsylvania, Catherine Smith’s former boyfriend handcuffs her, rapes her, and threatens to kill her children if she tries to escape. At least that is what she tells the police. John Ranlett is arrested and charged inter alia with rape. Fortunately for him, the police continue their investigation, and it is she rather than him who is in deep water. This uncredited report was published in the THIRD Edition, page B06. Smith’s arrest is said to be the third time in two months a woman has been charged with falsely reporting a sexual attack in the Pocono region. The following May, Smith was given probation.

June 28, 1993: Daubert v Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals is decided by the United States Supreme Court. Click here for more.

July 1993: This is a rare case of a false rape allegation made PURELY FOR MONEY. Samantha Forman prostitutes herself to three butchers in their Wembley shop. (She flogged her mutton to a trio of butchers, oh boy). They run a train on her for which she is paid £60, but her boyfriend/pimp Rammy Marakinyo wants more. This article from the Pinner Observer, March 24, 1994, page 3 shows how the case played out in front of one of the milder members of the judiciary. Notice how she still has to claim victimhood, she was raped a decade earlier. Yeah, sure.

July 1993: Hotel chambermaid Sarah Jones cries rape at Llandudno Junction, Wales after having consensual sex with another youth. The arrest of not one but two men means a custodial sentence cannot be avoided. This report of her conviction at Mold Crown Court was published in the NORTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, November 10, 1994, page 7. File this Welsh witch under ATTENTION SEEKER.

July 4, 1993: South African cricketer Mark Bredell meets a strange woman near Henley Regatta; the two go into a field where they have sex. Realising what she has done, she cries rape, but she didn’t cry out at the time.

Bredell stands trial at Oxford Crown Court, and in November 1993 is cleared by a jury. File this under REGRET SEX.

July 11, 1993: Two young women turn up at Aberdeen police station in Hong Kong where they tell the local plod one of them was raped by three men at Warwick Hotel on Cheung Chau; the other said she witnessed the crime. On August 15, 1993, the South China Sunday Morning Post reports (page 2) that one of the men was arrested, but four days later, the two admitted they had lied. This was a FINANCIAL SCAM, one that backfired big time because they were fined $500 each.

July 13-4, 1993: The actual date is uncertain because the rape was said to have happened after midnight on Tuesday in Gaston County, North Carolina. The police questioned one of the suspects, who told them the woman was angry because a sex-for-drugs deal had fallen through. The same article (accessed through NewsBank) reports that a similar case happened at some time in the presumably recent past. The article stresses as usual that false allegations are extremely rare, while in contrast the female detective who spoke to the reporter seemed to know a surprising amount about them.

July 18, 1993: This article so dated from The People reports on the case of a student nurse who claimed she was blindfolded, handcuffed and raped by her police officer boyfriend. After two months the charges were dropped, so now she is said to be suing him for damages, but interestingly, according to said report she “consented to sex in his bedroom” but protested at being handcuffed and blindfolded with a tie. Doesn’t that sound to you like an admission that she lied about the rape?

July 20, 1993: At the trial of teenager Duncan Dunn for rape, the non-victim from Newtonmore, Scotland says she offered no resistance physical or verbal. Unsurprisingly, the case is dismissed. This article was published in the Press and Journal (GOOD MORNING ABERDEEN), July 22, 1993, page 3.

July 21, 1993: A 14 year old girl is allegedly raped in Trelai Park, Cardiff. She waits ten days to report it by which time there was no physical evidence. Actually, there would have been no evidence had she reported it within minutes, because it happened only in her tiny mind. The full story is related in this file. Do you think she got that promised holiday? Or that her mother was telling the truth about being raped herself she she was 14? Predictably, the final article in the file tells us who the real victim in this case is, some hypothetical woman who does not report her future rape because she is terrified she will not be believed.

July 27, 1993: At the Central Criminal Court, Jacqueline Padmore is given a sentence of 3 years 9 months. Click here for more.

August 3, 1993: A young woman claims to have been raped at knifepoint by a truck driver at a highway rest area near Wooster, Ohio. When he hears the police are looking for a man and have a composite sketch of him, the dude comes forward. Then the non-victim admits the sex was consensual According to NewsBank, this report by a staff writer appeared on page C4. There is no mention of money changing hands therein, but these places are a well-known haunt of prostitutes.

August 8, 1993: At Bangor, Maine, a student tells police she was raped the previous night. Click here for the Tyjay Hill case.

August 9, 1993: A 33 year old hairdresser is allegedly carjacked and sexually assaulted twice (the word rape is not used). She was driving through Cardiff when this crime never happened. The good news is that she made the front page of the Times on August 23. The bad news is that the cost of the related police operation was estimated at £100,000, and there was the prospect of charging her with wasting police time. Here is a report I found later.

August 10, 1993: At Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, a teenager is forced off her bicycle, imprisoned in a barn or garage for four days, and raped twice. As might be suspected, she gives an excellent description of the dude, which is published in local newspapers. And of his vehicle. Then it all turns out to be bunk. According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page B22.

August 13, 1993: Marlboro police officer Lawrence Moffa is fired by the Mayor. On September 9, 1993, he is indicted for an extortion attempt; he was said to have threatened to file false rape charges against a Framingham man who had failed to pay child support. Weird, huh?

[The above is based on a report in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette (Massachusetts), September 21, 1993, page B4 – accessed through NewsBank].

August 16, 1993: Ron Johnson is acting in the film Sister Act 2 when he has sex with an extra in a dressing room. She accuses him of rape. The publicity prompts another accuser to come forward, claiming he’d raped her, on September 21, 1992. He stands trial at Los Angeles in February 1994, and is acquitted.

August 18, 1993: At Surrey, British Columbia, a 12 year old girl is abducted by three men and raped. Shocking. Or it would be had it happened. This report of her retraction appeared in Medicine Hat News, August 23, 1993, page A7. File this naughty girl under MISSED CURFEW, and tell Daddy to take her to the woodshed. And have a good laugh at the oh so typical comments of the local rape crisis airhead, Fawzia Ahmad.

August 24, 1993: A woman who claimed United States Senator Dave Durenberger raped her in 1963 suffers a setback when a Minnesota judge throws out a lawsuit in which she had accused him of siring her son. Medical evidence proves this is not the case, but some people are never satisfied.

August 25, 1993: After her husband tells her he wants a divorce, an unnamed woman attempts suicide in Wheaton, Illinois, but for whatever reason can’t go through with it, and ends up crying rape. The lead detective advises against charging her with false reporting in spite of the three hundred man-hours spent on the case. Having read this far, you know what the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center said. According to NewsBank, this article by Tom Breckenridge appeared on page 1B.

August 27, 1993: This article is published in the Press and Journal (GOOD MORNING ABERDEEN), page 3. I’m not joking about the edition. The case concerns Anne Duncan of Caithness who appears to have a problem with the truth as much as with alcohol. The date of the false rape allegation against an unnamed householder is not given but was probably made earlier that month.

September 1993: A man is accused by his eldest stepdaughter of sexually abusing her from the age of 7 or 8 culminating in 4 acts of rape. He stands trial in October 1994, and is cleared in 14 minutes. There are though care proceedings which go all the way to the House of Lords. The full judgment can be found here. This can be a little confusing because at paragraph 11 the accuser is alluded to as C, while at paragraph 60 she is alluded to as DI.

September 1, 1993: SEXUAL VIOLENCE Our War Against Rape by Linda Fairstein is published. Click here for more.

September 11, 1993: At Waterbury, New York, wife and mother Donna Palomba is raped in her own home. Or is she? Click here to find out.

September 13, 1993: Tawana Brawley rides again! At Greenfield, Massachusetts, an anonymous telephone tip off leads to the discovery of a black woman, bound and dumped in a ravine. She claims to have been kidnapped at gunpoint by two white men. Later, she admits there was no rape, no men and no gun.

This report is a screengrab from the NewsBank version of an article by Jacqueline Walsh in The Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, February 18, 1994, page 13. (An earlier report from the local press identified the non-victim as Vanessa Fye and her 40 year old accomplice as Marzetta Harris. A third woman may have been in on the act).

September 19, 1993 onwards: This sordid Canadian case contains an unpleasant grain of truth. Extensive allegations of sexual abuse were made by a young boy and his twin sisters against their parents, then the foster parents with whom they were placed, and finally a total of 16 people. One person pleaded guilty, the natural parents were convicted, and then when they came of age, all three kids recanted. You can read some of the extensive background to the case here. Suffice it to say that some people got the wrong end of the stick, in particular John Lucas and his wife Johanna accused a police officer of complicity in child rape, and this became in their minds a massive conspiracy. Alas, there is never any convincing true believers.

Circa September 22, 1993: Debbie Wilson tells a detective from Jackson, Ohio that she was raped on or about this date. The following week it is reported she had admitted the false allegation and had been charged with filing a false report. According to NewsBank, this article was published on page D4 of the METRO Section.

October 1993: A teenager tells police in Illinois that Ronald Tucker forced her to have sex with him. In December 1992! He is charged with criminal sexual assault (rape). In April 1994, she fesses up and the case is dropped. (This information was extracted from the NewsBank edition of The Peoria Journal Star, April 14, 1994, page B8).

October 4, 1993: A university employee in Georgia tells a friend she was raped. Click here for more.

October 6, 1993; Around 6pm, a student at County College of Morris in New Jersey is allegedly grabbed from behind as she is walking to her class and forced into a wooded area where she is raped. Campus security is stepped up. In the NewsBank version of this report she is identified as Brenda Sorrell. The judge orders her to be detained until she undergoes a psychiatric evaluation. Hers is said to be the third such case of a Morris County woman crying rape in the past four years. Without naming them, the DeGregoris/Strecko case is mentioned.

October 11, 1993: A girl bunks off from Sylvan Hills Middle School, Atlanta with two friends. To cover herself she comes up with an horrific tale of kidnap and gang-rape, one that is treated seriously in view of a double murder in the city two months previously. This report, which includes her recantation, was published in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 15, 1993, pages H1 & H4.

October 14, 1993: A woman is allegedly kidnapped and raped by Ricky Gray of Kansas City; they appear to have been in a relationship which ended on a sour note. Although Gray did not take the stand at his trial, according to this article, he appeared to be fighting with the woman, a two-way fight. And Gray wasn’t the first man she had accused or threatened to falsely accuse. Her ex-husband and a former lover both testified for the defense!

October 14, 1993: At Oakville High School, Saint Louis, a girl is allegedly forced into a restroom by a stranger and raped. He warns her not to tell anyone, but she tells her mother “a few days later”. Then the truth comes out. According to NewsBank, this uncredited article appeared on page 3B. Reading between the lines, she had sex with a boy of about the same age. Yes, in a toilet cubicle. Yuk!

October 19, 1993: The documentary Prisoners Of Silence is screened. Click here for more.

October 19, 1993: King’s College, London student Austen Donnellan is cleared of raping another undergraduate after a Christmas party the previous year. This is another notorious date rape case that needs no citations. Nigella Lawson summed it up poetically: “Rape is a terrible thing. That is beyond debate. But to wake up and find yourself in bed with someone, when sober you wouldn’t touch with a barge pole, is not such a big deal. We’ve all been there, honey. It’s called student life”.

October 21, 1993: Denzil Howell and his co-defendant are sentenced at Southwark Crown Court for kidnap and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. Howell is given a 5 year sentence; Darren Woodhead a 2 year sentence. This case highlights the dangers a woman can face when she makes a false rape allegation against the “wrong” man. When the unnamed woman here falsely accused Howell, he decided to administer summary justice.

October 29, 1993: Fairbairn causes rape anger by Stephen Bates.

The above article was published in the Guardian on said date at page 2. Sir Nicholas Fairbairn (1933-95) was a plain speaking Scot, a bit too plain speaking for some, including the sisterhood. His opposition to anonymity for complaints in rape cases was right on the money, in particular that this can encourage some to make false allegations.

October 30, 1993: A woman is kidnapped and raped in Sacramento. When the police investigate, they find CCTV evidence that shows her inside a convenience store three hours after the abduction. That and other evidence undermines her credibility, although she still insists she was raped. Clearly she shouldn’t have taken so much methamphetamine.

October 31, 1993: At Newton Stewart, Scotland, Rosalind McLaren beats up her husband then accuses him of rape! This report of her court appearance was published in The Galloway Gazette AND STRANRAER NEWS, February 25, 1994, page 4.

November 1993: Kenneth Johnstone is accused of raping a much younger woman at his Merseyside bungalow. Take a gander at this dude then ask yourself how a case like this gets anywhere near a jury, even without the medical evidence. The article was published in the Liverpool Echo (CITY FINAL), September 15, 1995, page 21. According to an earlier report, she was the daughter of a friend. He offered her £5 for a taxi but she insisted on staying the night and slept on the couch. He went to bed and saw her only at 9am the following day.

November 1993: Archbishop of Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin is accused of sexually assaulting Steven Cook. Click here for more.

November 1, 1993-December 31, 1994: Oklahoma detective Pete Scott is alleged to have committed a series of sex offences against a young male relative. In spite of there being no physical evidence – which fifty anal rapes might be expected to leave – the case goes to trial. Here he is speaking after his warranted acquittal.

November 4, 1993: At Newport News, Virginia, Jacqueline Jacobson is kidnapped by two men who tie her up, gag her, and leave her by the road. They didn’t rape her, but they would have if they had existed. This report is lifted from a police log column. I looked up this woman in April 2021; would you believe she is a mental health counselor?!

November 10, 1993: Late morning, a man wearing a ski mask enters the New York State home of Rachael Smith and rapes her. She reports the attack promptly, is taken to Carthage Area Hospital where she is examined and released. Then admits she made it up! According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page 29. The following week when she appears in court, she is accompanied by Doreen Fairchild from the Jefferson County Women’s Center who asks Judge Rogers to recommend family counseling. Yeah, right. I could find no follow-up, but in January 1998, a woman who appears to have been her was in court with a man named Jason Smith (of the same address) for issuing bad checks (cheques).

November 11, 1993: The book A Rock And A Hard Place: One Boy’s Triumphant Story is published; this is a really sad story about a boy whose parents were complicit in the systematic rape of their young son. He suffered a lot more, but when attempts were made to contact the author, he was found not to exist. Even so, this trash was republished several times, including an Italian edition.

November 12, 1993: This article so dated was published in The Birmingham Post (CITY EDITION), page 4. A woman is attacked at Ross-on-Wye. This is only an allegation of attempted rape, but as the attacker was armed with a knife, it was clearly serious. Or would have been if the incident had happened, apparently the previous night.

November 19, 1993: Divorce’s Deadliest Weapon is broadcast. Click here for more.

November 22, 1993: Professional wrestler Jerry Lawler appears in a Kentucky courtroom accused of sexual offences against a 14 year old girl. This report of her recantation was published in The Evansville Press (Home edition), page 13 the same day. The case against him was indeed dropped and his career was unaffected. He went on to become a commentator.

November 26, 1993: The Court of Appeal for Ontario quashes the conviction of David Norman for having sex with a woman without her consent (Canadian parlance for rape) on July 23, 1992. The offence was said to have been carried out in September 1973 when the complainant was 13 years old. This woman had been in therapy since 1987, which had enabled her to “recall” these “blocked” memories. The trial judge was duped by this nonsense, but thankfully the appellate court remedied the injustice.

November 29, 1993: Married and divorced at 19? Yes, and behind bars for up to five years as Utah woman Lydia Ann Goodfellow is convicted of perjury after lying under oath about being raped by her ex-husband, as reported by the Deseret News, November 30, 1993, page B4. Mind you, the poor bloke did spend 23 days behind bars. She was also ordered by District Judge John Rokich to pay him restitution, including his legal fees.

November 29, 1993: The former Catherine Chettle of Burlington, Ontario, is given a five month prison sentence followed by two years of probation for public mischief. She was convicted in October. She’d had a relationship with a guy, and after he broke it off, she cried rape. (Information extracted from the NewsBank edition of The Hamilton Spectator, November 30, 1993, page B6).

November 30, 1993: A 12 year old boy is alleged to have raped a 12 year old girl in a sandpit at Cowes on the Isle of Wight. She was bigger than him, and he was rightly acquitted by a special court the following June. This article appeared in the London Times, June 25, 1994, pages 1 & 2.

December 18, 1993: At Punta Gorda, Florida, a teenage boy claims to have been sexually assaulted – ie raped – by a strange man. An ectoplasmic one, apparently. This article appeared in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune (METRO EDITION), December 22, 1993, page 3B.

December 25, 1993: At Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland, a young woman is dragged into a car by three men and raped by one of them. A nasty Christmas present, indeed, but happily, two days later it is reported this incident never happened. Scroll down for this briefest of reports. I cannot comment on the veracity or otherwise of any of the other cases mentioned here, but I can ask why was a 15 year old girl out alone after midnight on Christmas Day or any other day?

December 26, 1993: Robert Penman goes for a late night walk with a young woman. They have it off, and she tells her mother she was raped. Fortunately for Penman, his wife realised he was playing away. He is cleared of rape by a jury at the High Court in Stirling. The second report in this file is from the same newspaper as the first, page 11 the following day. File his accuser under INSTANT REGRET SEX.

December 30, 1993: Jeffrey Scott Costa is arrested, accused of repeatedly raping his girlfriend Vickie Gray, and locked up. Shortly, she admits the sex was consensual. She was angry with him for reasons unrelated to sex. He is released from gaol on January 11, 1994, and it is said she may face perjury charges. This report is from the local press, the Ocala Star-Banner for January 15, 1994, page 1B.

December 30, 1993: A woman is not raped in Lower Macungie Township, Pennsylvania This article was published in the FIFTH Edition, page B02 according to NewsBank. The full report (in three paragraphs) reads as follows:

“A woman who told state police three men raped her in Lower Macungie Township Dec. 30 made the story up, police said. Trooper Linda Goeke Hoy charged Mary Anne Moll, 36, of Macungie R. 1, with making false reports to police. Moll said three strangers raped her near the Alburtis Gun Club. An investigation showed the rape never occurred, police said.”

December 31, 1993: At Pampla, Texas, Hank Skinner murders three people. Click here for more.

1994: False Rape Allegations by Eugene J. Kanin.

Although the above is an important article, the cases to which it alludes have been anonymised, so none of them are included here.

1994: Susan Keller makes a false allegation against her boyfriend. Probably in California. Click here for more.

1994: In New Zealand, Allan Rust is accused of raping an underage girl. He is cleared at a retrial. The girl had been instrumental in instigating another false allegation of sexual assault. This article lifted from the Peter Ellis website does not include the photograph from the original.

1994: Crying Wolf: Hate Crime Hoaxes In America by Laird Wilcox is published.

The above is really a political tract but it does include some mention of false rape allegations, including the Tawana Brawley case.

1994: The video Law Enforcement Guide To Satanic Cults is released. Click here for more.

1994: Believe Her! The Woman Never Lies Myth by Frank S. Zepezauer.

The above is an excellent if disturbing article: read, learn and digest. Don’t blame me for any broken internal links!

1994: Roger Mennell is accused of raping and sexually abusing a woman when she was 7 years old two decades earlier. Uncharacteristically the jury was told that the accuser was a victim of FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME when the case came to trial in 2015, a case that should clearly never have been brought.

Circa early 1994: John McCurdy has sex with a young woman at a party in Belfast. He is accused of rape, but in June 1996 is acquitted.

January 1994: Student Ben Emerson has sex with a young woman who is into rubber and stuff. Nine days after their tryst and after being brainwashed by a student advice centre, she reports this phantom assault. The case against him is so weak that he is cleared at Leicester Crown Court in record time. This article was published in the Times, December 1, 1994, page 3.

January 1, 1994: Michael Seear, a police officer, has sex with a fellow, female, constable, after a party, but he does not have a happy new year. When her boyfriend finds love bites on her breasts and neck, she can’t bring herself to tell him the truth. Three months later, she accuses Seear of rape. He is cleared by a jury at the Central Criminal Court in February 1995.

January 27, 1994: Terra Riffle from Madison, Ohio calls the police from a fast food restaurant late at night. Click here for more.

February 1994: In Tasmania, Father Alan Farrell is accused of sodomising a drunk, a man he’d tried to help. His nightmare lasts five years. For legal commentary see the journal article from November 2, 1998, (below).

February 1994: Anthony Tovey delivers a wardrobe to a woman’s apartment. She invites him in for a cup of coffee, which he accepts. The next day he is arrested; she had accused him of attacking her, holding her captive for three hours, and raping her. He was remanded in custody. Eventually, DNA tests showed there had been no such attack. His false accuser does not appear to have been prosecuted.

February 10, 1994: Married landlord David McFadden has sex with a woman in the PUNCH BOWL public house at Stapenhill, Staffordshire, and is accused of rape. Here is how things played out. A further report can be found in the August 1986 Best magazine article linked from this page. It is claimed therein that he was not the first man this woman had falsely accused of rape.

February 13, 1994: At Hoover, Alabama, a 13 year old girl is allegedly raped while looking for her dog in the woods. The case is reported the following day, and the day following that, Captain Nick Derzis of the local police is quoted: the girl lied. No further action. According to NewsBank, this report appeared on page 02-01.

February 14, 1994: At Providence, Rhode Island, teenager Eva Baptista accuses her ex-boyfriend of raping her in his car. Click here for more.

February 19, 1994: In the Deep South, Richmond County deputy Billy Hambrick pulls over a car that is weaving across the road at 1am. The driver is arrested, but his female passenger is unable to drive home because she is intoxicated too, so Hambrick drives her home, whereupon she phones the Augusta Police Department and accuses him of rape. Hambrick is placed on administrative leave, but by Sunday – ie the day after – she recants her claim. She was 38 years old.

[The above is based on a report by Stephanie Hunter in the Augusta Chronicle, February 21, 1994, page A16, (accessed here through NewsBank).]

February 19, 1994: At Central Falls, Rhode Island, a 16 year old girl claims she was kidnapped at knifepoint and raped. Click here for more.

February 24, 1994: Edited by the demented Valerie Sinason, Treating Survivors Of Satanist Abuse... is published in both hardback and softback. It is incredible that any mainstream publisher would put out such rubbish. You can read what I thought of it here. Some academic reviewers have been far less flattering. (See also the audio entry for February 9, 2000).

February 22, 1994: This article appeared on the front page of the Daily Telegraph; not an allegation of sexual abuse, but the story of 6 year old Natasha Barnes and her wellington boots shows how easy it is to find child abuse where there is none. File Natasha under GENUINE MISTAKE.

March 3, 1994: In Singapore, foreign domestic worker Gloria Cepria is sentenced to two weeks behind bars after being convicted of falsely accusing her employer of rape. This document was downloaded from this official Singapore website.

March 6, 1994: Monique Thomas is raped in El Cerrito, California. Or is she? Click here to find out.

March 10, 1994: A woman from West Valley, Utah is booked into Salt Lake City County Jail after doing the decent thing and retracting a false allegation of rape against a former lover. This report is the only one I could find.

March 12, 1994: On this date, the New York Times reported that according to his lawyer Michael Kennedy, Ricardo S. Caputo was raped in an alleyway when he was a boy. (And that’s the reason I murdered those four women). We hear this sort of flim-flam all the time in mitigation at criminal trials. You can read all about this lowlife here.

March 18, 1994: Marc-Alan Ashdown of Wallington is charged with rape. This is part of a report published in the wake of his acquittal. The last sentence of the article reads “Every single man is vulnerable”. And that includes married men.

March 21, 1994: At Bloomington, Illinois, Shelli Wills tells police her adoptive father Kenneth Wills (by his previous marriage) broke into her apartment and raped her. He is arrested promptly, but has a cast iron alibi, he was at a function with many witnesses. She recants, although the charges against him are not dropped until May. On November 9, she is arrested and charged with filing a false report.

[The above is based on a report in The Pantagraph, November 11, 1994, page A6, (accessed here through NewsBank); see also entry for August 7, 1994, (below)].

March 24, 1994: A teenager is allegedly attacked by three men outside a Nottingham nightclub, held down by two of them and raped by the third. The following month it is reported that she had withdrawn the allegation, ie it never happened. This article was published in the NORTHAMPTON Herald & Post, April 18, 1996, page 13.

March 24, 1994: An au pair girl working in London stays out all night. The next morning, she tells her employers she was kidnapped by two men and raped. It takes a while for the police to get to the truth but the following month she is an ex-au pair girl. This report was published in the Paddington Mercury, April 14, 1994, page 3.

April 1994: This is another ASYLUM SNEAKER CASE. False accuser Seniet Abebe claims to have been arrested in her native Ethiopia in April shortly after the disappearance of her husband. That much is probably true. She claims to have been held in gaol where she was raped and abused. Unfortunately, she appears only to have realised this when she reached Australia, having made no mention of it in South Africa, from which she had travelled on a false passport.

April 2, 1994: This is a strange false allegation from the island of Bermuda. Richard Brangman phones the police and reports a woman being raped in his yard. He appears to have done this because he had a beef with the local plod. Don’t blame me for the poor formatting of and/or errors in this article.

April 5, 1994: In Singapore, Sri Lankan maid Swarnalatha Perera tells police she was raped at knifepoint two days earlier. Like the unnamed Ethiopian maid in Bahrain fourteen years later, she made this false claim because she wanted to go home! This article about her sentencing was published in The Straits Times, April 12, 1995, page 22. She also appears in this official database.

April 6, 1994: Indian national Manjit Kaur enters the United States where she claims asylum. At or about this time she claims to have been beaten and gang-raped in front of her children. Seven years later, she admits she had lied.

April 13, 1994: A Texas schoolgirl tells her teacher she was raped by Brian Franklin. Click here for more.

April 13, 1994: Deanna Ormiston of Summerfield, Florida, claims to have been kidnapped and raped. Click here for more.

April 26, 1994: At Inverness, Florida, Anna Brown claims her boyfriend Rudolph Van Tassell raped her. And her 15 year old daughter. And her 90 year old mother! Unsurprisingly the local plod found that difficult to swallow, especially as the two other alleged victims did as well! This appears to have been a grossly stupid allegation motivated purely by spite. Anna Brown was hauled off to gaol for filing a false report; she was said also to have resisted arrest.

[The above information was extracted from a report by Keith Morelli in The Tampa Tribune, April 28, 1994, page 1, (accessed here through NewsBank).]

May 9, 1994: Three men grab a 13 year old girl off a Tulsa street and rape her. What sort of fiends would do such a thing? Well, the next day it is reported that of the five people who had initially engaged her in conversation, one was a woman, three of the dudes were white, and one was Hispanic. She is taken to Hillcrest Medical Center, but happily, the prosaic truth is swiftly revealed.

May 10, 1994: The day after starting at Fuller Elementary School, Chicago, substitute teacher Albert Thompson is falsely accused of molesting no fewer than ten of his charges. According to one report, the prime mover paid the false accusers a dollar apiece. This article says the bribe was untrue. Apparently they did it for fun. File this poor bloke under WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KIDS TODAY? and NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY.

May 17, 1994: In the Irish Republic, Helen Clune claims to have been raped in Cork on March 25 the same year. This was the first of a number of such allegations by a woman who was clearly deranged. She stood trial in June 1996, the judge ordering the jury to find her not guilty on medical grounds. Notwithstanding that, note the comments of Dr Margaret O’Regan, a man was responsible for this woman’s delusions, albeit an imaginary one.

May 20, 1994: Wright State University student Joy Birkhold is knocked unconscious. She claims to have been raped too, but if she was unconscious, she wouldn’t necessarily know. The good news is that she wasn’t raped, nor was she knocked unconscious, as a Greene County grand jury decided the following August. NewsBank credits the linked report to Mark Fisher in the CITY Edition of the paper, page 1B.

May 27, 1994: Teachers face rise in sex claims

The above article by Louise Jury was published in the Guardian, page 2. (A related article is also included). Its main subject is Jane Watts, who was accused in September 2007 of hitting (presumably smacking) the hand of a 5 year old girl. This is how a scenario like this would have played out in my day.

June 1, 1994: Children At Risk: The Secret Double Life Of A Paedophile is broadcast. Click here for more.

June 4, 1994: A woman is allegedly raped in the small hours at Greenfield, Massachusetts. This report from the local press two days later doesn’t mention alcohol or drugs, but...

June 4, 1994: Nadine Pearson tells police at Bradenton, Florida she was raped in the street. She exhibits bizarre behaviour at the rape crisis centre, and ends up being charged with assaulting one of those nice detectives as well as with filing a false report. This article is from the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, June 8, 1994, page 3B.

June 11-2, 1994: Late at night or after midnight, Andrea Lake accepts a ride from two men in the centre of Manchester. After having sex with one of them, she accuses them both of rape. Lake is said to be a mother of six who has a boyfriend. Further comment would be superfluous. When the truth is revealed, she ends up in the dock at Manchester Crown Court. Here is the full story. File this repentant slag under NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED.

June 17 & June 20, 1994: A London man is accused of raping his wife on said dates. Here is the shocking conclusion to the case. Said article was published on the front page of the Kensington News, November 17, 1994.

June 20, 1994: At Colonial Heights, Virginia, late at night, Sharon Graves is attacked by not one but two of the most dangerous sexual predators: black ones. She is abducted and raped from outside a grocery store. That’s the bad news. The good news is they existed only in her tiny mind. She reports this imaginary incident less than three hours after it didn’t happen, and a prompt police investigation leads to her being charged with filing a false report later the same day.

[The above is based on a report in the Richmond Times-Despatch, City Edition, June 23, 1994, page B-4, (accessed here through NewsBank).]

June 26, 1994: Married woman Gail Chen of Toronto cries rape. Click here for more.

July 1994: A middle aged man and two teenagers – who will not be named here – are accused of raping a prostitute in Tel Aviv. Two of them appear to be father and son. The men are remanded in custody, but the following month, the woman’s statement is found to be inconsistent, she was not bruised in spite of claiming to have been badly beaten, nor did she scream or seek help from neighbours in the building.

[The information above is based on an article by Raine Marcus in The Jerusalem Post, August 4, 1994, page 4 (accessed through NewsBank)].

July 1994: Deceiving Others/Deceiving Oneself: Four Cases of Factitious Rape by Mark D. Feldman, Charles V. Ford and Tim Stone.

The above article from an academic journal speaks for itself. The Nordstrom rape hoax alluded to therein can be found in this database at January 3, 1993, (above).

Circa July 1994: Florida teenager Kelli Maguire makes her first false rape allegation. Click here for more.

July 8, 1994: According to non-victim Esther Harmon, the actor Craig Charles and two other men violated her in her London home. Click here for more.

July 14, 1994: Three professional basketball players are alleged to have raped a woman in a Detroit hotel room. Derrick Coleman, Jalen Rose and Chris Webber are soon cleared by forensics but Coleman especially is unhappy and launches a civil suit against false accuser Toia Maudette Reed.

This short report is from the archive of the New York Times.

July 16, 1994: This report so dated from page 5 of the Dutch language newspaper Amigoe reports a very heavy sentence imposed on an unnamed woman on the island of Aruba. The eighteen years was not simply for a false rape allegation though, there was also the little matter of three kilogrammes of the white stuff.

July 19, 1994: In the United Arab Emirates, Sara Balabagan murders her employer Almas Mohammed al-Baloushi, stabbing him 34 times (more times than Jodi Arias stabbed Travis Alexander). This case was both extremely well publicised and extremely controversial; Balabagan was only fourteen years old at the time but was initially sentenced to death. She was released in 1996. Later that same year she admitted she had not in fact been raped but blamed this on the doctor who examined her after her arrest. This short but graphic video clip from the AP Archive was uploaded to YouTube on July 21, 2015.

July 20, 1994: At Manchester Crown Court, the case against James Durose is dropped when the alleged victim admits the sex was consensual. This file contains two reports. I am not absolutely certain about the date because neither report gives it, but I would assume the case was the previous day. I have been unable to find any earlier or later related reports, but ask yourself why the two of them were in the back seat together if the sex was not entirely consensual.

July 24-31 1994: Two young girls are allegedly sexually violated by four lesbians. Click here for the San Antonio Four case.

Summer 1994: ANONYMITY FOR WOMEN IN RAPE TRIALS by Conrad Russell.

The above article is a fairly straightforward plea for maintaining the status quo by a London-based academic.

August 3, 1994: A girl is asked by a detective if she had ever been sexually abused by Robert Devereaux of Wenatchee, Washington State. She denies it but claims later that he had raped her and other girls in his care. She had actually been placed in juvenile detention on suspicion of poisoning Devereaux and another girl, something she admitted.

From this humble beginning, 43 adults would eventually be charged with a staggering 29,000+ counts of sexual molestation. Here is the full sad story of this ludicrous witch-hunt.

August 7, 1994: A letter from Lynn Wills of Heyworth, Illinois, appeared in The Pentagraph on this date; click here for more.

August 10, 1994: When the rape rap is phony is published by Alan Dershowitz. Click here for more.

August 12, 1994: Marianne Shuttleton tells police she was raped by two men at the Clyde Submarine Base, Faslane. The police think otherwise. The following February, she pleads not guilty by letter at Dumbarton Sheriff Court when a trial date is set. In May 1995, it is reported that after being convicted for wasting police time she had been fined £150, or #150 according to the Sunday Herald.

August 12, 1994: Ohio woman Melissa Ray and her boyfriend fake her kidnapping and rape. Click here for more.

August 31, 1994: When therapy opens a pandora’s box is published in an Australian newspaper. Click here for more.

September 5, 1994: A first year student at Texas Tech, Lubbock, is raped. That’s the bad news. The good news is that on September 21, she is un-raped. Her recantation is reported by The Victoria Advocate (Victoria, Texas), September 24, 1994, page 3A.

September 9, 1994: At Stonebridge Circle in the Sunshine State, a woman is raped. Later that same month, Cynthia Tate, who lives in the same complex, decides she was raped too. She recants before the end of the month. Yawn, yet another COPYCAT ALLEGATION.

September 12, 1994: In Florida, the Sebring State Attorney’s office informs law enforcement that Kimberly Mays then fifteen years old had accused her father of sexually assaulting her from the age of seven. She soon withdraws her allegations.

This one is actually rather complicated; Robert Mays was not her natural father, and the poor kid was clearly mixed up due to her unique personal circumstances. This article gives an insight into how she would go on to screw up her life.

September 13, 1994: At Bloomington, Illinois, late at night, Valerie Bray tells her husband and the police she was raped by John Cook. Before the police can take action, Robert Bray forces his way into Cook’s home armed with a blunt instrument, but comes off worse when the householder grabs a knife. The following day, Mrs Bray recants her claim, and is arrested.

[The above information was extracted from a report by Steve Arney in The Pentagraph, September 16, 1994, page A3, (accessed here through NewsBank).]

September 17, 1994: A student at Texas Tech, Lubbock, claims she has been raped. Two days later, after campus police get to grips with the investigation, she withdraws her complaint. This was the second false rape allegation on this campus in less than a month; see entry for September 5, 1994, (above).

October 1994: While serving with the Royal Navy in Saint Lucia, Darren Garnsworthy is alleged to have indecently assaulted a Wren. His court martial collapses two years later, partly it appears because he was not the first man she had accused. She had made two previous (false) allegations of rape and one of sexual assault.

October 2, 1994: Two men have sex with a disreputable young woman at Australia’s Surfers Paradise. She would have cried rape but apparently did not know what the word meant, even though she had once worked as a receptionist in a brothel. The jury takes 35 minutes to acquit them.

October 8, 1994: A young woman is allegedly gang-raped at a party in Long Eaton, Derbyshire in the small hours. She soon recants.

October 14, 1994: Shades of gray by Neomi Rao.

The above is a sensible essay about date rape written by a Yale student. A quarter of a century later it would come back to haunt her when she was nominated to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by President Donald Trump.

October 21, 1994: At Kajang, Malaysia, a 15 year old schoolgirl tells the authorities she was raped by two men more than twice her age. The following week, the truth comes out; she had consensual sex with a 19 year old and pointed the finger at the two innocents because...Her tryst is charged with statutory rape; in the UK, this would probably not have attracted the attention of the police. This report is from the New Straits Times, October 29, 1994, page 9.

October 24, 1994: New Hampshire police officer Ernest Castle has sex with his married lover, for the final time. She is some five years his senior. The following month, she contacts a rape crisis center. On August 27, 1995, she files an official complaint, two hours after being served with visitation rights with his baby son. Castle stands trial, and is acquitted.